If Dolmar is so good, then why so few dealers?

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Dolmar/Makita has to take a chance and make an investment in the market, proving they are willing to play with the big boys. Unfortunately, in most of the country, Husky is in nearly the same boat as Dolmar. They need a real dealer base that knows that they aren't going to get screwed in a few months when the winds change. Stihl is successful because they made the painful decisions vs going after the fast way to big sales numbers. They chose to "dance with the devil" in the big boxes in order to gain quick market share. Dolmar hasn't made any real commitment to dealers outside of a few isolated areas. They need to hit a sort of "critical mass" in the marketplace. Their products are great, it's just trying to get solid distribution nationally. If they get a few dealers like Scott around the country, and make some strong commitments to them for long term support, they will be a player. Right now, they are too much of a sideshow, which is unfortunate.


I agree 100% concerning the Dullmores:D but isnt the same basicaly true of EVERY other saw brand except Stihl? It surely is true around this neck of the woods anyway. Our Echo dealer doesnt know enough about saws to put the chain on right, same for Redmax dealer and Husky "dealer?" Lowes. Maybe Stihl puts the chains on at the factory to avoid this?? Tell us Andy?, LOL.
Hi at all,

this is a little test




Too bad you guys were not around back in the early 70s when we were pioneering Stihl and Husky against McCulloch and Homelite. When you walked into a dealer with a L-65 Husky the dealers would look at you like you were nuts and laugh, the big established dealers would not even talk to you. As sales reps we were glad to get the little guys on board, then after the saws reputations started to get out there and the loggers started to find out that the Huskies and the Stihls were so superior in quality, and the parts prices were so much better they all wanted on board. What a good feeling it was to tell them that we had nursed a little guy down the road and he was doing a fine job and they could screw off. It is going to go much the same way with Dolmar today. The bean counters will take over and you will find Dolmar dealers on every steet corner to get the sales they need. Needless to say they will be like most Husky and Stihl dealers today, they wont stock many parts and most of them can't hit their rearends with both hands tied behind them. They have to order things like rings for a 044 or a 372 but they have plenty of new product to sell you.
I just picked up a Piston for a 361 Stihl and I about had the big one, $127.50 w/tax, looked up a 5100 Dolmar $68.00, 7300- $68.00, 7900-$97.00 and a much better dealer discount to boot. Dealers will start to get on board the Dolmar wagon it is still early in the game.
I want to be the first Canuck to make a post on this one! I tried really hard to find a dolmar dealer in Western Canada but could not find any that I thought were worthy of me spending my hard earned money on! My father being German spoke highly of S.D, now known as just Dolmar.But have zero dealers here that I would think would be around for more than a few years! I hope they get there ass in gear and get straitened out.
RBtree first brought the 7900 to the attention of AS'ers back around 2002 or 2003. When I first saw it I thought you've got to be kidding the look of that saw reminded me of something from mars!!!

And name was something I hadn't heard much of!!!

Fast forward to the current and the 7900 is good and at one time had 3 of them (2 now).

Seems like it may take 10-15 yrs. or so before Dolmar gets it to the point that Stihl and Husky are at. Unfortunately the 5100 and 7900 may be long gone because of the EPA. This means that Dolmar has to stay with the times on upgrading saws along with getting good dealers on board.........Tough task indeed!!!
RBtree first brought the 7900 to the attention of AS'ers back around 2002 or 2003. When I first saw it I thought you've got to be kidding the look of that saw reminded me of something from mars!!!

And name was something I hadn't heard much of!!!

Fast forward to the current and the 7900 is good and at one time had 3 of them (2 now).

Seems like it may take 10-15 yrs. or so before Dolmar gets it to the point that Stihl and Husky are at. Unfortunately the 5100 and 7900 may be long gone because of the EPA. This means that Dolmar has to stay with the times on upgrading saws along with getting good dealers on board.........Tough task indeed!!!

Ya mean to catch up with Husky.
Hi at all,

this is a little test




A test Eh ???

Was it this Dolmar chainsaw that left me with this stub on my right leg ???
And why am I wearing a blue sock on my other foot ???


Just kidding Rene...

Sorry, just havin fun...

Unfortunately the 5100 and 7900 may be long gone because of the EPA. This means that Dolmar has to stay with the times on upgrading saws along with getting good dealers on board.........Tough task indeed!!!

I'm guessing that only way they can realistically change to COMPETITIVE EPA compliant models (they lack credits..) is to be "acquired"... and slapping a Cat muffler on a big saw isn't "competitive". I'd like to be proven wrong...
I know if I didn't wrench my own saws and owned a Dolmar I would be fooked because of the lack of dealers!!!
I also wrench my own saw and every thing for that mater!I don't want to buy a life time supply of air filters when I buy my saw, and what if I break something, even a side cover I am up **** creek with out a paddle