Anyone climb for firewood?

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"will work for story time and some cookies"

you saying that should be on my business card?

yes, I see your point now. You are 100% right about everything. Good job, you articulate yourself well and are obviously a flexible business minded person with a particular specialization in adaptation to change!!!
better than

grandma can't afford her medication because the city told her she had to hire an over priced tree service to take a problem tree off of her property

He was using this as an example of the people he has helped out if you are worried about the hand full of jobs you are loosing you had better find a new marketing consultant

well at the very least he's beating the mexican's prices. so there is a good part to the story.
If you want to climb trees and do firewood, go hire on at the local tree surgeons. Take all the wood that you get payed to remove. Save the company the dump fee and make side money with the firewood you produce.

Don't work for free and then have to go slave away to make money on the firewood deal.

Lets not forget you are risking your life and the wellbeing of your family everytime you save granny a few hundred bucks.
yes, I see your point now. You are 100% right about everything. Good job, you articulate yourself well and are obviously a flexible business minded person with a particular specialization in adaptation to change!!!

how about.

"the hell with money. i'll work my balls off for free!"

jetski. you claim to come from a family of tree guys. did none of them own equipment? was it poulans all the way on that crew. some clotheline for rigging and climbing?

i mean get serious bud. tree gear is not cheap and a company that shows up has payroll to worry about never mind the cost of fuel, workmans comp, insurance. blah blah blah.

i figured you'd understand that out of anyone in this thread.
Average tree gear to remove a tree. saddle flipline rope snaps and spikes 600 if your lucky.
2 saws one climber one large saw. around 900

You have 1500 in expenses before you leave your house. Assuming you buy quality gear.

You can expense that over several trees. but lets not forget you have to repalce that gear as well. Its all a bit technical. But hey if you don't mind working for the same rates the local grasscutters get so be it. I mean they risk their lives sitting on their lawn mower!
that poulan 2000 in my signature is the last saw my grandfather bought over 20 years ago before he passed away from lung cancer and I still use it along with an old leather and rope saddle that is well over 30 years old and pruners made of balsa wood of the same vintage (grandpa taught me how to take care of our equipment)

You are missing the point I personally do this to help people that would not use your service anyway because they can not afford it.
the persons on this site have saws and other equipment to cut wood anyway

got a quote for the insurance copany for trimming 4 trees on my property and cleaning up after an ice storm a few years ago it was over 2000 so look all the equipment paid for in one shot if I did not already have it......
I try to make my services affordable for everyone. I will work with people on pricing. But hey this is my profession and the bills get paid and I like to make money. The tools I have make this job look like a cake walk. I get asked alot why I charge So much and only work for two hours for the money.
I always reply with, If I had taken more time would you have asked me that question? Usual answer is no. I then state that I just rolled up 150,000 worth of equipment and gear and that allows me to do my job as effectively as I do with 2 people.

I always get a blank stare no matter who I tell that to.
yes I think its totally stupid to climb a tree for the firewood value. There are easier ways of collecting wood. Look around a bit more.
Wahhh, the guy is just cutting down easy trees, relax.

Clearance why should we business licensed insured etc. be stuck
with only the hard ones? This will get to ya if you ever branch out of
of your safety net! I see it all the time and it does hurt a lot I don't
hate the people but I sure do not admire them for stealing from the
mouths of legitimate businesses!
Use whatever talents you have to make whatever money you can.

The modern attitude that only certain people with certain skills/licenses/certificates/degrees or in certain unions or associations should be allowed to make a living at certain jobs is one major contributing factor to why prices are so high for all sorts of basic services.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

The line of reasoning that says only "professionals" should do certain jobs, also leads us inexorably to an over-regulation of our daily lives. Once a group of plumbers, for example, decide that there is a sufficient supply of plumbers in an area or state, they begin to lobby the government to impose restrictions like licensing and certification requirements on performing plumbing services (which by the way are usually tailored to meet the exact standards of those aforementioned plumbers) to limit the amount of competition in the market place. This same tactic is employed in all of the skilled trades and effectively prevents anyone without an "in" into an industry from getting work. So, not only can I not afford to hire a plumber, if my dad or uncle isn't a plumber I can't be one, nor am I allowed to fix my own pipes. (in some areas you quite literally can't legally fix your own plumbing or electrical unless you are a "licensed professional")

I can understand wanting to preserve the reputation of the industry in which you have labored so hard to become skilled and a desire to maintain your wages as high as possible. The way to do it is not through discouraging competition or by soliciting the force of government to protect your interest, but by educating your customers and providing a superior product.
At least wear all the required safety gear for gods sake. So many needless injuries, don't add yourself to the list.
Use whatever talents you have to make whatever money you can.

The modern attitude that only certain people with certain skills/licenses/certificates/degrees or in certain unions or associations should be allowed to make a living at certain jobs is one major contributing factor to why prices are so high for all sorts of basic services.

