Morning rant

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Mar 7, 2006
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OK time for my morning rant why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say some of the replies were just as bad if your English is really that bad can you at least put a few spaces between your sentences lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say

Again, with punctuation.
OK, time for my morning rant. Why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation? I just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say. Some of the replies were just as bad.
If your English is really that bad, can you at least put a few spaces between your thoughts? Lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say.
I don't know what they teach in school anymore but proper writing skills and basic grammar sure aren't. People don't capitalize, punctuate or spell worth a darn anymore. These were basic skills we learned very young in grade school.

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Well I'm no English major but I try to make complete sentenances. I will admit I'm not very good with the punctuation. My phone seems to change words on me and delete letters but I always read over what I wrote before I post it.
This looks fine to me - except for 'sentenances'. Misspelling is not nearly as big a problem.
They don't have to know all this stuffs.....'puter or cell phone with auto spell/auto correct takes care of most of it these daze.....but I concur. If I encounter a post that is so disjointed to even read, I just go right by it. Face it some folks capitals, commas, periods and complete sentences are like speaking dinosaur language to the "modern" 'puter aided brain....
OK time for my morning rant why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say some of the replies were just as bad if your English is really that bad can you at least put a few spaces between your sentences lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say

Again, with punctuation.
OK, time for my morning rant. Why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation? I just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say. Some of the replies were just as bad.
If your English is really that bad, can you at least put a few spaces between your thoughts? Lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say.
I bet that was hard as hell trying to NOT use punctuation wasn't it?
It's not just sentence structure or lack of punctuation, what gets me is lack of precision in describing a fault. When someone says "my engine won't crank", it takes a few questions to find out if the recoil starter doesn't engage, the engine won't turn over or it turns over but won't fire.
They don't have to know all this stuffs.....'puter or cell phone with auto spell/auto correct takes care of most of it these daze.....but I concur. If I encounter a post that is so disjointed to even read, I just go right by it. Face it some folks capitals, commas, periods and complete sentences are like speaking dinosaur language to the "modern" 'puter aided brain....

You hit some of it right on the head but I deal with the computer aided brains more often and on a much larger scale frequently. I asked this question on my first trip over to California after sitting through a think tank session. Their belief is that they only need to know how to access technology to find answers to questions/problems and to expedite things any form of writing will suffice. This is where and why you see all the shortcuts commonly used today as most are using ,text, for communicating at high rates of speed. Letters,numbers and symbols are the new norm without capitalization or punctuation, you either get used to it or get left behind.
It's not just sentence structure or lack of punctuation, what gets me is lack of precision in describing a fault. When someone says "my engine won't crank", it takes a few questions to find out if the recoil starter doesn't engage, the engine won't turn over or it turns over but won't fire.

This doesn't bother me that much. I was a newbie once (still maybe?), and didn't know how to ask the questions such that more knowledgeable people could help me diagnose my issue. However, I do get discouraged with the obviously lazy spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Face it folks, some people do not have writing skills and I can overlook those errors, but others are just being lazy. When lazy is obvious I don't take the time to read, much less respond.

I mean, REALLY? If you WON'T (not "can't") take the time to properly structure your request for help, I just don't have the time, or desire, to help you.

And blaming that you are using a phone to post is no excuse. Phones work as well as the operators using them.

Bottom line, if you are asking others to DO YOU A FAVOR in reading and responding to you post, at least have the courtesy to try to post something that is readable.
You hit some of it right on the head but I deal with the computer aided brains more often and on a much larger scale frequently. I asked this question on my first trip over to California after sitting through a think tank session. Their belief is that they only need to know how to access technology to find answers to questions/problems and to expedite things any form of writing will suffice. This is where and why you see all the shortcuts commonly used today as most are using ,text, for communicating at high rates of speed. Letters,numbers and symbols are the new norm without capitalization or punctuation, you either get used to it or get left behind.

LOL!! I started out pretty well back in the pack and certainly don't seem to be closing on the youngsters....But Mrs Young would box my ears if I didn't at least TRY to articulate and punctuate properly. Mrs Young, (who was actually very old) was quite prim and proper when it came to could learn the easy way or the hard way.....that was up to you....but you WOULD learn....eventually....this was back in the daze when you could get your ears boxed by a vexed teacher.
I guess I need to thank my folks for highly encouraging me to get an education. I suppose I have about 20 years of either English classes or some sort of communications classes. Most do not bother to get a good education, sadly.

What grinds my gears:

Starting ANYTHING with "Seen.." This basically screams, "I'm a dropout!" For ****s sake, don't EVER do this, unless you know someone named "Seen."

Using "Ur" or "Imma" in anything other than a text to you cousin-wife.

What merely chaps my hide.

People who use insure when they should use ensure, and vice versa. Mostly a pet peeve. Some dictionaries are now conceding.

People who use affect when they should use effect, and vice versa. If I'm going to "effect" change, I might as well change something I can "affect." I know, nitpicking.
LOL!! I started out pretty well back in the pack and certainly don't seem to be closing on the youngsters....But Mrs Young would box my ears if I didn't at least TRY to articulate and punctuate properly. Mrs Young, (who was actually very old) was quite prim and proper when it came to could learn the easy way or the hard way.....that was up to you....but you WOULD learn....eventually....this was back in the daze when you could get your ears boxed by a vexed teacher.
Well Robin you know where I came from and one couldn`t of had a worse start as far as education came from. Manual trades,yes, that is about all I got , no book work, only hands on experience. When I finally got to go to school I had a teacher much like yours, very prim and proper English lady, she tried her best with us back woods characters but there is only so much one can do for cases like us. Our upbringing would be looked upon as criminal by today's standards when a cuff to the back of the head or a boot to the seat of your pants was the let off easy method of control.
Yet,I still try to convey my thoughts and use the little bit of English language I picked up from grade school.
OK time for my morning rant why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say some of the replies were just as bad if your English is really that bad can you at least put a few spaces between your sentences lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say

Again, with punctuation.
OK, time for my morning rant. Why do some people post threads but use NO punctuation? I just read one asking for help with a chainsaw but had to read it 3 - 4 times to understand what the OP was trying to say. Some of the replies were just as bad.
If your English is really that bad, can you at least put a few spaces between your thoughts? Lots of folks want to help but can't figure out what the he!! you're trying to say.
I agree with you 100%.
It's kind of like table manners, in that it's a courtesy to other people.
Or, it's father time telling us that we are getting older. There is one thing that is constant in this world, and that is change.
I don't know whether it's lower standards in education or texting (carrying over into all other forms of written communication). I suspect both. Of course, I'm from the era where the teacher could "put the board on you." If such a post comes from a young person, it could be ignorance or just a cultural shift of the times. If it's from an older person, it's more likely to be a lack of education. Either way, out of respect for the person, I give the benefit of the doubt to the poster and try my best to wade through it and understand the post. Your vs. you're is #1 on my list.

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