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Yeah, there's a few of those types around here. Some people just seem to know how to make money. :)

No kidding. I don't know if this is true or not because Frank is a charactor. He told me Jackie Kennedy sold him a dog. The dog's breed is the same as her maiden name, Bouvier. He claims Ronald Reagan got one from the same litter. He said he wrote Reagan a letter about the dog. Get this. He comes by one day with a 8x10 framed photo of Reagan and this black curly hair dog. On the pic Reagan has wrote in his own hand "Frank I love this dog, best regards, Ronald Reagan." Frank was very proud of that photo. So much he said what do you think this would bring on E-bay Tom. I said Frank it seems to be addressed to you, he goes so what,LOLOL

I do know Frank had several of those big black Bouviers over the years. He had one he named Boo. He sued the vet over Boo because some kind of medicine the vet gave Boo, it killed him. That was a big story around town at the time..
Thall, just think human nature.....greed, he tried to make a quick fifty, if he did it looks like everyone won, you got your 100.00 and he'll make a quick fifty off of someone or do it like I would have and expense it to the farm for 200.00. At 200.00 it's still a fair deal for the farm.
Space, are you nuts, that area at one time had the highest per capita population in the U.S. of millionaires due to the Wal-Mart,Tyson,Hudson,J.B. Hunt success stories. Most there don't flaunt it though, at least the older ones, the newer generation is guilty of being flashy.

Its hard to tell, Frank is always carrying on, he, Dan and me have a blast, I like old people, especailly ones like those two. Frank flashing that big fat wad of 100.00 bills all the time I don't understand at all. He loves doing that. I knew his pocket was full, I felt he would be my best bet to sell that saw to, it was,LOL

He took me out for a pizza a few weeks back. He said you drive and I'll pay. I said cool. We went over to the pizza parlor in my car and he says get anything ya want. I said Frank you order and I'll help you eat it. He orders a huge pizza and I thought we never would get it all down. The waitress comes with the bill and Frank pulls his number. He goes whats that. She goes the bill. He goes whattttttttttttttt you mean we gotta pay for this stuff, I didn't know that, LOL..
Tom, didn't you say you hunt and peck when you type? Your last post was posted six minutes after your next to last post. It comprises 166 words, or 830 characters. That's an average of 2.3 characters per second. Pretty danged good for a hunt 'n pecker. :)
Tom, didn't you say you hunt and peck when you type? Your last post was posted six minutes after your next to last post. It comprises 166 words, or 830 characters. That's an average of 2.3 characters per second. Pretty danged good for a hunt 'n pecker. :)

Well Space I use two fingers to type. I rarely look at the keyboard though, I like to watch my letters appear on the screen as I type. I got no clue how fast I type. I just peck away,haha
Space I know I'm going on about Frank and Dan so I wanna give you an example of how these old guys are. Dan just got back on his feet after a hip replacement. He and Frank live acoss the fence from each other. Frank uses alot of latino guys on the horse farm. From what I could gather Dan stole one of Franks men.

Dan was in the shop first this morning sitting on a stool yaking with me. Frank pulls up in his truck. He see's Dan through the door. He hops out the truck and comes in and looks at Dan real mean and goes loudly, "you stole Jose from me". Dan goes the hell I did, Jose came to me. Frank goes well you didn't have to hire him. Dan goes well I need someone to mow and trim for me. Frank goes well you coulda got your own Jose and left mine alone,LOLOL

Thats how they carry on. All non-sense but funny as hell...
This sounds like my kind of group, LOL. Hard to say if he tried to make $50 off ya but the call was ironic.

Beleive it or not they are the only two guys that can sit with me and out cuss me, that should tell you they are some wild old cats for sure,LOL
I don't have any ideas what the real story is on the 290.

However, some of the other information divulged in this thread should be left private imo. Like how much money he carries on him, how he made his money, what he does for a living etc. No matter how good of a friend he is, those topics should be left to the individual to share.
I don't have any ideas what the real story is on the 290.

However, some of the other information divulged in this thread should be left private imo. Like how much money he carries on him, how he made his money, what he does for a living etc. No matter how good of a friend he is, those topics should be left to the individual to share.