The line of reasoning that says only "professionals" should do certain jobs, also leads us inexorably to an over-regulation of our daily lives. Once a group of plumbers, for example, decide that there is a sufficient supply of plumbers in an area or state, they begin to lobby the government to impose restrictions like licensing and certification requirements on performing plumbing services (which by the way are usually tailored to meet the exact standards of those aforementioned plumbers) to limit the amount of competition in the market place. This same tactic is employed in all of the skilled trades and effectively prevents anyone without an "in" into an industry from getting work. So, not only can I not afford to hire a plumber, if my dad or uncle isn't a plumber I can't be one, nor am I allowed to fix my own pipes. (in some areas you quite literally can't legally fix your own plumbing or electrical unless you are a "licensed professional")

I can understand wanting to preserve the reputation of the industry in which you have labored so hard to become skilled and a desire to maintain your wages as high as possible. The way to do it is not through discouraging competition or by soliciting the force of government to protect your interest, but by educating your customers and providing a superior product.

You have missed the fact that these businesses have paid dues
to do their work and if your bootlegging you are in violation of
law and the fines can be extremely high. Last I heard 10000
for working unlicensed never mind insurance requirements
permits etc. Sure you can fly under radar to some degree
however just know ignorance is no excuse for not paying
for a privilege license. Now if it is your own trees or family
that is a different story. I am not going to rant on about this
just trying to give a different perspective.
Clearance why should we business licensed insured etc. be stuck
with only the hard ones? This will get to ya if you ever branch out of
of your safety net! I see it all the time and it does hurt a lot I don't
hate the people but I sure do not admire them for stealing from the
mouths of legitimate businesses!

We are the only ones who can do the tough trees, the others will be on the news. Now c'mon Rope, he works full time, he is just cutting down real easy trees.
I work away from the heavily populated areas sometimes, where there are people who have skills and are not useless. I tell them "you can probabaly fall it yourself, you can burn up the branches in the winter" I am not out sell to people who can do it themselves. Maybe I could talk them into it, but no.
We are the only ones who can do the tough trees, the others will be on the news. Now c'mon Rope, he works full time, he is just cutting down real easy trees.
I work away from the heavily populated areas sometimes, where there are people who have skills and are not useless. I tell them "you can probabaly fall it yourself, you can burn up the branches in the winter" I am not out sell to people who can do it themselves. Maybe I could talk them into it, but no.
I have been there and done that but what I speak is truth about the
50.00 privilege license may be more where you are but fifty could quite
possibly save you thousands and then guess what you are at least legit!
If nothing else get the license save your receipts and you will find out
it ain't all bad to be a business!
You have missed the fact that these businesses have paid dues
to do their work and if your bootlegging you are in violation of
law and the fines can be extremely high. Last I heard 10000
for working unlicensed never mind insurance requirements
permits etc. Sure you can fly under radar to some degree
however just know ignorance is no excuse for not paying
for a privilege license. Now if it is your own trees or family
that is a different story. I am not going to rant on about this
just trying to give a different perspective.

I didn't miss the point at all. You've just underscored my point. I guarantee you that if you were to research the history of the requirements and penalties you listed it would lead you directly to some self interested arborist(s) who lobbied the city council or state legislature to pass the requirements. Ostensibly, this is to "keep everyone safe" (it's for the children) but in reality it's in the interest of limiting competition. The irony is that while the arborists present lament having to pay prohibitive insurance costs and meet certification requirements while blaming the "bootleggers" and immigrants for depressing wages, it's very likely the larger companies in your industry who are using the force of government to limit your ability to make a profit and expand.

I'm not a tree guy but I do own a "legitimate" business complete with an @$$-load of liability insurance, regular inspections, and other worthless regulations. These often exorbitant costs are heaped on us small business owners by government at the behest of larger companies and trade associations.

I realize this is taking the topic a bit further than what was likely intended by the OP but that is inevitably where the "leave this to the professionals" mindset takes us; just like real life.
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I took some heat on the Arborists 101 board for taking work away from the Pros because I sometimes climb to take trees down for the firewood. I aint a pro, and I limit my climbs to GOOD firewood trees, namely oak and hickory that so often ends up in the county dump by the pros. I try and stay away from the real hazards that require a pro, IE trees leaning over buildings and power lines. I have taught myself, bought a bit of equipement and learned as I went.
Anyone else out there like me? Do a little light climbing just to get a tree down and bucked into firewood?

I have more firewood rot than I can split too bad your so far away!
I probably have close to fifty cords laying around here of nothing but
oak,and hickory.
I didn't miss the point at all. You've just underscored my point. I guarantee you that if you were to research the history of the requirements and penalties you listed it would lead you directly to some self interested arborist(s) who lobbied the city council or state legislature to pass the requirements. Ostensibly, this is to "keep everyone safe" (it's for the children) but in reality it's in the interest of limiting competition. The irony is that while the arborists present lament having to pay prohibitive insurance costs and meet certification requirements while blaming the "bootleggers" and immigrants for depressing wages, it's very likely the larger companies in your industry who are using the force of government to limit your ability to make a profit and expand.

I'm not a tree guy but I do own a "legitimate" business complete with an @$$-load of liability insurance, regular inspections, and other worthless regulations. These often exorbitant costs are heaped on us small business owners by government at the behest of larger companies and trade associations.

I realize this is taking the topic a bit further than what was likely intended by the OP but that is inevitably where the "leave this to the professionals" mindset takes us; just like real life.

I never meant my post to be limiting and remember to save receipts
if you are truly in business then you should know this is all under operating
expense! I was merely pointing out that if nothing else get the dern license
to operate it is not pulling a tooth with pliers:rolleyes:
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