Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I have the genuine one shown in the picture, excellent tool for sharpening chains. Purchased it from Timber line site, to the best of my knowledge they are not retailed anywhere else by timberline, however there are a sh1t load of Chinese knockoffs that aren't worth a rats ass on Amazon and Ebay who don't respect a logo copyright. Order them at your peril they are rubbish.
i like the concept. but think i will just stick with my files...

that said, i sorta wouldn't mind a deer antler handle, though! ~

Scrounging the hard way. The slope doesn't show in the pic but to give you an idea, the front of the garden tractor is hopping!!!
I could just about kiss the fella that invented tire chains!! Just about that is!!!! Would absolutely buy him a cup of coffee!!IMG_20221217_132519771.jpg
WEll, it was time to split this load of firwood,


but this is what I woke up to, a foot of snow overnight,


It kept snowing all day, but my friends and me kept on splitting,


We filled six baskets,


and threw the rest of the splits back in the wagon to deal with another day!

I'm glad to have it done!

Well the BK 2000 firewood sled for those hard to get to trees worked well. Need to add straps to keep things from rolling off but other than that perfect. Light enough to hold in one hand as you drive back for another load but strong enough to take the beating and banging through the woods really well. Screenshot_20221217-180154.png
Well I had a "fun" week. Came home from work Tuesday night with a headache and gut was feeling pretty rough. Till the night was half through I was in my way to the er with a 103.3*f temp, nausea, diarrhea, and a migraine to boot. Spent the next day in the hospital till they got my fever under control, then they discharged me. Started feeling better yesterday, temp came back to normal. Didn't get any clear thoughts from the er Dr on what was wrong. Just there's some nasty viruses and flue stuff going around right now. Worst I've been sick in a while.
Hope everyone else is doing well... seems I missed about 8 pages lol.
Well the BK 2000 firewood sled for those hard to get to trees worked well. Need to add straps to keep things from rolling off but other than that perfect. Light enough to hold in one hand as you drive back for another load but strong enough to take the beating and banging through the woods really well. View attachment 1041614
Good to see the Mac getting some .
Well I had a "fun" week. Came home from work Tuesday night with a headache and gut was feeling pretty rough. Till the night was half through I was in my way to the er with a 103.3*f temp, nausea, diarrhea, and a migraine to boot. Spent the next day in the hospital till they got my fever under control, then they discarged me. Started feeling better yesterday, temp came back to normal. Didn't get any clear thoughts from the er Dr on what was wrong. Just there's some nasty viruses and flue stuff going around right now. Worst I've been sick in a while.
Hope everyone else is doing well... seems I missed about 8 pages lol.
That sounds terrible, glad to hear you're on the mend though. 👍
James, this thread has a bunch of pictures of some of my Steiners. I have tons of attachments for them.
😟Pulling empty doubles is not very efficient! 👎 You must be merely loaded at worst to be effective at hauling anything!😉
Kodiak, I have a couple of hills between my place and the bush so pulling loaded doubles isn't a good idea. I used to pull doubles of cedar posts but the ash can be twice as heavy as the Steiner and losing control of an articulated tractor going down hill can go real bad real quick. My wife has put one on it's side several times.

What are you pulling that with? I really hate thumbnail photos. Even when you click on them, they're still small. Lets see a full sized photo of those empty trailers. I always can use new ideas.
Well, my neighbor lent me a Fiskars yesterday evening. I'm not sure what model, but its at least six pounds with a 36" handle and boy is it one fast wood splitting son of a gun! I've never split a pile of wood so fast! 🤷 I think I split two cord in an hour!👍 Unbelievable!
View attachment 1041106View attachment 1041093Oh no wait!

Just a second, wrong photos! 🙄

Well my neighbor lent me his Fis...Doooe!😖
Hold on! hold on!
View attachment 1041094View attachment 1041095

Those weren't the right photos either!..

...I don't know How I ended up with those last pics? 🤷 I mean, they aren't mine!...

...Ok here we go! These are the right photos! 👍 Alright then! Were was I?🤔
☝️ Oh yeah!
Well, my neighbor lent me his Fiskars yesterday evening. Im not sure what model, but its at least six pounds with a 36" handle and boy is it one fast wood splitting son of a gun! I've never split a pile of wood so fast!🤷 I think I split two cord in an hour!👍 Unbelievable!View attachment 1041103View attachment 1041107View attachment 1041096

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!😉
Looks like any girl can swing a maul////
Well I had a "fun" week. Came home from work Tuesday night with a headache and gut was feeling pretty rough. Till the night was half through I was in my way to the er with a 103.3*f temp, nausea, diarrhea, and a migraine to boot. Spent the next day in the hospital till they got my fever under control, then they discarged me. Started feeling better yesterday, temp came back to normal. Didn't get any clear thoughts from the er Dr on what was wrong. Just there's some nasty viruses and flue stuff going around right now. Worst I've been sick in a while.
Hope everyone else is doing well... seems I missed about 8 pages lol.
Had almost the same problem last Wednesday night. By Thursday night I was feeling much better. Yesterday morning I was back to normal. The only place I went this week was to the Post Office to drop off some prepaid packages.

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