Buddy Killed falling a fir

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ArboristSite Member
Sep 7, 2010
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Los Osos Ca
Yah, our crew was assigned to falling a bunch of trees to clear a path for utility lines. My friend was falling a bunch of trees to make way for utility lines, he hadn't done this before, no journeyman was present. He dropped a 100 footer and it hit a branch on another tree. The dude was decapitated.... all of us are really kind of mental about it. We worked with him for years every day. Looking back on it he didn't run when the tree started to go like you see all the pro fallers run. He will be remembered and missed. Our company wont even let us talk to each other about it or our fellow workers. We are being investigated separately so the Company can figure out a way to hold us responsible. Im done with this Corporation. They really don't care about us, just the bottom line and their bonuses. We have been loyal and worked our hearts out for this company, they are trying to figure out how to keep life insurance or money away from helping his family. Marin County, CA
a sad and a sadly repeated tale of loss and grief when untrained unsupervised work with trees.

company sounds uncaring & may find its bottom line not so sweet if it seeks $ above site safety.

share & vent your hurt here non should judge fault or remedy till the details arise, tell us more when ready
Sorry for your loss! Its a shame when profit is more important than human life.once again sorry to hear about such a tragedy god bless him and his family.
Yah, our crew was assigned to falling a bunch of trees to clear a path for utility lines. My friend was falling a bunch of trees to make way for utility lines, he hadn't done this before, no journeyman was present. He dropped a 100 footer and it hit a branch on another tree. The dude was decapitated.... all of us are really kind of mental about it. We worked with him for years every day. Looking back on it he didn't run when the tree started to go like you see all the pro fallers run. He will be remembered and missed. Our company wont even let us talk to each other about it or our fellow workers. We are being investigated separately so the Company can figure out a way to hold us responsible. Im done with this Corporation. They really don't care about us, just the bottom line and their bonuses. We have been loyal and worked our hearts out for this company, they are trying to figure out how to keep life insurance or money away from helping his family. Marin County, CA

When did this happen?
Oh man, that's a tough one. It's hard enough to lose a buddy, much more so when it happens right next to you.
Did he have a family?
I hope you guys are getting some sort of counseling, not just investigated.
my thoughts are with you.

Sorry to hear of loss of life may his soul rip. Unfortunately almost all corporations are structured toward limiting costs associated in accidents after they happen. The safety records and training is disguised "as if" they care but in reality allows them to avoid responsibility! If they can prove you were taught a rule and such, then their lawyers can limit liability. Happens each and every day in board of director meetings company heads learn how to protect the company. This same model of business goes all the way to the top of our system.
Hi and sorry
Praying for the family and the loved ones, Seek GOD to help you through your time of grief, he shall comfort you. If you are actually correct about the companys feeling in this matter, I truley hope that God softens thier hearts for the good of every one involved, including them selves.

May God bless all of you in this and in the future.
People see these things being done and they look easy, but of course one mistake or lapse in judgement can have grave consequences. Was there not a foremen or supervisor present? My prayers go out to his family.
Did this happen in Marin CA?? I live there, haven't heard a thing about it. It would have had to be in West Marin too since that's the only big open space with Fir Trees. Not a word have I heard. Very strange.
My problem?? Pretty sure I don't have one. What I'm curios about is why no one I know has heard of this accident when it happened in my back yard. I checked last night and found no reference to it online which means it didn't make it in the papers. Its a small area and generally I or we hear of everything that happens. I not looking for an answer here just commenting that I find it strange.
By the way, I worked for Davey, on the West Marin crew, 30 years ago.
What I'm curios about is why no one I know has heard of this accident when it happened in my back yard. I checked last night and found no reference to it online which means it didn't make it in the papers. Its a small area and generally I or we hear of everything that happens.

I have had an odd feeling about the OP's account, but have respectively bitten my tongue per JPS's request: "Due to the gravity of this subject, we would like to ask everyone to maintain a more professional attitude in this forum. Keep the comentary constructive and to the point."
I think CalTreeEquip is in the perfect position to give us an update on this event. With all due respect. It is, after all, the internet.
Well I mentioned this little conversation to a fellow treeman who is in a position to hear a lot and he has not heard a thing. And then I did another search online, this time specifically of the local news paper, the Marin IJ, and nothing. So now I really curios. The thing is, if someone did die in my back yard I would want to know about it.

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