Lazy people

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I wish i had that problem. My house sits on .3 of an acre and have not trees to cut. I often take different routes to and from work just to scrounge some wood. Firewood in my region ranges from 200 to $250 and it aint that well seasoned.
Maybe...possibilities..take yer pick

Addicted to the saddle syndrome. Can't do it from a cab, they ain't interested in doing much ground work unless it is an emergency and absolutely no other way to get it done.

They could be throwing you a bone, knowing you are using the extra cash and enjoy what you are doing

Tax write off for buying fuel (I've heard this a lot, this phrase "let uncle sam pay for it")

they got enough cash it doesn't matter, look how many people have the cash to buy and run pure toys, like jetskis and snowmobiles and ATVs they really don't need for real work. 60 inch TVs. Airplane travel. Twice the car or truck they really need. More guns when they already have three safes full. You know what I am saying, maybe buying some cords from you is such a negligible part of the yearly cash flow it just doesn't matter. You got guys borrow and spend half a mil a year or something to run a big farm, what is a grand or two for firewood? Falls into the pocket change level.

Just depends. Why does ANYONE who isn't crippled pay to have their oil changed?

Why do guys who already own 50 running saws keep buying more?

Why do rich people hire someone to mow their lawn, then pay money to go to the gym and walk a treadmill?

Who knows...take their money, sell them even more, always talk up how cold it is and how long the winters last, slowly nodding your head "yes" as you say that.... ( slow head nods) "man, getting cold out, wasn't like this years past, must be that global warming HA... HA... HA.... "

And so on. Take their money.

I wonder why guys want to work real hard and burn more wood, when less money and effort would be needed to superinsulate their homes....

..I know why I don't, I don't own this place, if I did, it would have been rebuilt long ago. Ain't getting it rebuilt, the owner isn't going to do that, he is definitely a "burn more fuel and complain about the cost" guy, I have no money for insulation, but I have access to a tractor, free fuel, unlimited wood, so I do that instead..but guarantee you if I owned I'd be trying to DROP my firewood consumption every year, not cut more and install an even larger heater, it wouldn't bother me none to drop from 4.5 to point 5 cords a year....and then sell the excess to guys with crap insulation and money to spend...


Just sayin'..if you have never seen a superinsulated home..I can't describe it adequately, people think I am grossly exaggerating the benefits. There's none to some insulation, well insulated, then superinsulated, three radically different levels. I'd have to guess but if there are 1,000 total superinsulated homes, complete with heat/air exchangers, etc, in the US I'd be completely surprised.
The $150 bucks farmer browns spends for a cord of wood is peanuts. Considering your talking $250,000 plus for a new tractor or combine. Not many years ago land was near $2,000/acre now some is fetching $10,000.
Well I can absolutely say that these 3 farmers fall under the category of plant 2 months, spray, and then harvest for 2. Not by any means calling farmers lazy as I am one myself. Its just amazing how these 3 have done NOTHING but sit on their back sides since the 15th of November, I know all 3 well and can guarantee this is what they are doing. The main reason they think I can cut them wood is because I have a lot of logs at my place and they don't. I don't normally sell wood anymore and haven't for 3 years but these 3 people (not all people, especially farmers) are LAZY. By the way I do have some pigs and cows, and a garden, and chickens so hanniedog I do raise most of my own food, thank you very much. I also cut my own firewood, the point I am trying to make is I was not too lazy to gather up the logs and now they want to benefit from it. Our local landfill had approximately 3 35ft flatbed loads of logs the county hauled in after some tree removal. Free for the taking and they loaded you with their loader, NOBODY took advantage of it except for me. I took my saw there and cut into manageable pieces and they loaded. My point is if you have new saws, are not crippled, or too dumb to use your saw, and have cut all your own wood up till now get off your butt and go out and do it don't expect it for little of nothing. All 3 of them have given me the excuse thats its been too cold, and they really don't want to pay me much, they think it should be a good neighbor thing. Sorry!! No $$$$ no wood.
Well I can absolutely say that these 3 farmers fall under the category of plant 2 months, spray, and then harvest for 2. Not by any means calling farmers lazy as I am one myself. Its just amazing how these 3 have done NOTHING but sit on their back sides since the 15th of November, I know all 3 well and can guarantee this is what they are doing. The main reason they think I can cut them wood is because I have a lot of logs at my place and they don't. I don't normally sell wood anymore and haven't for 3 years but these 3 people (not all people, especially farmers) are LAZY. By the way I do have some pigs and cows, and a garden, and chickens so hanniedog I do raise most of my own food, thank you very much. I also cut my own firewood, the point I am trying to make is I was not too lazy to gather up the logs and now they want to benefit from it. Our local landfill had approximately 3 35ft flatbed loads of logs the county hauled in after some tree removal. Free for the taking and they loaded you with their loader, NOBODY took advantage of it except for me. I took my saw there and cut into manageable pieces and they loaded. My point is if you have new saws, are not crippled, or too dumb to use your saw, and have cut all your own wood up till now get off your butt and go out and do it don't expect it for little of nothing. All 3 of them have given me the excuse thats its been too cold, and they really don't want to pay me much, they think it should be a good neighbor thing. Sorry!! No $$$$ no wood.

--I like your attitude!
I said on the second post that they did not have wood in their yards. What i meant is 2 of them have it right in there yard and ready to burn. Seasoned and everything! The other one has to drive 1/2 mile to his. No its not too wet and muddy here! They just don't like that I got all this wood and they were too (here I go again) LAZY to go get it. Oh well probably cut them each a cord and charge a fair price for it and take the Christmas cash and buy the kids and wife some new shoes. Merry Christmas too all!
On the sublect of lazy why dont you have a garden and a pig or cow in your back yard. So that someone else doesn't have to grow food for your lazy ass.

I already do have these things and some chickens, and a deer hangin in the shed and I cut my own firewood!
Why do rich people hire someone to mow their lawn, then pay money to go to the gym and walk a treadmill?


Not all farmers are that way as I worked for one about 10 years. They had an ag business as well and the owner would work right along side of me all the time. I know we worked harder than most would want to. I have witness a few lazy ones but by FAR, more lazy people in other areas. like welfare collection ;) It amazes me what some people "think" is working hard. Normally it is just being somewhere not being able to play.

The quote above is the absolute truth. I don't know how many times guys at work rib me for working wood and I bring up the gym thing. I've even offered to let them help on split and load days for free and they turn me down. I ask why, when you PAY someone else to LET you lift their weights?

One guy said he goes there to meet women. I asked him, "Like your EX wife or your current girlfriend you complain about all the time?" Silence ensues.
On our farm it seem's like the cutting of wood is one of the last minute things (when the planter comes in) It is just one of those out of site out of mind things. But, we also do hog's, so we are busy year round, just busyier April-November. Winter time is when the maintenance in and around the barn's happens.

Plus I hate the cold, I would rather be in a hog coop were depending on the barn the temp is 66-90.
A person usually does not have the ability to pay for your work by being lazy. Usually a person has the ability to pay for your hard work through THEIR hard work.
The OP Msr. Sawford needs a time out. Maybe a dope slap, or a Darwin Award trial.

The question why too many online have this rapture belief that what they see, think, do, feel is the only true path to see the Grasshopper. Repeat: you are like the blind men touching the elephant: one thinks it is a tree, another a snake, another steps in elephant crap.

Basically who are you to even think that anyone needs to be the same as you ? "Lazy" attitude. Lazy thinking. Read some of the posts commenting on your accusation of lazy.

It's a 3 dog night here. Why am I lazy ?
Well I can absolutely say that these 3 farmers fall under the category of plant 2 months, spray, and then harvest for 2. Not by any means calling farmers lazy as I am one myself. Its just amazing how these 3 have done NOTHING but sit on their back sides since the 15th of November, I know all 3 well and can guarantee this is what they are doing. The main reason they think I can cut them wood is because I have a lot of logs at my place and they don't. I don't normally sell wood anymore and haven't for 3 years but these 3 people (not all people, especially farmers) are LAZY. By the way I do have some pigs and cows, and a garden, and chickens so hanniedog I do raise most of my own food, thank you very much. I also cut my own firewood, the point I am trying to make is I was not too lazy to gather up the logs and now they want to benefit from it. Our local landfill had approximately 3 35ft flatbed loads of logs the county hauled in after some tree removal. Free for the taking and they loaded you with their loader, NOBODY took advantage of it except for me. I took my saw there and cut into manageable pieces and they loaded. My point is if you have new saws, are not crippled, or too dumb to use your saw, and have cut all your own wood up till now get off your butt and go out and do it don't expect it for little of nothing. All 3 of them have given me the excuse thats its been too cold, and they really don't want to pay me much, they think it should be a good neighbor thing. Sorry!! No $$$$ no wood.

If it's bothering you this much, then just tell them you don't want to sell any of your wood. Simple.
My wife has a grass cutting business, lots of her customers have their own riding mowers but have no intentions of ever using them. Most of them work hard doing what they do so we can do what we do. I have had a couple say that by hiring her they have time to do something they enjoy. Makes sense to me, there are times I would love to pay someone to do something so I can gain a couple of hours.
i don't think it has anything to do with being lazy.
just because it's 'winter' doesn't mean farmers have a 6 month vacation, far from it. it usually means more work, more labor. after working their a$$es off for 12-14 hours in the day (every day)

Must be a lot different where you are at. In North Central Iowa they work 2 months in the spring and 2 months in the fall and have 8 months off. Ya back in the day with livestock you had a year round operation. Very hard pressed to find any farm now that does not have animals that aren't in a confinement. Lions share do not have ANY livestock at all. And don't give me the crap about fixing and buffing your machines all winter it just doesn't happen. If it needs fixed it goes to the dealership MOST of the time. (There are a few exceptions) I live in a rural area and have friends that are farmers that I tell this exact same thing to their face and believe it or not not a one of them will dispute it. Not bashing farmers in the least just stating a fact in my neck of the woods. JMHO take it for what its worth.

