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  • yes, on ascent, while working in the tree and on descent

    Votes: 20 45.5%
  • on ascent or descent

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • only when it's cold

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • never.... suck it up wimp!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
i don't feel safe wearing them when climbing cause i can't feel the tree:eek:
Personally, I never liked wearing gloves. I've tried several types, the closest I ever got to using any were the fingerless type. But that's a personal preference I think. If calluses on your hands bother you (or your wife/girlfriend), you need to wear gloves. I've been through several periods where gloves were mandatory. ;)
Long ascents I wear the yellow sticky cloves. Rough barked trees like honey locust I like them. i bleed less that way.

Those polly pro gloves keep my hands warm to about 30 degrees.
I wear roper leather gloves.
I like the Atlas (Dipped) rubber palm gloves. And usually wear the thin, similar, cheap ones- from Wonder Glove or Northern Tool. $1.00 or so per pr. They provide great grip for rope or tree climbing. Not the best for lowering, but I like to do a lot of my own lowering, great control, and frees up a gman.

The trad logger's glove, White Ox, are what I used for 25 yrs, dont much like them anymore, but they are great for lowering and in cool weather.
Many years ago I was convinced to start wearing gloves by my girlfriend. I was rubbing her back and she flinched away and told me in a non-negotiable tone that if I EVER expected to touch her again, I would start to wear gloves. Bought some on the way to work the next AM.

I really like the Smurf Gloves. REally cheap and I can still feel the tree. I can tie knots with the gloves on too. Since they are so sticky I don't have to put the death grip on the rope when ascending. Also, I can lighten my grip on the handsaw.

In the winter I wear the XLs with a pair of light weight poly pro glove liners inside. this combo keeps my hands pretty warm, maybe to about 15 degrees. Then I'll put on cheap ski gloves or some thicker fleece gloves. When I have to climb in temps below zero I grab my Granite Gear gloves:

My big hooks wont fit in any decent gloves.

Another thing I like abut those yellow knit sticky gloves is they are bi directional. I can wash them, stuff them in a bag and not worry about geting two left ones:)
I always wear gloves. Sometimes I climb in standard leather palm work gloves but I prefer the all leather 'driving' gloves (equivalent to Kevins Ropers).For feeding the chipper I prefer Welding gloves-esp when it is cold-the padding saves wear and tear on the fingers.

P.S. No, I do not feed the chipper while climbing.:D
I also use wonder gloves. They are great, go to the website ( and get a trial pair. They are great for working with ropes, except lowering. They are good for about 2 days of hard work, then trash em! @ $1 each I don't feel bad doing that.
I have also heard that those colorful Mechanix gloves are good. Anyone use the Stihl gloves that Mark wears in the 200T ad in TCI?
Wearing gloves with a gauntlet cuff when chipping is asking for an accident. The loose cuff is likely to get snagged which could lead to Fargo-izing the operator. Better to wear gloves with a tight cuff.

You would freeze your hands here climbing w/o gloves in the late fall and winter. Ropers seem to be a popular choice as they give you some dexterity. Agree with the comment re gauntlet gloves-every video or written safety instruction regarding the use of chippers cautions against their use, so I keep a cheap pair with short cuffs handy......ones long cuffs intended for lineman really fit my requirements otherwise as they cover up a pretty 6 "ugly scar that gets "angry" real easy on my left forearm especially when my arms are exposed.

I guess it is what one gets used to....I always have worn gloves when doing heavy work and as a result my hands are in pretty good shape compared to some people I have worked with, who seem to consider it a badge of honor that their hands are all chapped, cracked, stained and cut etc.:confused:
I like those blue rubber gloves and also those orange sticky gloves for climbing, work great and cheap too! Any old leathers for lowering.
Anyone using ballistic gloves? This is becoming an issue around here. The H&S Act says you have to wear protective equipment, but does not specify ballistic pants or gloves. Pants are mandatory, but gloves aren't at this point. Does anyone know if there are ballistic gloves with a tight cuff? I've only seen the gauntlet style.
Originally posted by trees4life
Anyone using ballistic gloves? This is becoming an issue around here. The H&S Act says you have to wear protective equipment, but does not specify ballistic pants or gloves. Pants are mandatory, but gloves aren't at this point. Does anyone know if there are ballistic gloves with a tight cuff? I've only seen the gauntlet style.

I have two pairs with short tight cuffs, one made by "Ganka" the other I am not sure of. Actually the ballistic nylon part is only on the left hand over your fist area -the right hand ones look the same but are simply neon orange nylon without the ballistic protection. The cuffs have a small piece of elstic that could be easily cut if you prefer them loose. I think the main aim is to keep chips out.
What is meant by ballistic?

I understand gauntlet cuffs to be ones that travel up the forearm more than 2 or 3 inches. Is that a fair judgement? They're nice to have to keep junk from going up your sleeves in winter, but I wouldn't wear them near a chipper.

I second the Wonder Gloves. Just ordered 100 of them.

I always wore gloves, then a few years ago got away from them. In June of 2001, I had an accident at my day job resulting in a lost fingertip. I started wearing the Atlas rubber gloves. They are the only gloves that feel like I'm not wearing gloves. Recently since my finger is less sensitive, I've started climbing without gloves. I use leather gloves for evergreens.