Is this normal?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
East Greenbush, NY
On Saturday I was walking on a frozen pond with my 3 year old son, holding his hand so he didn't fall. Sure enough I fell and came down like a ton of bricks and landed with my full body weight on my hand. I knew immediately it wasn't one of those get up, brush yourself off, hope no one is looking deals. My hand hurt like heck and immediately started to swell up.

However, the first thing I thought about was not "Is it broken?" or "How long will I be out of work?" but rather "I'm not going to be able to cut and split wood for a while" and that was the really depressing part.

Went to the ER for x-rays and turns out nothing is broken. Just sprained and bruised and seems to be working better every day but I'm still probably going to need a week to recover. Unfortunately the weather has been great, snow is mostly melted and the ground is still pretty hard so I was planning on getting up into the woods a bit this week. I can still do that but I'll have to leave the saw home.
However, the first thing I thought about was not "Is it broken?" or "How long will I be out of work?" but rather "I'm not going to be able to cut and split wood for a while" and that was the really depressing part.

If you're asking if your first reaction is normal, rest assured you are not alone. Personally I would be more worried about you if that was not your first thought.

Rub some dirt on it! .......or maybe bar oil.
Think about getting your son some hockey skates and a stick.

Yourself, I would invest in some pads and Caulk boots. :cheers:

Guess you could sharpen a couple of chains for therapy.
As other folks stated: Next time on ice, get a stick and skates on the kid! Remeber, you may need him to support you some day. Also, ask the wife if she would mind a 361 in bed just tonight, mysterously.......All hand pain gone!!!:clap:
Gessum Dan, was is your fretting hand or your picking hand? Yessiree, the
saw is definitely out for a spell and so is the axe, no pun intended. Speedy recovery to ya.

Maplemeister: :cheers:
Yes to add insult to injury I can't play my guitar either.

I'm 39 and my kids are 3 and 5 so I'm getting back into activities (ice skating, sleigh riding, bike riding, roller blading) that I haven't done in decades and every little bump that they bounce over laughing doesn't get the same reaction from me...some of them hurt. If I live long enough to see grandkids I may be in big trouble.
Ah yes, I remember well those days of long ago. Wait to you hit the big 60 like me and you'll have all kinds of new aches and pains to discuss. Just got to learn to pace yourself and don't get foolish I guess. Whats the old saying, work smarter not harder? lol

Maple: :cheers:
I fell on the ice about a month ago while walking my dog. Well he decided to go one way in a hurry and my feet went right out from under me. I thought I broke my wrist instantly. It still hurts like hell every time I try to use it. Guess I should have went to the Dr. but I was afraid of what he would tell me.
However, the first thing I thought about was not "Is it broken?" or "How long will I be out of work?" but rather "I'm not going to be able to cut and split wood for a while"

To the average Joe, yes, that would be AB normal, but to people like us it's just the way we are.:spam:
When I had my hip replacement I had the same thoughts, in fact I couldn't help but go out to the wood lot and hobble around on the cane planning for the future cutting.

I was out there way before the doc even wanted me out of the house :)

Harry K