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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
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Today two of my regs came in, Freaky Frank and Dirty Dapper Dan. Both are in their 70's. They come to give me a hardtime and we have a ball everytime we get to jawing. What we say to each other isn't for the meek by no means. It gets wild, alot of cussing dirty jokes, sometimes some name calling not fit for the devil himself but always in good natured fun.

While there today shooting the bull with these old guys I sit a super nice MS290 up on the counter, used but in great condition. Had a hair line crack in the top of the oil tank. I go Frank ya see this saw here, I'm gonna replace the case on it and sell it for 300.00. He looks closely at it and goes I'll give you 75.00 for it the way it is. I said nope, 100.00. He goes no way. I go fine, I'll replace the case and get 300.00. He keeps trying to get it for 75.00.
Finally Dapper Dan says Frank he told you a 100.00, you should buy it for that. Frank can't take it anymore. He goes does it leak oil. I go not that I can tell but its got a hair line crack right there in plain view on top of the oil tank. He goes well it would be ok to use on the farm with the guys I got. He whips out a crisp 100.00 bill and buys the saw. Dan leaves and Frank goes out the door with his saw minutes later.

About 20 minutes go by and the phone rings. I look at the call screen and the call is coming from the boweling alley down the street. I answer hello and this man asks is a 290 a good saw. I go they're ok for a homeowner saw. He goes are they as good as a 036Pro, I go no way, no where near it. He goes well how much is a 290 worth. I go it depends on the condition its in. He goes well how much would a nice one be worth that has a small crack in top of the oil tank. I go hmmmmmm, is someone trying to sell you one. He goes yeah. I go is it a older guy in his 70's. He goes yeahhhhhhhhhh, how did you know that. I go is he driving a blue pick up truck. He goes yeah. I said what does he want for the saw. He goes 150.00. I said you tell that old guy that I said he's a low life sorry suma---------. He goes whatcha mean. I said I just sold him that saw 20 minutes ago for 100.00. He goes whatttttttttttt. I go I sure did. He goes are you serious, I go you dayummm right I'm serious. I said you tell him that the Stihl guy said that saw is only worth 50.00 since it has a crack in the oil tank and that no way would any one would pay more than 50.00 for it. The guy laffed and said I'm gonna go and tell that suma------.

I thought Frank would stop back by and tell me he and the guy were in on the call together but he never came by. I thought he would call me but he didn't call either.

So did my buddy Frank try to make a quick 50.00 on a saw he told me he was gonna let his farm hands use or did he try to pull a prank on me? Did I ruin his chance to make 50.00? Either way I came out 100.00 to the good, the saw cost me $0.00. Should I have told Frank that, of course not I say but I did tell him it sold for 369.95 brand new and man that saw looked new cept for that hair line crack,LOLOLOL
Who knows? The way I look at it, after the money changed hands, the buyer is free to do whatever he wants. UNLESS of course if it's a close friend or family member and you sold them something FAR below value to help them out. Or, like with my father and I, he has sold me stuff in the past and just asked to offer it back to him if I don't want it anymore. Usually that was for the sentimental stuff, but either way...

Besides, if he's trying to make a quick $50, he will... you might have just delayed his $50 a little.. :)
Now Tom, didn't you just say the other day that you never sell used saws? :)

So true, that I did. However this saw you might say just appeared from out the blue. It was brought in to me to buy. I looked it over and said no, time I replaced the case its not worth much, too much labor involved plus the cost of the case. The seller agreed and said keep it, do what you want with it.

Now think Space, I sit the saw up on the counter when my two bestest freinds were sitting there. I knew one would not be able to resist and I pointed out the crack to him, he knew exactly what he was getting. I was surprized Dan didn't try to out bid Frank. I wouldn't have sold the saw to anyone else other than one of those two. Worked out like a charm,LOLOLOL

So Space did Frank try to make a quick 50.00 or was he trying to make me think he got me on the cheap??
Who knows? The way I look at it, after the money changed hands, the buyer is free to do whatever he wants. UNLESS of course if it's a close friend or family member and you sold them something FAR below value to help them out. Or, like with my father and I, he has sold me stuff in the past and just asked to offer it back to him if I don't want it anymore. Usually that was for the sentimental stuff, but either way...

