Firewood theives getting to close

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Interesting how you've managed to post pics to a heat pump thread, but are unable to post pics to your threads on your new husky and the big ash.
I call hooey. You're about to join a select few in the Iggy (ignore) list. Chow.

When people make claims about new saws, 99.9999999999% of the time they post pics of them, unless it's hooey. Good bye and good luck. Hooey.

LOL!! Exactly what I was thinking as well. Call me a skeptic, I'm OK with that. A little dose of critical thinking can be very effective. Speaking of Walleyes....check out the Great Outdoors forum under ice fishing.
Dang dude, crabby much?! Vermonster turned into grrmonster! Posting 3 times in a thread that you promised to ignore on the first post (and second), seems Stihly is not the one being squirrely here...
digital cams the more pixels the better, they all switch to b/w at night with IR so look at range factor for that portion. here at my shop I have one traditional cam that is day night but does not require IR for night viewing that one is mostly the one that puts the last nail in the coffin. A lot of the inexpensive systems have real cheap sensors in the cams that is why the picts are so awful. A good cam by itself is in the $200 range, as was said ya get what ya pay for. I have a couple game cam from Gander Mountain nothing fancy night range is about 50 ft They were on sale for $70 ea. I think the list was around $139. that was a couple years back. I can't cover everywhere with the the regular system.
My security cameras are wireless, very sharp and color even in IR, and weren't terribly expensive. The real cameras are well hidden, with fakes that are not so well hidden. My place has IR floods totally independent of the cameras. Cameras sold as trail cameras are priced higher and seem to be lower quality than security equipment.
The bank pics are shown blurry on TV news casts but I'm sure they have better ones for the cops and court.

When those signs go up around here, it usually means that somebody who isn't from here has moved here. Usually from Southern CA and a city. They are tacky, overused, and unnecessary. A simple No Trespassing is the legal way if you want to be unfriendly.

Some idiot even tried to take over a public road using those "clever" signs. It was the first time I ever felt like actually shooting a sign. I didn't.
I'm not from the city,yes they may be tacky but i find them funny if you think my post is unnecessary discuss with the mod and have it removed.
when I lived in the pnw , there were a lot of persnickety people that I met and forgot about real fast with all the gloomy days of winter! lol it's hard to belive they make it through the gloom and live to be half sane? lol

Maybe if you lived where, on a clear day, the landscape is pretty nice, you'd not appreciate the clutter of tacky signs. Maybe you wouldn't want to post signs to get attention.
Do you support some yahoo trying to take over a PUBLIC road easement to turn an area of PUBLIC land into his private play area? Unfortunately, he didn't realize he was trying to scare off some very dedicated huckleberry pickers. Pickers that knew the road was not his to close. What part of persnickety is that?

Yes, we are horrible people. Don't move here.
yupp! that's the plan just 9 more years till retirement! then moving to the Morton/packwood area for some good fishing, skiing? and hunting.... but of course I will need to come back to cold Minnesota for the hard water season? lol
Maybe if you lived where, on a clear day, the landscape is pretty nice, you'd not appreciate the clutter of tacky signs. Maybe you wouldn't want to post signs to get attention.
Do you support some yahoo trying to take over a PUBLIC road easement to turn an area of PUBLIC land into his private play area? Unfortunately, he didn't realize he was trying to scare off some very dedicated huckleberry pickers. Pickers that knew the road was not his to close. What part of persnickety is that?

Yes, we are horrible people. Don't move here.

There's bad people everywhere. 2, maybe 3 years ago, I had a yuppie new lake home owner plow the landing to "MY" lake shut. 3 hours with the tractor and loader it was wide open. I have no idea how long it took the bass turd to get his 12' snowbank back out of his driveway, nor do I care. It has not happened since.
Can really piss off the neighbors when a racoon or the neighbors cat takes a stroll down your driveway toward the woodpile.
If they where good neighbors, they would help me watch my wood pile and i wouldnt need motion sensing lights and cameras.

