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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Heck, I didn't even put a jacket on this morning (but I do wear wool long-johns and wool shirts this time of year).
Maybe, just maybe 40° tomorrow, and mid-to-upper 30's through Monday.
We ain't tossed a single stick in the furnace since 5:00 AM and there still ain't no need... 7:30 PM and still 70° in the house.

'Round here we call it the "January Thaw"... which we didn't get last year.
But... ya' know what the problem is with the "January Thaw"??
When ya get one.... February usually cobbers ya'‼ Big friggin' time‼

Still, we're celebrating my youngest boy's seventh birthday tomorrow, and my oldest boy (27 years) is coming to participate (with the grand baby)... perfect... we may even light the fire pit if the wind dies down in the evening (predicted for 25-35 MPH in the afternoon).

(And yeah... I bought a fresh bottle on the way home tonight.)
What were you thinking having them that far apart?
I waited till 42 to get conned into having 1 and still not sure how she wore me down
All my friends are giving me the hardest time, especially now that we are building a new house and I'll have weddings and college to help pay for and probably be in a wheel chair as much as I abused my body in the early years
Wood keeps me going mentally as well as physically
3 women in the house takes alot out of a guy
...probably be in a wheel chair as much as I abused my body in the early years
That's what I used to think, but I'm startin' to think I might be related to the Energizer Bunny... maybe it has somethin' to do with havin' a 7-year-old.
3 women in the house takes alot out of a guy
Three?? One wife and one (teenage) daughter (she wants piercings) is enough.
That's what I used to think, but I'm startin' to think I might be related to the Energizer Bunny... maybe it has somethin' to do with havin' a 7-year-old.

Three?? One wife and one (teenage) daughter (she wants piercings) is enough.

1 wife, 1 seven and 1 five! Been told the fun is coming! Oh ya and I deserve it!
Got out voted on earrings already!
Oh man :nofunny:... the piercings I'm talkin' 'bout have nothin' to do with ears‼

Can't imagine that the little women would tell me about piercings in places other than ears!
Hopefully I'll be drooling in a towel before I have to hear that
well i got up to fill the stoves and its 31 degrees outside and raining... seems like we have had more rain than snow this year
I'll see those temps tomorrow. Thanks for passing 'em along!
"We're havin' a heat wave...A tropical heat wave...":innocent:
The teenage years are a treat... Mom tells me it's pay-back‼
Got 8 kids ranging from 23 to 9 years. 4 boys, 4 girls. 2 oldest are girls, 1 married, 1 college so out of the house. No major problems with either. My 13 year old girl (nicknamed sweet pea) changed personality on her 13th birthday. She earned her nickname when she was younger then, at 13 (I swear it happened overnight on her birthday) she switched on the teen gene. She's had some rough days, weeks cause I won't put up with it. No piercings or tattoos (that I know of) yet.
I'm gonna be splitting today and have mixed feelings about it. We're gonna hit mid 50's today. But I'm debating some global warming alarmists at the moment and it would be nice to have a repeat of last January right now. Maybe Feb. will take up the slack. I have a visitor who works in N Dakota coming over today to help split, and he is really digging the weather here right now.
1 wife, 1 seven and 1 five! Been told the fun is coming! Oh ya and I deserve it!
Got out voted on earrings already!
When my oldest was 5 she wanted pierced ears I said not until you're 13, a few days later they came home with pierced ears, a week or so later her ears were infected really bad so she had to get rid of her earrings, and yes I did say " I told you so".