Besides, if he's trying to make a quick $50, he will... you might have just delayed his $50 a little.. :)

My only disappointed is Frank didn't stop back by or call. Me being Mr.Nice I called Dan. Dan and Frank are neighbors. I said Dan when you see Frank ask him how his saw sale turned out. He goes whatcha mean and I filled him in on the whole thing. He goes that dayummm Frank,LOLOLOL
I'd say he's playing a trick on you. Who calls a Stihl dealer up out of the blue and asks him what a saw is worth? Sounds fishy to me.
I'd say he's playing a trick on you. Who calls a Stihl dealer up out of the blue and asks him what a saw is worth? Sounds fishy to me.

I get those types of calls all the time. I'm with you though, I think Frank was wanting me to think he got me on the cheap and I in turn thought ha, I got 100.00 out of him for something I paid 0.00 for,LOL
Or he could put it on flea bay and make a quick $100.00.

I think it would be VERY ironic if the guy he was trying to sell it to, would just "happen" to call you for a value.
I call BS. He was pullin your chain!
I get those types of calls all the time. I'm with you though, I think Frank was wanting me to think he got me on the cheap and I in turn thought ha, I got 100.00 out of him for something I paid 0.00 for,LOL

And he's probably thinking "Damn, I'm getting good at making those counterfeit hundreds." :)
Did someone try to pull a fast one on "The King"?

I wouldn't say fast one. You gotta know these two old guys, they are a hoot. I think Frank was thinking I'll make him think he sold it too cheap as a prank. Even if he wanted to make a fast $50.00 thats fine with me, I made a fast 100.00,haha
And he's probably thinking "Damn, I'm getting good at making those counterfeit hundreds." :)

Oh no. Beleive it or not Space Frank is very well known around town, he has a terrible habit he should stop but doesn't. He carries about 10 grand in his pocket at all times in a big thick money clip. He loves to whip it out and show it off. I told him many times Frank someone is gonna rob you one of these days. He said naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its only money, he has plenty trust me. Today knowing that pile of money was in his pocket I robbed him,LOLOLOLOL
My guess is he was trying to make a quick 50. Then he was gonna come back and brag to you.

Good for him but if thats what he had in mind he needs to make sure his buyers don't call me first, I'm gonna make it hard for him to get that 50.00, its the way we carry on...
Oh no. Beleive it or not Space Frank is very well known around town, he has a terrible habit he should stop but doesn't. He carries about 10 grand in his pocket at all times in a big thick money clip. He loves to whip it out and show it off. I told him many times Frank someone is gonna rob you one of these days. He said naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its only money, he has plenty trust me. Today knowing that pile of money was in his pocket I robbed him,LOLOLOLOL

What's his address? :greenchainsaw::)
What's his address? :greenchainsaw::)

Ever heard of Belmeade Furniture Space, his sister and husband own it. Big bucks, I'm talking many millions. Frank takes care of a 2000 acre farm that they own outside of town for them. They pay him VERY well..

Forgot to mention. The farm has been there for many many years. Its a big big horse farm. They board horses there. One of their clients that use to come out and ride horses there was Jackie Kennedy.
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Ever heard of Belmeade Furniture Space, his sister and husband own it. Big bucks, I'm talking many millions. Frank takes care of a 2000 acre farm that they own outside of town for them. They pay him VERY well..

Forgot to mention. The farm has been there for many many years. Its a big big horse farm. They board horses there. One of their clients that use to come out and ride horses there was Jackie Kennedy.
Yeah, there's a few of those types around here. Some people just seem to know how to make money. :)
Thall, just think human nature.....greed, he tried to make a quick fifty, if he did it looks like everyone won, you got your 100.00 and he'll make a quick fifty off of someone or do it like I would have and expense it to the farm for 200.00. At 200.00 it's still a fair deal for the farm.
Space, are you nuts, that area at one time had the highest per capita population in the U.S. of millionaires due to the Wal-Mart,Tyson,Hudson,J.B. Hunt success stories. Most there don't flaunt it though, at least the older ones, the newer generation is guilty of being flashy.

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