Husky 359 strange clutch

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i'm gonna assume you grease your clutch drum bearing through the grease hole on the end of the crank. just so you know, it hardly takes half a pump of the grease gun that came with the saw to overgrease it and make a nasty mess in the clutch area. the ****** thing about that grease is when it gets between the clutch and drum it actually melts when hot and turns into a real good lube, then hardens up to grease form when it cools. i have seen it all to many times on saws owned by guys who are just learning. pull clutch and drum to clean with acetone, assemble and be conservative on the grease from now on. most saws will still pull the chain decent if you don't push on it even with a grease caked clutch though. last guy i helped with this issue was doing 3 pumps of grease every tank. what a mess that was :laugh: if your one of the guys that don't grease that bearing then carry on :laugh: :)
I take saw to friend, we removed clutch assembly and there was some grease only on clutch pads and drum but only where they touching, everything is ok now, saw working as should, no more that much grease for it, i was pumping grease unil started coming out from bearing :) you know more is better he he
Problem is solwed now, thx all for help and advices :)
saw is fixed, clutch was dissasembled washed with acetone and now is all ok, works like charm :)
i'm gonna assume you grease your clutch drum bearing through the grease hole on the end of the crank. just so you know, it hardly takes half a pump of the grease gun that came with the saw to overgrease it and make a nasty mess in the clutch area. the ****** thing about that grease is when it gets between the clutch and drum it actually melts when hot and turns into a real good lube, then hardens up to grease form when it cools. i have seen it all to many times on saws owned by guys who are just learning. pull clutch and drum to clean with acetone, assemble and be conservative on the grease from now on. most saws will still pull the chain decent if you don't push on it even with a grease caked clutch though. last guy i helped with this issue was doing 3 pumps of grease every tank. what a mess that was :laugh: if your one of the guys that don't grease that bearing then carry on :laugh: :)

One more reason to not read the directions:), now I am going to have to look at my clutch bearings!!!!!, grease, bearing, problem hmmmmm