Are you tired of it yet.

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Feb 16, 2008
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Across the bridge.
Don't know about you guys, but i'm tired of feeding the stove. I'm ready for spring. I know you guys up north that have all the snow has got to be tired of winter. Our winters here are nothing compared to yours but i'm just ready for some warm weather. I bet some of you that have the deep snow have cabin fever bad. Also i know most of you up north will be feeding the stove probably a month longer than me.
Here in Northern Ohio we dont have much snow and weather was mild the other day but its cold again. There is some more warm weather coming. Im still good feeding fire. I can hold out for a while yet. Just no more snow.:D
Oh Yeah, I'm tired of it:D I'm tired of getting my butt out of bed a couple times a night to feed the damn thing, it's like a silent newborn but the only alarm you have is a numb cold arm sticking out of the blankets. I think I have another 2 1/2 months left of though. This winter has been tough and cold but at least it was cheap
Nope, I'm still good to go for awhile yet, probably be mid may when I stop, has been close to that last couple yrs. Cutting for 2012 so plenty of good wood stockpiled, hang in there guys.

I think my biggest problem is when it gets warm for a few days. It feels all good, I get out of the house, take a hike with the kids and than BAM! It gets cold again. Oh yeah getting up and feeding the stove is getting old too. Also worrying about if I have enough wood to last until spring(Currently at 1 1/4 cords left)
Mine too, I always look foward to the snow but I hate the warm cold spells I wish it would snow till spring and then melt, I hate mud and rain

I hear ya Gink. My only saving grace for spring and summer is fishing and rock climbing. Hopefully I'll be working soooo much I won't get a chance to do either. Sad to say that really, but it's the truth. I take the work when I can get it.
You guys are just the opposite from me, I like summer. I would rather run a saw in hot weather. I know there are disadvantages to going in the woods in the summer like ticks and chiggers and snakes and other insects. I don't like working with a bunch of clothes on. ( And i don't belong to a nudist colony either lol) i would Rather just have the jeans, t-shirt and ppe on. I'm just thankful for the hunting season.that occupies a lot of time in the winter.
I'm good with snow and cold. Only reason I'm looking forward to spring is being able to drive right up to the wood pile, which I can't do currently because of snow. Bugs are always a pain and my fat azz overheats :laugh: Oh well, I know the lady friend is ready for a new season.
I am ready to stop feeding, but I will miss the savings. I can't wait to go camping and fishing and morel hunting. Mmmmm, another good reason to go into the woods.
screw winter.... i dont have a wood heater...i have a wood eater....time for green grass and bbq and beers
Winter is my favorite time of year. I always hate to see it go.

I don't know if I have a favorite, but I'm in no rush to see winter leave. Spring will come soon enough and I will enjoy winter while it lasts.

Of course when spring gets here I'll enjoy that too! :D
sure am sick of the snow, too much snow for my tractor it sucks.
i love burnin the wood tho love opening her up and chucking more sticks in.
got almost 4 feet on the ground right now. way too much.
I was ready about a month ago. We have had three back to back years now with each year averaging lower temps. Every time I get power bill the avg. temp from the past year was warmer they show for our area.
:blob2:Bring on spring and summer here please. :blob2:

I'm so ready for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Not to mention the ladies in shorts and hottie tops. :love1:

Daylight till 9pm..Yeah lets do it! :clap: