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I have been told that hackberry can be burned when still green. I have also heard this regarding hedge, (osage orange). I know hackberry is nowhere near hedge in its BTU rating, but does anyone have experience burning green "hackleberry?"

You should end up with a nice pile of wood.
Don't burn any wood green!!Don't burn any green wood !!!:msp_angry:
Burning any green wood is asking for creasote and chimney fires.Plus it is a waste of wood.
Green wood is essentially wood with a lot of water in it,The same stuff firefighters use to put out fires.So you will use a bunch of useable BTU's in the wood to heat the water till it turns to steam and exits out the chimney,condensing on the way out and coating your chimney with a potentially deadly substance,when coated with a deep enough layer it will start a uncontrolable burn in your chimney with may contiue into your house....:msp_scared:
Split season and burn it when it's dry.Then you get maximum heat, minimum chimney fires.
Just saying
What a great read to start the day! Sorry for your loss but what a great tribute to your friend Rob. I can't see the pics but I sure hope to be able to view them in the future. Thanks for sharing.

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T-man -

Great thread. Any chance of you resurrecting the pics?

Yes, I have them on my computer; just knowing which ones went on the thread and which ones go with which captions is the issue, in addition to the time to do it. Yes, this is an important one to restore.


PS: That's why I left the trhead in my sig so I could find it and be able to put the pics back in when I get around to it