goofiest saw gimmicks

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Yup, let's end all the plasticy, flim-flam gadgetry and go back to the saws of old. No brakes, no EPA crap, no side tension, no in-board clutch(oh yeah, some saws didn't evolve this yet...), no plastic, no springy, rubbery AV crap, no electronic ignitions and so on. Let's just go back 50-60 years when saws were saws and men were men. A proper chainsaw should weigh a minimum of 25-30 lbs, burn 30w mixed w/leaded petro, vibrate like a jackhammer, be made completely of metal, even the fuel lines should be copper and nothing smaller than 1/2" pitch chain on 'em. Now we're talkin'.

:chainsaw: Hooooyaahhhh!:greenchainsaw: :givebeer:

When did they take lead from gas??? hehehehehehehe

Dude, how bad did you get hit up there??? It'd be cool if you'd let me cut up a bunch of wood with ya for some fun... I know Upper Jay/Jay/Ausable area and Saranac Lake got pounded, trees all over. My FIL works for asplundh, they been pulling 16+ hr days down there... If you need a hand or just want some company lemme know. The chik'n (thats the girl in my avatar, wifey) and I will come over and cut with ya... You lose power also did ya? FIL lost power for 3 days...

:cheers: eh?
At the risk of getting kicked out of the "Left Coast Bring The Biggest Damn Saw You Can Carry Even If You Don't Need The Damn Thing Club" I gotta admit.....I own one of those things. What's worse is...I use it> Even worse than that (I can see Singr' and Gary and several others putting me on their ignore list) is the fact that I like it. Ready for the final blow? I use it on one of my 361's.

(pauses to let all the vile invective and hysterical laughter die down)

We cut a lot of almond, walnut, prune, peach and pear wood for firewood. The damn thing is great for limbs if all you're doing is cutting limbs all day.
I'm going now. Don't tell my logger buddies...okay?

Not only are they gona ignore ya, I think you just gave them probable cause to take your 361 away!
Okay other dealers what do you say when a guy walks in with only one hand and wants to purchase a chainsaw?

I have a couple customers like that. The one guy that want's to buy a saw is missing his left hand. The other one has a custom hook when running saws and has been running dolmars for 20 years. Currently has a pair of 6400's and a couple 116/120si's.
The chik'n (thats the girl in my avatar, wifey) and I will come over and cut with ya...
:cheers: eh?

Ifn' she comes o'er dressed like in the he!! am I supposed to get any work done??? hehehee

I appreciate the offer though. I recently relocated so I guess I missed out on that one.

why not? If a person assumes the risks, shouldn't they be able to cut their own wood? You are not proposing that only licensed professionals should be allowed to use a saw are you? Do we start passing laws that limits who should be allowed to cut wood? You probably believe there should be tests as to who should be allowed to own a gun. Maybe you want to take spoons away from fat people. :monkey:
No, I'm not proposing that at all. I was making a common sense statement. You're not proposing we make devices that allow anyone and everyone to use saws are you? What about stroller attachments so toddlers can use them?
Yup, let's end all the plasticy, flim-flam gadgetry and go back to the saws of old. No brakes, no EPA crap, no side tension, no in-board clutch(oh yeah, some saws didn't evolve this yet...), no plastic, no springy, rubbery AV crap, no electronic ignitions and so on. Let's just go back 50-60 years when saws were saws and men were men. A proper chainsaw should weigh a minimum of 25-30 lbs, burn 30w mixed w/leaded petro, vibrate like a jackhammer, be made completely of metal, even the fuel lines should be copper and nothing smaller than 1/2" pitch chain on 'em. Now we're talkin'.

:chainsaw: Hooooyaahhhh!:greenchainsaw: :givebeer:

Wow! You can have those old pos. I don't want them. :cheers:
Elastostarts, girls blouses, HARDEN UP people
One of my customers is a paraplegic who uses a MS 250 with easy start to cut all the fire wood to heat his entire house. His is still very physically strong but because of the location of his paralyses no longer has the speed to pull a standard recoil. Yes I said his PARALYZED and still cuts wood from his wheelchair, ONLY because of the Easy Start feature.

I want to meet this dude!
I've seen a man with one leg jump in a swimming pool and a guy with one arm ride a Harley.

The moral of the story is this....if you WANT to bad CAN! :clap:
I want to meet this dude!
I've seen a man with one leg jump in a swimming pool and a guy with one arm ride a Harley.

The moral of the story is this....if you WANT to bad CAN! :clap:

Yup... +1

I think if there's a need/market for a particular gadget and enough people want it then we will continue to see innovations such as this. I'm good with that. If something about a product turns me off, I simply don't buy it.

Along the line of the original post, if we applied this logic than we shouldn't allow hand controls on automobiles for handicapped operators. If you can't handle the OEM controls on a product................ screw you.:monkey:
I bought one of the little MS 180CBE's this year and I love the easy start. I've got a pinched nerve and it sure is nice not to have to give it a hard yank.

And now you're asking, if I've got a pinched nerve, why did I buy a saw?

Simple, to cut wood into smaller pieces so it's easier for me to pickup, duh. Take a 10 pound saw, cut your wood into 10- 15 lb pieces.

I'll probably only cut a couple of cords of small wood a year with it for my fireplace since I live in Texas, but for a homeowners saw, it does what I need. It was also great to haul out to the deer lease and trim trees and brush. Not too big, doesn't take up much room in the Gator, it's just right for me.

I guess I could have bought one of those Poulan $99 jobs at Home Depot, but Dad's been running his Stihl 011 for like 20 years now and he beats the crap out of his tools.

I also bought one of those hydrualic bottle jack splitters. It's slow to use, but it sure does save my back. Buying a timberjack really helped too.
Kk, I bit my tongue long enough, my vote goes to the wild neon purple and blinding green paint job, man that saw just has ta be good, lookin' so funky-fine an' all! :dizzy: :dizzy: (ooo, black maxx is up there too, man, a black saw, just right for late night soirées lol)



Yup, let's end all the plasticy, flim-flam gadgetry and go back to the saws of old. No brakes, no EPA crap, no side tension, no in-board clutch(oh yeah, some saws didn't evolve this yet...), no plastic, no springy, rubbery AV crap, no electronic ignitions and so on. Let's just go back 50-60 years when saws were saws and men were men. A proper chainsaw should weigh a minimum of 25-30 lbs, burn 30w mixed w/leaded petro, vibrate like a jackhammer, be made completely of metal, even the fuel lines should be copper and nothing smaller than 1/2" pitch chain on 'em. Now we're talkin'.

:chainsaw: Hooooyaahhhh!:greenchainsaw: :givebeer:
Yay!!! White fingers, deafness, and hernias! Oh my!

:D :greenchainsaw: :greenchainsaw: :greenchainsaw:

Kk, I bit my tongue long enough, my vote goes to the wild neon purple and blinding green paint job, man that saw just has ta be good, lookin' so funky-fine an' all! :dizzy: :dizzy: (ooo, black maxx is up there too, man, a black saw, just right for late night soirées lol)




NEON GREEN & PURLPE FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!:clap: :clap:
Not every one is a big bad logger. These so called gimiks are not for the pros any how. they are for people who need a saw but can't drop start an 088

Can you qualify that statement a bit. I can't, or at least don't, drop start the 088 when the 42" bar or longer is on there. I thought I knew my limitations.:dizzy:
How about the automatic chain sharpener - on the saw??? I forget the saw and gizmo name, but... I'm sure many here will fill in the blanks.

Hit was a Crapsman. err...Craftsman...piece of junk.

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