My wood is stacked in a shed behind my house. My driveway is 900ft long and deadends at my front door. They would have to cross a big gulley and wove wire fence and walk about 200yards to get to my wood pile if someone decided they wanted to sneak in. My brothers house and barn are within sight of my house, he has a paved drive that connects to the main highway, goes by his barn before it gets to his house. Since the new highway was built and opened about 4 years ago, he has had his golf cart and one chainsaw stolen out of the barn, seperate incidents. He has security cameras now located inside the barn that he monitors from his house. Things still turn up missing so much that he has resorted to locking all 4 doors of his barn. Things are not like it used to be around here. At one time, you never had to lock a door. Now you have to stand guard to keep what is yours.
I purchased a $100 F&F game camera this fall that was marked down from $150. I started storing wood in a building that is located off the beaten path on my nephew's property this fall. Didn't have the best feeling putting it down there but had no more room on the home place that the wife was willing to give up for wood. As of today I have caught 2 different people on camera helping themselves to my wood stacks. I learned a very hard lesson on the first one, and that being make sure and set the camera to the 15 second mode. I had it set on 5 minute mode and got one picture of the back of the guy throwing splits into the back of his pickup. Didn't do me a lot of good! I will say that I don't think my camera takes as clear of a picture as I would like but all of the pictures I get of myself and truck when I am down there I can easily read my licenses plate from about 35 to 40 ft away. Is it a cure all.... no. As the word gets around that I have a camera down there help..... maybe a little. Do I get peace of mind for having it...... Yes. This building is the same one where I stored my manure spread (that I used to haul wood), and it was stolen about a year ago. Finally I think for the amount invested, a camera is a cheap way to at least try and even up the game a little.
If they where good neighbors, they would help me watch my wood pile and i wouldnt need motion sensing lights and cameras.

My wood is stacked in a shed behind my house. My driveway is 900ft long and deadends at my front door. They would have to cross a big gulley and wove wire fence and walk about 200yards to get to my wood pile if someone decided they wanted to sneak in. My brothers house and barn are within sight of my house, he has a paved drive that connects to the main highway, goes by his barn before it gets to his house. Since the new highway was built and opened about 4 years ago, he has had his golf cart and one chainsaw stolen out of the barn, seperate incidents. He has security cameras now located inside the barn that he monitors from his house. Things still turn up missing so much that he has resorted to locking all 4 doors of his barn. Things are not like it used to be around here. At one time, you never had to lock a door. Now you have to stand guard to keep what is yours.

So, even with the cameras, he is not catching the thieves?
That estimate of 7 cord came from the local news, not the OP.

I'd love to try the siren on a motion sensor but my motion sensor lights always turn on when it's windy. I'd have neighbors shooting at me the first time a cold front moves in.

Thanks for the great link!, I still wonder if that estimate was a bit high but it's clearly happening regularly there so a repeat offender could've taken multiple trips. It has been a long winter so it isn't surprising. I agree with you on the siren. My neighbor's light blinks on and off all night at random and he works for the GE Electric Light Division! Plus I found out where Santa Claus lives. And he is marking his wood with yellow paint. No more free bonfire parties for you Rudolph!
It was in the news I never heard how long he got in prison but this is new York so I'm sue he got a long time new York is not a very nice place
Most thieves (if they're any good at it) will spend a bit of time checking out the target before hitting it. Doing a drive-by multiple times, different times of the day and night, looking for the best opening. If they're local they likely even know where you work, what school your kids attend, and even what brand of beer you prefer. You can bet they also know the habits of local law enforcement... such as shift-change, coffee time and whatnot. They may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but they ain't the dullest either... they'll pick-up on anything that gives them a slight advantage, even if that advantage means a better likelihood of escape if detected. Thieves, for the most part, are also cowards.

I can't prove my approach to anti-theft actually works... but I can prove I've never been hit by thieves using it in near 40 years, when others living close have been.
I use a visual deterrent, but not signs and such... whenever anyone drives by my place they will easily see that we are openly armed at all times. I'm not openly armed in public at all times (sometimes it's concealed), but I am often enough that any "local" is gonna' catch-on damn quick.

And no slowp, it has nothing to do with fear.
See, I have no reason to be afraid... because I always carry a gun of some sort‼ And I'm damn good with them also.
Maybe if you lived where, on a clear day, the landscape is pretty nice, you'd not appreciate the clutter of tacky signs. Maybe you wouldn't want to post signs to get attention.
Do you support some yahoo trying to take over a PUBLIC road easement to turn an area of PUBLIC land into his private play area? Unfortunately, he didn't realize he was trying to scare off some very dedicated huckleberry pickers. Pickers that knew the road was not his to close. What part of persnickety is that?
Yes, we are horrible people. Don't move here.

Dang Slope.

Like, What? You got a lock on "people aint from 'round here" ?

Try living on the beach- in a bedroom community next to DAYTONA. We usually get one, maybe two months, of NOT having one demographic or the other, wanting here to be like "Back where I...."

What am I saying, I don' get a break, just one constant stream of all walks of life.

Get over it.