dont get married

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Married for 30yrs in june. Two sons, both work with handicapped adults. Oldest is married. Youngest surprised us by working with the handicapped. After four years in the Marine hopefully college.
Married for 30yrs in june. Two sons, both work with handicapped adults. Oldest is married. Youngest surprised us by working with the handicapped. After four years in the Marine hopefully college.
Good for you!

I'm married 23 years in Nov. 2 kids, an 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl. Love them dearly. My son was accepted into UCLA and will start in the fall. My daughter goes into high school next year.

My wife is the best woman I've met, and she's the best mother I can imagine for my kids. We both have our problems, but work with each other to hold it together. Having great kids helps.

To the OP of this thread, I wouldn't want to be single no matter what. I am the type of person that likes companionship, am faithful to my loving wife, and treat my kids with respect. I have never hit either of my kids one single time. I wasn't as fortunate as a kid...but I was fortunate to learn from my experience so I didn't pass along similar to my own kids.:clap:

I have just noticed Evan,the member who started this thread, hasnt been back to comment further on his original post. Makes me wonder.:confused:
Screw marrage its salvery legalized

her: what do you need another saw for you have 5

He thinks to himself you have 20+ pairs of shoes

I want to bring home what ever the (insert your favorite word here) i want to and not hear a thing

charlie form 2 and half men says in a divorce give her everything at least you get your dignity back
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Was hoping he would have posted by now......Anyone have a way to get ahold of him maybe a cell phone #?

I know what he means,I got divorced about 4 yrs ago now.What a mess,sometimes you can try to save it,and sometimes there's nothing you can do to "save" a bad marriage.I was in one that was not salvageable,I tried because of a few reasons.
first was my 3 children,I wanted to save it for them,as it was going to be messy,but when i realized staying together was going to be worse,that reason no longer made sense.

second,I fielt like I was a dissapointment to my family that hadnt had a divorce in my parents children,my parents and her parents are still together over 40 yrs.

third, NO one wins in a divorce,esp with children.If there is any way to salvage the relationship,and be able to repair the damage,do it.However trust and deception are major deal breakers,which ruled this one out as well for me.
The first time I got married, I could not have done any worse.

The second time, I could not have done any better, and that was 40 years ago in September.

There are some good ones:greenchainsaw: around.
11 years 3 kids

Marriage is a negotiation....

Re-negotiated daily

Not all days are bliss
Not all days are bad
Perception is reality when it comes to marriages.

Take care of the old girls needs too, because if you don't she'll be looking for someone who can...

oh and one more thing...hold her hand.


Corollary: refer to her as "the old girl" only when cloaked by internet anonymity. (There doesn't seem to be a smilie for head trauma.)

women are like beer, they're all good, just some are better than others:cheers:

OK, how about "stout" and "bitter?"

Talk about a pebble starting a slide, the original post was seven words, ten if you eliminate all contractions. With no further input from OP, we're almost to 100 posts.

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I've been married 25 years this June with 3 great boys. Having married her was better than winning the lottery. She's beautiful in all ways, especially looks. She's not the greatest cook but, all else over shadows this minor issue. I have to mention she's a Swede, to bad their saws aren't as perfect.
dont get married

women suck

thats all i gota say

Hope all is marriage is perfect, and I didn't get a handbook. As others have stated it takes two with common goals, respect, and understanding. Working through the challenges can make a relationship stronger or be a determining factor for evaluating, what one wants in life.

Good luck to all on compromise and communication.