Just one sticky? Pretty please?

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I just joined a few days ago. Even though I've been on an automotive for 6 years now knowing well what stickies are, I just didn't think to look for any stickies here. Maybe I've been around gasoline too much lately....I dunno. And, I'm probably one of the referred to thread/post starters on the general question thing.

If you are, please don't take what I said the wrong way. The whole point is to make the general information easier to access, not to prevent you from asking question.

One thing....so you veterans know that maybe didn't consider this....is by simply referring one to google or the thread search feature doesn't help a new comer much. I say that because I went to those two things first before even starting a now unnecessary thread. Problem is lack of knowledge for good keywords to find relevant info can be frustrating for the new comer. Digging through dialog just to find exactly what you need becomes laborious and sometimes discouraging even for the willing. I know this from the auto forums, as well.

Kind of like when my mother would tell me to look up words in the dictionary when I asked her how to spell them.

Have you checked out the FAQ thread? Following a few of those links should get you up to speed on what might make useful search terms.

BTW, great site, fellas. Glad I found it.

Glad you did too.
Makes sense edisto, but don't take this as a condescending argument.....

But honestly "new members" on AS can't POSSIBLY be new members to forums online. I mean c'mon, it's 2011. I'm not suggesting that EVERYONE is "computer savvy" but if someone comes on here and has no clue what a sticky is or doesn't know how to navigate their way around the forum I have absolutely no pity for them. Quite frankly I hope they struggle even more and hope they get viruses on their computers as a result of their stupidity and illogical capabilities to not further their wits to try and understand technologies that surround their every day lives.

Just know that's not being said directly to you - it's just my thought on the matter. :)
Did I type that out loud?

Loud enough my wife started laughing....:D

I didn't take anything you've said in any way other than genuinely interested in making things helpful. So, no worries. And, yes, I've been directed to the stickies/FAQ's in my now unnecessary thread...hehe. Yeah....I'll be spending a lot of time there. Thanks a bunch!
Makes sense edisto, but don't take this as a condescending argument.....

But honestly "new members" on AS can't POSSIBLY be new members to forums online. I mean c'mon, it's 2011. I'm not suggesting that EVERYONE is "computer savvy" but if someone comes on here and has no clue what a sticky is or doesn't know how to navigate their way around the forum I have absolutely no pity for them. Quite frankly I hope they struggle even more and hope they get viruses on their computers as a result of their stupidity and illogical capabilities to not further their wits to try and understand technologies that surround their every day lives.

Just know that's not being said directly to you - it's just my thought on the matter. :)

Yeah, I'll try not to, dude. :msp_unsure:
Makes sense edisto, but don't take this as a condescending argument.....

But honestly "new members" on AS can't POSSIBLY be new members to forums online. I mean c'mon, it's 2011. I'm not suggesting that EVERYONE is "computer savvy" but if someone comes on here and has no clue what a sticky is or doesn't know how to navigate their way around the forum I have absolutely no pity for them. Quite frankly I hope they struggle even more and hope they get viruses on their computers as a result of their stupidity and illogical capabilities to not further their wits to try and understand technologies that surround their every day lives.

Just know that's not being said directly to you - it's just my thought on the matter. :)

Dang...I must be an unreasonable person if Chuck'r feels the need to tiptoe like that! I'm not really a rabid dog...I just play one on the internets.

I do see your point, but (and I may be in the minority) this is the only forum I frequent, so I didn't know about stickies when I got here.

More importantly, even if you knew about stickies, would you know there was an FAQ thread there? It might seem like a logical place to look to you hipsters, but for those of us who think Dre sounds like noise, and that cell phones are what you get in prison for good behavior, it's a big leap.

Maybe I'm trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist...blame it on my narrow world view.

Just remember...I'm so unhip, I need screws to hold my butt in place.
Well, you got me on that one. Somehow I got the idea you were referring to newb's....which I am. So, naturally your post seemed a little contradictory. All makes sense now, though. Thanks!

Don't mind Chuck'r...he's bipolar.
Dang...I must be an unreasonable person if Chuck'r feels the need to tiptoe like that! I'm not really a rabid dog...I just play one on the internets.

I do see your point, but (and I may be in the minority) this is the only forum I frequent, so I didn't know about stickies when I got here.

More importantly, even if you knew about stickies, would you know there was an FAQ thread there? It might seem like a logical place to look to you hipsters, but for those of us who think Dre sounds like noise, and that cell phones are what you get in prison for good behavior, it's a big leap.

Maybe I'm trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist...blame it on my narrow world view.

Just remember...I'm so unhip, I need screws to hold my butt in place.

Lol I just try not to come off as a peepee head when I don't want to be one! :D

And wait. What's wrong with Dr. Dre?!
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I ain't got the skillz to change that title...........or I'da done it, lol! Twer a better idea.

Like I said...I'm grateful however it gets done.

I just wish I could forget about Dre...

...and Pee Wee...
Dre??? You mean Dre and uh Pee Wee were uh well uh......crap that actually figures! :biggrin: