Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm burning fires in the morning here still. Using up what is in the house.

I used up what was in the house and I don't feel like getting any more wood. By the time I get to my daughters birthday in mid march, I am done with the wood stove. I keep telling myself that I will bring in some wood and then I don't. It is hard to burn when the high is 60 degrees but the low is in the 30's. I have a few cold days coming up, I may bring in wood. But I may not.
These are some training aids I got from a sales rep many years ago. Used for workplaces, like factories, etc. Now, when we tell people to 'stick it in your ear!', we can be specific.

The 'Roll Model' gauge can be used competitively, to get workers focused on really rolling the foam ear plugs tightly. The translucent ear helps illustrate what goes on 'inside', although, the canal does not deform as much as when you pull your own ear up and back, as Ambull01 described.


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View attachment 412348
That's a great demo Philbert!!

I cannot stand those ear plugs or any roll and insert for that matter.

The first one that I linked, you screw it into your ear canal. Works great.

The second one, you push in and turn a bit. Works great also. They are made more for smaller ear canals.

So for those of us who may be on the "little too late" list for some hearing damage, to what do you give the most credit: Loud saws, or loud music?

In my case, Husqvarna and The Allman Brothers probably have an equal share in that answer for me. But while I now wear ear plugs when running a saw, I still blast the tunes now and then.

Clint, my 67 390 Stang had a built in 8 track, and a roller door storage area for the tapes (rare brushed alum interior). And I was one of the few with an 8 track recorder, was a big hit in the dorm.

Also liked some Tommy James, Jay & Americans, Creedence Clearwater, Moody Blues, Grass Roots, Cream, Black Sabbath, and the Stones. The 60s had some great music!

Mine has been from firearms.
Blew my left eardrum deer hunting with a braked 7mm stw out in the wide open. Gun went bang and it felt like someone smacked me in the left ear with a ping pong paddle followed by some drainage. Yay.

Last summer a little altercation with a local Yogi that would not give up and leave. Finally I had enough and I ran after him into the woods with the flashlight and snubby 357. Fired two shots into the ground behind him and SMACK on the left ear followed by the wet feeling. Yay. I then realized I was in some heavy cover.

I wear earplugs in my little fun truck when driving anywhere over a half hour straight. It's not the 5" straight exhaust that's bad but the injection pump/injectors noise along with all of the sound proofing insulation taken out.
I cannot stand those ear plugs or any roll and insert for that matter.
The first one that I linked, you screw it into your ear canal. Works great.
The second one, you push in and turn a bit. Works great also. They are made more for smaller ear canals..

People have different shaped ear canals, just like they have different shaped feet. Some shoes fit, some don't.
If you find a style/brand of of ear plugs or shoes that work for you, stick with them (but try not to confuse which go where . . . .)

I'm burning fires in the morning here still. Using up what is in the house.

How late into the year do you typically burn down there Zogger? Up this way burning starts to get sporadic for me in April, but I'll still have occasional "take the chill out" fires well into May.
How late into the year do you typically burn down there Zogger? Up this way burning starts to get sporadic for me in April, but I'll still have occasional "take the chill out" fires well into May.

I've burned into april before. Not a lot, but some, and not all day long, just on an "as needed" basis. Biggest snowstorm and cold spell we ever had was in mid march before. Ya never know. And some years I have started burning in september, other years it will remain warm until the holidays in november or even december.

I have had two widely different Christmas days before, one, picked ripe tomatoes, another, six inches of snow on the ground.
I've had 2 widely different 4th of July's too. One, I took my long johns off, and the other, we had a snow ball fight.
It has snowed on the 4th of July up here also once but I wasn't around then.

About once every 7 to 8 summers you get one that is cold all of the way through. You start off with shorts and have to don a flannel shirt by dinnertime each evening.
Mine has been from firearms.
Blew my left eardrum deer hunting with a braked 7mm stw out in the wide open. Gun went bang and it felt like someone smacked me in the left ear with a ping pong paddle followed by some drainage. Yay.

Last summer a little altercation with a local Yogi that would not give up and leave. Finally I had enough and I ran after him into the woods with the flashlight and snubby 357. Fired two shots into the ground behind him and SMACK on the left ear followed by the wet feeling. Yay. I then realized I was in some heavy cover.

I wear earplugs in my little fun truck when driving anywhere over a half hour straight. It's not the 5" straight exhaust that's bad but the injection pump/injectors noise along with all of the sound proofing insulation taken out.

7 STW, that's a neat round that I haven't heard mentioned in some time. I shot a deer with a braked 300 win mag with hot handloads once. Only time I ever fired that gun without ear plugs and it was damn loud. I still don't know how that deer ran 200 yards with very little blood trail as the entire heart and lungs were blown up and there was a baseball sized exit wound.

Doesn't surprise me that a guy who splits such manly rounds by hand would also chase a bear on foot. Must have "eaten your wheaties" that morning, hey Ben?
I've had 2 widely different 4th of July's too. One, I took my long johns off, and the other, we had a snow ball fight.

Took my young nephew through Yellowstone Park and over the Beartooth Pass in MT years ago in August. It was a great experience for him as he'd never been out of Massachusetts before that. We stopped near the peak of the pass and had a snowball fight which was fun until his nose started to bleed from the elevation. As he held his nose and wiped away tears he looked at me and shouted "I'm never having a snowball fight with you in August again!" He went back home to MA and to this day, he hasn't had another snowball fight in August.

There's enough snow melted at my house I can smell the Oak I brought home last fall. It's so strong that it overpowered the odeur du skunk that was floating around.
7 STW, that's a neat round that I haven't heard mentioned in some time. I shot a deer with a braked 300 win mag with hot handloads once. Only time I ever fired that gun without ear plugs and it was damn loud. I still don't know how that deer ran 200 yards with very little blood trail as the entire heart and lungs were blown up and there was a baseball sized exit wound.

Doesn't surprise me that a guy who splits such manly rounds by hand would also chase a bear on foot. Must have "eaten your wheaties" that morning, hey Ben?

It was an unimpressive round on deer in my experiences. Since I still have a bunch of components and ammo for it, I am always on the look out for a heavy barrel model. I think it would be a fun long range vermin gun.

That goofy bear. I had shooed him off 3 times already and the 4th time I heard him banging around out there I had had enough.
Well , since Clint was so nice and kind enough to send me another snow and wind event via the Gulf of Maine I stocked up on the Vicars Cross and filled the porch up with the scrounged wood from Saturday , the city is preparing for a shutdown because of the lack of place to be able to push the snow to , so , I'll polly take a snow day tomorrow and feed the furnace depending on what it looks like out there tomorrow .
Free boxes of strike anywhere matches , just pay for the shipping .
All that snow on PEI only happened since February , that province had bare ground in January ....

I knew it. My suspicions started from seeing pics of your van parked on snow with no tire tracks! Unless you have a magic van that rides on top of snow.

Ice man , it's parked on ice ..... BaHahahahahahahaha Ha !
Them 3 Stooges , all close , some are real close LOL
they are predicting some additional snow Thurs/Fri, so, as Yogi said, It ain't over till it's over!

Yeah, it's not over yet. Had to clean the gutters, so I ran home around 2:00 this afternoon. 49, sunny, and nice enough that I almost didn't bother to add some wood to the stove. But I threw some in anyway, more so to just keep the thing going for when I got home. Then the wind that Clint mentioned really started to kick up. About when I was going up and down the ladder in fact. :) Went back to the store and the wind was just nuts the rest of the day and the temp fell off a cliff. Just 3 hours later when I got home it was 32. Somewhere in the 20's now. wind still howling. We've got a ways to go boys.

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