HOBBS device on ebay...

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So what else is this thing good for beside wrapping your rope around when lowering? It can't be used lift like the other one can it? What's that one called? and is it better?
Yeah that's it. I watched the video where they drop things rigged with both devices. Looks like they both function the same. Any other pluses or minuses with either devices? Looks like the hobbs held up better and is cheaper correct? But the GRCS has self-tailing winch? Which one is better or do you prefer?
Corndogg, They are both excellent for rigging /raising/lowering pieces and the real usefulness of either becomes clear when removing large sections over high risk targets. The heavy limb over a fence, garage, and glass sunroom that cannot be pieced down with a bucket truck due to inaccessibility can be taken care of quickly in large sections with either of these. I would reccomend either but I will also state that the initial price can be a bit much for the starting business and that a good fiddle block setup would work well in those instances you need to lift a limb to remove it. I started with the fiddleblock and went with the GRCS. That Hobbs is a steal on ebay and I see that it didnt last long!
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Corndogg, They are both excellent for rigging /raising/lowering pieces and the real usefulness of either becomes clear when removing large sections over high risk targets.

The GRCS has the advantage of one man operation, and steady cranking with normal work. Getting a smooth lift with the Hobbs has a bit of a learning curve.

Then there is the two man carry issue with the Hobbs. On a medium tree, I can set up the GRCS by myself. Yeah, it takes two trips from the truck, but the other guys can be getting other things done.

The cost issue is overblown when compared to other things people buy. How many of us have a big saw, near or over $1000, that we use maybe once or twice a week? Everyone who gets a winch uses it on a near daily basis.