biggest climber?

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May 2, 2001
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How big is the largest climber you guys have ever heard of or met? I know that our own JPS has probably got me for height... but I had heard about somebody who does some kind of training for a large company... and he is 300 something pounds now, but was over 400 not too long ago, yet climbed very well. This of course is just what I hear. As far as climbers I have met goes... probably the biggest weight wise was 225 or rough about there.
Originally posted by DDM
Im 227 er probably 235 since the holidays :D
Ummm, he was asking about CLIMBERS, not bucket operators. :p

I've seen big climbers, but not fat climbers. Not a career for someone badly out of shape. JPS is as big as any climber I've met, but he can do most of his work from the ground. :laugh:
Brian, you beat me to it. I forgot to exclude bucket operators. While I am at it, I guess I should also exclude those who ride the hooks on cranes as well.
Around 300lbs.,but he only would go up 20-30 feet and with spikes only.He did well on spikes,but worried a lot,was very non-productive.He might be bigger,325 maybe.
I saw an ex-logger who would climb dang near anything and he had to go closing 250. Big belly, too. Said he had a harness shop make his belt to fit xl saddle. He broke as many limbs as he cut. ONE crazy, fun-loving dude. You had to like him.
Probably the largest climber i've seen is around 200, we tend to let the fat ones haul brash, that way every body sees the benefits, ie; the fat guy loses weight (quickly) and we dont have to stand around all day while he puffs and pants his way into the tree.. :) possibly breaking branches all the way, plus it may be awkward when they pass out in the crown, and us light weights have to rescue them :D ...Jock
I'm 240-250 depending on the time of day (around 17 stone for you UK folk) but when i got my full kit on I'm closer to 300#.

Ox is a little shorter then I am but probably tipps the scale a wee bit higher. ;)

I'ts that good home cookin his girlfreind(s) force on him.
I'm 195 pounds, I've met guys that were heavier but they couldn't climb for 6-8 hours straight. Unless your really tall it's hard to weigh much over 200 pounds and not be carrying some pudge. There is a difference between be able to climb a tree and being able to climb all day every day.
I met a fellow from Melbourne Australia last summer. Phil Kenyon. He teaches with Leigh Stone who some of you know from the web. I think he has JPS beat in height and weight. He teaches climbing classes over there. Fairly good sized when compared to my puny 5'7"- 200 lbs.

Bob Underwood
I think I bumped into Phill, if he was at the ISA. I did meet Adam Tom and he is not a little guy, though he runs his own tree service in Brisbane, AU.
5'10" and 175 here. Wish I could weigh a bit more but climbing almost daily and working militantly keeps me from weighing anymore. I lift in the evenings or on slow days and supplement creatine and protien. Doing that plus eating everything that isn't tied down and I can't gain wieght.

Seen lots of chubby south of the Rio Grande guys that can more than hold their own in a tree. The fastest hispanic guys I have seen are 5'5" - 5'7" and super fly wieght.

Had to look up boomslang. Pulled this quote and wondered if this is what you mean by being like a boomslang.

"The boomslang is a shy species, but will bite if handled, stepped-on, or threatened. ":p
6' 4", 230 here and no, I don't go frolicking to and fro in a tree, but I have been known to spend 4-5 hours in a good crown clean and hold my own limb walking.

I have put on this weight over that past two years and I can really tell it.

I know this guy that tips the scales around 260. I use him sometimes on nasty removals. He climbs well in spikes.....

Dan, there was a fellow in Ashville who went by the name Timber Tree Ser. Drove a black Ram(dodge) with "tree expert" on the front windshield. Thats not him is it?
Nate, your still young. Your metabolism will slow down an a few years. I only eat four meals a day to keep my weight up, and dont work 5 days a week any more, most of the time. Those 55 hour weeks are in my past.

It is all in personal methodology. I cannot sinny up spars and need scondary suuprt to go out very far on small dia wood, but I can make longer nondynamic transfers because of my longer reach. That also comes in handy in dynamic moves.

No, the guy I'm talking about is a physics professor at a local community college. He climbs to unwind.

I have seen Timber Tree service around and have followed a lot of their work. They seem very profficient with removals - hard to compete with their prices. I have referred them when my bid on a removal is too high. All of the pruning work I've seen them do is done with spikes.

I believe that he does drive a Dodge. His logo is a green, swooshie "Timber" with an exclimation point.

I guess you know him?


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