couple questions

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May 2, 2008
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NB Canada
I have a 9 acre lot that was cleared about 25-30 years ago. Most to trees are Spruce, Pine, Poplar but I do have a few Maple and Birch that I would like to eventually cut. How can I help these trees grow? Clear all the smalls softwoods out around them?

I also have about 10-12 large Maples that I'd like to take down maybe 1-3 per year. My problem is they are smack in the middle of the woods with many smaller softwood around them. How can I safely remove these trees with clearing everything around them. Do I just plan my fall and clear what needed? I enjoying having a nice look lot, I walk it daily with my 2 dogs Wife uses the trail with her horse. I'd like to keep it as neat as possible. I do have pictures I can post later if it would help.


I have a 9 acre lot that was cleared about 25-30 years ago. Most to trees are Spruce, Pine, Poplar but I do have a few Maple and Birch that I would like to eventually cut. How can I help these trees grow? Clear all the smalls softwoods out around them?

I also have about 10-12 large Maples that I'd like to take down maybe 1-3 per year. My problem is they are smack in the middle of the woods with many smaller softwood around them. How can I safely remove these trees with clearing everything around them. Do I just plan my fall and clear what needed? I enjoying having a nice look lot, I walk it daily with my 2 dogs Wife uses the trail with her horse. I'd like to keep it as neat as possible. I do have pictures I can post later if it would help.


Ah pictures.......that will get their attention and get you some answers.
Here's some pictures of the Maples I'd like to cut.



Why take the maples? If you have so few why not try to promote them more?

I only have few this large but I do have several smaller ones probsbly in the 3-8" Dia. range. Some of these maple look like they're ready to come down, some have large section which have died and are startign to fall. I burn about 5 cord a year, I'd like to get the lot to the point where I could cut 1-2 per year.

I also have a section which was cleared about 7-10 years ago and has some young maple growth that needs to be thinned I'm just not sure how to go about it.

I have pictures of that too..:biggrinbounce2:
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You NEED to cut out the soft woods to allow regeneration of the hard woods. I will bet my left N** that you will get a lot more then Maples to regenerate. Just remember "Shoot the deer" "Kill the Beech" and "Manage the light" if you manage your stand following those rules you will have a nice stand in 7-10 years. Since those Firs are pretty much worthless I would fell your maple take what you want from it and then fell the Firs all toward each other. What you want to do is create a mess on the forest floor so the deer can not get to the supple regeneration. By the time the saplings turn into something you will want to harvest the Firs will be almost completely rotted.

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