I'm fustrated....

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Why are you still relying on your father? Step up to the plate and take care of yourself.

??? What? I simply wanted to see if he would buy it and run it. He didn't want it, so I didn't bother bringing it up again.

By the way, I didn't quit my last job. Fired due to my temper. Still didn't beat someone's head in, so it's a win in my book.
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See post #546...

Just send me your address.

...and next time, pay attention...:msp_razz:

Thanks Bill. I remember somebody had offered to sell one or give one away but I couldn't even begin to remember where to look in this thread :dizzy:
Johnny (the seller) has sent me some money as a good faith gesture until the transaction is totally complete. After the saw is in the new owner's hands and he has signed off by leaving good feedback for this item then Johnny will send the rest.

This just blows my mind. I never expected to get anything out of this........

I owe an apology to Johnny for thinking the worst when I saw that thing on ebay. The guy has done a fine job of trying to fine a decent solution to this problem.

Now if the USPS could get their head out of their asses.......................

Thanks to everyone for helping out with this unfortunate matter. You guys all are great.

The money that Johnny sends will be going to Thomas1........he's helped me out more times than I have time to write about here.
Good of you for that. Now send me the bill for him a MMWS shirt so we don't hear him ##### & moan anymore.............


#### him......

errrrrr I mean, I'll send him a damn shirt on my dime. :rock: