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At the end of the day if I haven't been to the bathroom at all, i know i gotta drink more water. It's not so easy to fill the cooler back up with water a half hour from town. I gotta get another one.
It's sure been a wake up call for me. Several times a week after I get home or while driving home I'll start getting bad Charley horses in my legs, thats what normally reminds me I need to drink more. Or my trigger finger and whole arm will cramp up in the tree.
Guess Ive been pushing it for a while.
One of the first knots I teach a grounds men is the water bottle knot. Two reverse loops over the bottle of water(clove hitch). My camel pack didn't look in good condition when I pulled it out from it's hole so I'm going to buy a new one. I have a crane job to remove a big multi-top fir tomorrow, I'm going to be prepared. One thing about myself. I never make the same mistake more them two or three times.
I do a lot of running and road biking. Here in South Louisiana during the summer, the heat and humidity can be a bear. You need to hydrate yourself at least two hours before the activity, because that is the fluid your body will be using during that activity. If you wait until you are thirsty to start drinking fluids, then that is the fluid that your body will use two hours from that point. It’s not instant hydration. You should try drinking a cold smoothie about an hour before your activity as well; it works for running in hot conditions, so should do the same while working outside in the summer. Also, try to get packs of ‘sport beans’ because these have electrolytes and can be taken before, during, or after activity for replenishment. A local sporting goods or running store should have them, then you can go try out once you know what flavors you like.
Powerade works for me

What are you drinking to replace your electrolytes? Most the stuff I look at has way too much sugar.

Heat index of 106+ about 5 powerade bottles of frozen water start the day, 3 or 4 Powerades mixed in there covers 8-12 hours. I dont get light headed, trigger finger gets sore anyway so i just keep movin
Volunteering for some trials back in my younger days taught me that, for me

room temp water works better than cold water for rehydration. The sugar and salt solution is just used as supplement, not to replace all of the water I drink. I sweat more than any one I know, but with plenty of water to drink, I can work hard all day even in high heat.

The real problems come when wearing bunker gear fighting fire on a hot day!
Give them water

Providing water to your employees is key, you will get better production out of them. For the low cost of water/sports drinks this no brainer in terms of increased production. Always having plenty of COLD water available & few sports drinks usually works. They won't want drink warm liquids on a hot day until their already dehydrated. Once dehydrated it takes 24 to fully rehydrate, unless you get an drip iv.

As the climber it's always the challenge to drink enough before you enter the tree. But not so much that nature calls before your done with your work. I've found proper hydration the night before, for example not drinking a half rack of beer is usually best.

Also occasionally purchasing a drink & meal for your employees/coworkers after work can keep crew moral high. And can also be used a tax write off!
Any one else get stupid? For some reason I had the hardest time focusing today. For my own sake I am going to say it was lack of water. I was not quite myself when backing up the truck and then as well my speech almost seemed affected. I could not quite sound literate, not horrible but not quite my normal self. It was either water or food, both of i was short on today.
Yeah, it's crazy how easy it is the dehydrate.

Here in Australia where I work, we can get really bad humidity, or just that ultra dry hotness. Summer is terrible. At least working in winter is tolerable on the most part.

I find myself just guzzling water for the sake of it, not sure if that's good or not. I have a 5L bottle, and finish that most days regardless of whether it's hot or cold weather. Feel like my eyes are floating at times, haha.


Oh yeah, this is a great idea, I've never seen that done before. Wicked.

Heat stroke

I had a heat stroke 3 years ago. Doctor told me he was going to lose me and asked if I wanted him to put me on life support. It didn't come to that but my life has not been the same since. I spent some time in ECU. I'm still doing trees but feel that my days are numbered. I can't focus, stamina stinks, my eyes are permanently messed up, and doctor wants me to visit her every 6 weeks.
All because i was determined to finish a job that day.
It's sure been a wake up call for me. Several times a week after I get home or while driving home I'll start getting bad Charley horses in my legs, thats what normally reminds me I need to drink more. Or my trigger finger and whole arm will cramp up in the tree.
Guess Ive been pushing it for a while.

Is that what causes ( the lock up)
It never used to happen to me but last year I was in a good size spruce for over 3 hours and my hands and abs/ obliques kept locking up. . It was cool and drizzle but I sweat worse than a pig. I only had about 8 oz of CytoMax while in the tree. . I burned 2 tanks of fuel thru my 2150 Jred and a tank thru my 460 Stihl.
I thot it was just being out of shape but I had been climbing and topping steady for the 5 weeks prior.
Is that what causes ( the lock up)
It never used to happen to me but last year I was in a good size spruce for over 3 hours and my hands and abs/ obliques kept locking up. . It was cool and drizzle but I sweat worse than a pig. I only had about 8 oz of CytoMax while in the tree. . I burned 2 tanks of fuel thru my 2150 Jred and a tank thru my 460 Stihl.
I thot it was just being out of shape but I had been climbing and topping steady for the 5 weeks prior.

I had that happen to me a few years ago in Houston. Knew I was pushing it, but iust had to get the job done. Cramps started and just wouldn't go away. After the job I was trying to rehydrate but still cramping all over. We stopped by a friends who happened to be a nurse. She took one look at me, brought out a potassium tablet and 5 minutes later I was fine.
OK. I've never been much on the camel bak idea. But maybe I should re think that. . 2 weeks ago it was pretty hot here in Valdez. Un bearable in Glennallen. 2 days I worked all day and didn't pee till quitting time tho I drank over a gallon of water, CytoMax and PowerAid . I didn't get crampy but my t shirt was white in some places from the salt ect I sweated out.

No doubt you guys laugh at what we call hot. But my wife is from Hinkley/ Barsto California and she said it was Hot in Glennallen .
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Drinking cold water or cold anything is just about the worst thing you can do to stay hydrated. Your body elevates it's temp to heat up the cold liquid in order to digest it adding to the heat stress. Drink room temp liquids and dump cold stuff on your head, neck, wrists, or wherever major blood vessels are close to the skins surface to reduce core temp.
I use electrolyte replacement pills and water most of the time and bought gatoraide in powder form and mix my own, much cheaper.
I supply my guys with all the Gatorade and water that they want. I buy the G2 stuff, less sugar.
We all watch each other and remind everyone to drink plenty on the hot days.