The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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He has a skid loader and front end loader. I can see piles right next to the burner. I think that's why they are on pallets. He can haul them easy. He is burning them!! Again I smelt it before I seen them. And he's cutting them to the proper lengths.

I reckon that answers my question... I'll see if I can think up a new one :D
Those inconsiderate outdoor wood boilers folks are going to ruin it for all of us... gross burning creosote treated railroad ties.

As if they aren't bad enough smoldering that green wood. My nose just puckers up whenever I smell 'em.
I don't think we've even seen the OWB yet.

I fired mine up this morning.

I thought the EPA was a super power and was buying all the ammunition to use against such patriots as your neighbor. Like, isn't that what the FEMA camps are for? Handicapped parking spaces are actually to be used for the UN EPA?

There is no Federal law or regulation banning the burning of railroad ties for heating fuel... the EPA has no jurisdiction (yet). The only thing the EPA has to say about it is that burning them in your fireplace may be hazardous because creosote is suspected to cause cancer. Of course that suspicion is based on smearing the stuff an inch thick on lab rats, and forcing them to eat pounds of it. There has never been any correlation to serious or long term effects on humans from the smoke.
FEMA?? What would any of this have to do with FEMA??
And there ain't any such thing as "UN EPA"... but there is a United Nations Environment Programme, which basically advocates takin' from the (perceived) rich and givin' to the poor, while having little (if anything) to do with the environment.

Oh... and I make my own ammunition.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
I thought the EPA was a super power and was buying all the ammunition to use against such patriots as your neighbor. Like, isn't that what the FEMA camps are for? Handicapped parking spaces are actually to be used for the UN EPA?

I had a nice neighbor who smoldered his green grass clippings after dousing them with motor oil. One day, I had windows open--it was summer, and I was home with bronchitis. He set off his pile. I went out and talked to him--nicely and explained my problem. He apologized profusely and never burned it again, even when the weather was cold so windows were shut. He was a good neighbor.

Thats the DHS( not the EPA) if you're keeping score on the Ammo 'supply and demand' Economics charts.
why don't you bring him a winters worth of wood every year if you don't like what he burns...or go complain somewhere that may be able to help (that place isn't the internet btw) or just STPU?
I'm not complaining I just thought it was Unethical and stupid.
Thats the most ignorant, arrogant thing yet ive heard yet spidey. Ever heard the phrase, "just 'cuz ya can, doesnt mean ya should"? I bet you'd have a different opinion if it was your neighbor dude. Im guessing blaster feels the same, that HIS family comes first, and if it was me i would do whatever i could to stop this idiot. Good luck OP.
It's just the logical end point of the social arrangement that has been foisted upon us, replacing the sense of community that once existed here - everyone isolated, weak and unable to assert themselves, and convinced they are free.
I went out and talked to him--nicely and explained my problem. He apologized profusely and never burned it again, even when the weather was cold so windows were shut. He was a good neighbor.
It's nice when it works that way, but it doesn't always. I tried that with my neighbor, with whom we were on good terms at the time. However, he is a sociopath and does not have normal relationships with people, it's all about manipulating people to get what he wants (which I knew). Once he discovered I was not fooled and was going to try to limit his behavior then he immediately switched to trying to intimidate. When that didn't work either then things degenerated very quickly. You cannot count on others behaving reasonably, although it is worth a try.
This thread reminds me of an ex-girlfriend. She'd piss and moan about her problems but never do anything about the ones she could control. The time it's taken to photograph, upload photographs, and type posts to this thread could have been spent either a) going over and discussing your concerns with the man, b) making a few phone calls to find out the legality of the act so we could have a discussion based on laws and not emotions and opinions, or c) performing one of the acts suggested above to stop him from operating the thing. We all have neighbors that we don't agree with. Sometimes we can make them see things as we do, sometimes there's not a way to make them.
who would want something that smoked all day like that next to their own house ,motor oil burners are cleaner than those things
Different strokes for different folks...
I can't figure out why anyone would want one of those fancy, new-fangled, EPA certified, elitist stoves (shrug)... or something with heat exchangers requiring cleaning and brushing (shrug)... it-is-what-it-is (shrug).
[QUOTE="Chris-PA, post: 5293183, member: 67290

Here's how it works in 2015 - if you have enough money you hire lawyers and go after him. If you have more money than him you might cost him enough that way to make him stop. If you can't afford that then tough. Law is simply about having enough money to enforce your will.

Welcome to the Democrat Party.[/QUOTE]
It's just the logical end point of the social arrangement that has been foisted upon us, replacing the sense of community that once existed here...
When did this "sense of community" exist??
I've been here since 2010... and been railed, insulted, attacked, even threatened and called every name in the book from near day one.

And why??
Because I didn't... don't... fit the perceived mold (or should I say the accepted mold). Because I don't believe there's a "right" and "wrong" way to heat with wood... just because there's your way and my way don't make either way right or wrong. Because I don't hug trees, believe in magic, or roll-over and play dead on command. Because, in my mind, heating with wood ain't a religion, it's simply a way to stay warm... nothin' more, nothin' less.

"Sense of community" my azz... that sense wasn't extended to me, I was treated almost like some sort of alien from outer space at times because I saw no harm in using a little used oil to start a fire... or whatever.
It ain't that the "sense of community" is gone... it's just that your community ain't the overwhelming majority it once was.
I do get some pretty good laughs out'a it all though :D

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