Does Anyone Have Any Other Hobbies Other Than Falling Timber and Working on Saws?

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Yea, I like to shoot, and hand load ammo. I canoe, Fish, My wife and I are into Dragon boat racing. (we have raced in Canada, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, And just last week we were in Chattanooga TN. I also love to trailride on my ATV, and Hunt. I pretty much enjoy tinkering with just about any thing.
I am a service tech so playing with the saws is one of my hobbies, I also like to camp, shoot, hunt, fish, wrench on things like the boats and 4-wheelers, drinking beer and whenever possible, wimmens. Lately I've been trying to spend as much time with my family, mainly my grandfather while I still have him around. Good stuff!
Currently working on a mole eradication plan

Moles are really hard animals to trap. I once ran a wildlife pest control business so I know. A good mole trapper can charge serious money to catch, or not catch a mole. The problem with moles is, you are setting your traps on spots that the mole has just gone through. My experiance is the mole never would come back to that spot. Best mole killer I ever saw was an old rat terrior that my neighbor had. I would see that thing get up to 15 moles a day when we baled hay.

My other hobbies are in order of favorites.

Riding my Moto Guzzi and my Harley

Trapping! Haven't done it in a few seasons because of work, and fur prices being low.

I consider chasing women and drinking beer a lifestyle and not a hobby.
I restore old Kawasaki's

Thats a nice job on those Kawi's. I bought and resold a sweet and stock KZ 1000 about 3 years ago. The profits paid for a vacation and put a little lump in my retirement money.

That being said, in they're day, I could run circles around those flexible flyers with either of my RD 250'S / 350'S. 2 strokes rule man.
Chainsaws became my hobby when these guys were born. Most of my hobbies required a lot of drive time so I would be gone all day long.

Before I had these guys my hobbies were golf, fishing, shooting(one day maybe add reloading to the list), skimming, skateboarding, and my favorite was mountain biking. I cant wait till the boys are old enough I can take them.

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I reload, cast my boolits.
Wrench on my 88 Ford, my 4 wheelers
spend alot of time out with my hounds
Spring- Wishing I was fishing
Summer- I sweat
Fall- I wish I were hunting
Winter- I freeze

But so glad to be workin

I talked to an older man the other day near where we was working. He had about 15 of those little twirly fans on sticks in his yard. I asked him what they were for and he said to run moles off.

He swore that the vibrations they made would drive them crazy and they would leave. I hav'ent ever really had moles so I don't know if it will work or not but it might be worth a try.
I talked to an older man the other day near where we was working. He had about 15 of those little twirly fans on sticks in his yard. I asked him what they were for and he said to run moles off.

He swore that the vibrations they made would drive them crazy and they would leave. I hav'ent ever really had moles so I don't know if it will work or not but it might be worth a try.

All the local coop had was rat traps and poison. I set the trap with peanut butter. two days now and nothin. I set the poison inside pvc pipes burried and covered with mulch so that the cats don't get dead (not that it would be that bad a thing....Crap! did I say that out loud?). If teh cats were worth a damn they'd be eatin the friggin moles!~
Playing Bass
Working out
Various Forms or Horticulture

Video Games
The Jersey Shore

I take it you let the weeds grow and don't mind if there are mushrooms in the cupboards....:)

Poppies are pretty too
I build AK's.

About 10 years ago got involved with some other guys and Gunco resulted. I'm impressed that so many here are into the shooting sports.:cheers:

I just came back from the Middle School registration of my youngest 2. They can take up a little time too!
I started hunting a few years ago. I go out primarily for birds and bunnies with my pointer. I shot a duck that landed in the Owens river last fall, my dog Kate just whined at it from the bank and I had to wade in to fetch it. So, we've been doing this a bit this summer:


She's really into squirrels so I've been working on a squirrel rifle. Turning this:




I'm hoping to have it finished by dove season.

Fishing has taken a back seat since I decided to share a life with a pointer.

She's just too happy with a bird in her mouth.


My other hobby is Urban Exploration, very few people know what it is and even fewer people are interested in it, so I don't even bring it up anymore.

I used to have an interest in antique cars, but I can't afford them anymore.

Saws are great for me, I love working on them and selling them provides a small side income.
I build AK's.

About 10 years ago got involved with some other guys and Gunco resulted. I'm impressed that so many here are into the shooting sports.:cheers:

I just came back from the Middle School registration of my youngest 2. They can take up a little time too!

I would be into AK's if they were legal here! I was on an SKS kick for a while but it was a poor substitute.

Pics would be good!