99.9% of people I would agree with you. However if you met Frank and talked to him for 20 minutes you would see his big wad of cash come out his pocket. He would tell you how much is in that wad. He loves to flaunt his dough. He has no problem what so ever letting you know he's loaded, what farm he runs and who owns what. He's just that way. You can talk to anyone in town that has met Frank and the first thing they will tell you is have you seen the wad of money he carries. He's pretty famous around town for flashing that money. Everything I've said about Frank is well known by the whole town thanks to Frank himself. He's quite a charactor for sure..
99.9% of people I would agree with you. However if you met Frank and talked to him for 20 minutes you would see his big wad of cash come out his pocket. He would tell you how much is in that wad. He loves to flaunt his dough. He has no problem what so ever letting you know he's loaded, what farm he runs and who owns what. He's just that way. You can talk to anyone in town that has met Frank and the first thing they will tell you is have you seen the wad of money he carries. He's pretty famous around town for flashing that money. Everything I've said about Frank is well known by the whole town thanks to Frank himself. He's quite a charactor for sure..
So, you're saying he flaunts his wad like you flaunt drippy, eh? :)
So, you're saying he flaunts his wad like you flaunt drippy, eh? :)

No, he's much more at flaunting his dough than I am Mr. Drippy. Very few in our town know about Mr. Drippy, everyone in our town knows Frank,LOL

( I do know what you was saying,hehe)
Just the ones who do business with you, huh. :)

Haha, not really. Fact is most that come to buy a Stihl have pretty much made up their mind before coming in the door. Every once in a while someone will want to debate brands before buying. I don't knock the other brands when selling. I just make it clear we sell Stihl and Stihl only and we service what we sell here. That last part is usually all they need to say ok. Brand talk rarely comes up for like I say most have their mind made up on brand before walking in. The big debate is always not knowing which one of the crop they want. Sometimes carrying 22 differant models is more of a pita than a decent selection. It took a man the other day over 45 minutes deciding on a 441 or a 460. I finally told him tell ya what, take 75.00 off either one. Within 10 minutes he picked out his saw. Sometimes money talks louder than anything else...
I finally told him tell ya what, take 75.00 off either one. Within 10 minutes he picked out his saw. Sometimes money talks louder than anything else...
Maybe he just knew how to play you. :)
Maybe he just knew how to play you. :)

He was trying my patience for sure. I got no problem giving a discount on the big money saws but I'm gonna make you work for it,haha. Most that are trying for a discount will finally ask whats the least you will take, I come back with whats the most you will give, you should see their faces,LOLOL This last guy though was good, he used the old I don't know what I want deal knowing all along he wanted a discount but was afraid to ask. I made it easy for him me but I'm not complaining. He earned it.
99.9% of people I would agree with you. However if you met Frank and talked to him for 20 minutes you would see his big wad of cash come out his pocket. He would tell you how much is in that wad. He loves to flaunt his dough. He has no problem what so ever letting you know he's loaded, what farm he runs and who owns what. He's just that way. You can talk to anyone in town that has met Frank and the first thing they will tell you is have you seen the wad of money he carries. He's pretty famous around town for flashing that money. Everything I've said about Frank is well known by the whole town thanks to Frank himself. He's quite a charactor for sure..

Ok I don't know him personally so if thats what you say I believe you. I knew your comments had harmless intent.
Looks like you have a lot of banter with your customers. Play the game, maybe get some deals. Sounds like fun.
These old boys probably look on it as a bit of sport to while away their twilight years.
Ok I don't know him personally so if thats what you say I believe you. I knew your comments had harmless intent.

Thanks. Trust me I haven't said a word about Frank that the whole town doesn't already know. He is still leaving me out to dry as to what he did yesterday. This morning he come driving through the parking lot real slow, looked over at the open shop door, tooted his horn twice and keep on going. I guess he gonna make me wait to find out whether he made that easy 50.00or whether he was pulling a good one on me. He'll make me wait and finally come in and go you SOB, you runied my sale, I ought to skin your hide. I can hear him now,LOLOL
Looks like you have a lot of banter with your customers. Play the game, maybe get some deals. Sounds like fun.
These old boys probably look on it as a bit of sport to while away their twilight years.

Oh yes. Banter and bs'ing at the rack with the customers is alot of fun, they enjoy it. Today was real nice outside but sales were lagging this morning, hadn't sold a thing. From 1pm to 5pm though I cranked up the BS bigtime and started having fun. I figure if no one is gonna buy anything I may as well have some fun at their expense. By days end I sent 12 home with new Stihls. If you can get em to laff and carry on they will buy. Thank goodness no ladies where around the rack today, it was getting dirty and deep but it sold alot of units...

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