Is the 066Mag the king of all chain saws

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Aw, C'mon Sappy. Tell us about YOUR warranty, or disclaimer of such... Seeing that you whine so much about other's warranties tell us why YOUR products don't have ANY warranty, none, nada, ZILCH.

Speak up Sappy, we can't hear you...

jack-the-ripper said:
Well, after all this talk of the 660, I bought a brand new one. Haven't even got to put it in any wood yet , but I say IT IS THE KING. (LOL) LONG LIVE THE KING! Here are 2 of the best stock saws ever.

I see it has gas in it!

So clean and pretty. You are going to love it... Slice off the limiter cap locking stubs so you can richen it up slightly, dual port front on the muffler (ear protection required) and may the chips fly!
coveredinsap said:
Three cheers for the Stihl 066, the queen of chainsaws...and all it's fangirls.


(Now scream like little girls) WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Since you're the anal-retentive type Sap, I know you'll want to pull your comma out of "its" asinine place in your initial sentence. ;)
...and learn how to spell "Northern".

stihlatit said:
Maybe we can get sappy a 066 with some training wheels on it.


Hey Arnie.... missed you!!!

Let's start with a 16 inch bar, RM2 chain, cutters filed to zero degrees, rakers set 10 thou higher than the cutters. Might have to tape the decomp valve down though... and call the EMT - they need real trauma experience.
Lakeside53 said:

Hey Arnie.... missed you!!!

Let's start with a 16 inch bar, RM2 chain, cutters filed to zero degrees, rakers set 10 thou higher than the cutters. Might have to tape the decomp valve down though... and call the EMT - they need real trauma experience.

LOL on the sap training recipe.

Hey thx Andy>>>been real busy lately with some early in the morning hours so I haven't been able to attend this great alumni for a bit. I have been dropping in here and there for a few minutes to keep up to speed and have really got a good laugh at this thread. Should rename it too the BASHING OF SAP SENSELESS. LOL. Hope your doing fine Andy.

And sap I'd take a picture of my dirty saws but I haven't got time to do it as They wouldn't be cutting wood if I did.
04ultra said:
Andy anymore pictures of the milling project..

hey, don't you ever sleep?

Just more of same... didn't take the camera to the site this time... I'll try to dig some out from last year with the woodmiser...

Cedar this week. I'll take pix just to show you western wood!