Yep, the reason they have the time and money is because of all the government subsidies, free money and cash give-aways they get for NOT growing something!! Hell, even the politicans even own "farms" so they can get paid not to work or grow crops. Where will it all end.......

Not many years ago land was near $2,000/acre now some is fetching $10,000.[/QUOTE]

some just sold,not far from here..for....................22,000 a acre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 110 acres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now THATS, a sick person,,and the bidder against him was just as sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I can absolutely say that these 3 farmers fall under the category of plant 2 months, spray, and then harvest for 2. Not by any means calling farmers lazy as I am one myself. Its just amazing how these 3 have done NOTHING but sit on their back sides since the 15th of November, I know all 3 well and can guarantee this is what they are doing. The main reason they think I can cut them wood is because I have a lot of logs at my place and they don't. I don't normally sell wood anymore and haven't for 3 years but these 3 people (not all people, especially farmers) are LAZY. By the way I do have some pigs and cows, and a garden, and chickens so hanniedog I do raise most of my own food, thank you very much. I also cut my own firewood, the point I am trying to make is I was not too lazy to gather up the logs and now they want to benefit from it. Our local landfill had approximately 3 35ft flatbed loads of logs the county hauled in after some tree removal. Free for the taking and they loaded you with their loader, NOBODY took advantage of it except for me. I took my saw there and cut into manageable pieces and they loaded. My point is if you have new saws, are not crippled, or too dumb to use your saw, and have cut all your own wood up till now get off your butt and go out and do it don't expect it for little of nothing. All 3 of them have given me the excuse thats its been too cold, and they really don't want to pay me much, they think it should be a good neighbor thing. Sorry!! No $$$$ no wood.

dont post this tooooooo loudly..theres a person on this forum,,in your state,,that is so greedy of gain,,he will come and take it all,,just to keep it away from anyone...
I'm lazy. There's nothing better than to get the fire going, and be able to sit down and read a good book on a drizzly day. I've put in my time working in nasty, cold, wet, snowy, icy, etc. weather and having to do so. If I wanted, I could buy firewood and I wouldn't feel like I needed to offer some busybody any excuses why.

There's all the beauty days when I had to huff and puff to the top of some steep ridgetop, when I wanted to be on a lake in the boat. I can do that now, and be "lazy". Or hook up the little trailer and head to the beach. Lazy is a good thing.

I'm not a farmer. See the Farmer Logger thread. :laugh: Is this Pick On Farmers Week?
Well it is obvious I have offended some people on here by calling lazy people lazy. Everyone thinks I am picking on farmers because this may or may not be a slow time of year for them. For most it is not, there a seed decisions to be made, year end planning, and tax preparation, not to mention livestock if they have any. My whole point in this was to vent a little about people in general who have the ability to do something for themselves, the time to do it and the tools to do it with and want someone else who worked hard to try and keep the wolf away from the door GIVE them a free handout. Believe me if these people were truly in need I would be the first one to deliver to them or help them out if possible. These 3 individuals all fall under the 1st category, just happens to be they were all farmers, I would say the same thing about any other profession. I priced to these 3 people the load of wood and the delivery fees and all 3 complained about that I did not give anything for the wood so I should not charge for it, since it came out of the community landfill. Like someone said I have the right to sell them wood or not to sell them wood, yes I could use the money but not going to give it away. Sorry for offending anyone! There I have made my apologies to anyone offended. Have a Merry Christmas!!
I wouldn't say farmers are lazy but seeing first hand all this great technology we have one has to wonder. I know exactly the kinds you speak of tho. Sitting in a tractor isn't the same as it was when horses did the work. 4 wheelers replaced the cattle driving.

With all the negs aside I believe no one especially the media has the right to say farmers are getting rich and getting a handout. Farmers or ranchers have the most retarded business models of any business period. heres why.

All of the money is tied up into equipment and land. who's getting paid?
Margins for crops are very low no matter what the stock market says.
The real culprits of the ag business that are actually getting rich are as follows.
everyone but the farmer.

equipment dealers
meat packers
food processerors.
fertilize companies
seed dealers
grain haulers cleaners and shippers

Each one of these groups make more off the crop then the farmers do. If your food is expensive blame deere blame monsanto blame tyson, blame exxon, blame anyone else but the farmer.

To break it down simply if one grossed 1million dollars per year on their operation they'd be lucky to take home 100,000$ after everything is paid for and worked their azz of in the process. a new combine is 250-600k a pivot is 100k plus.

Most businesses ROI is less then 6months-1year payout if you do the math on the above they are on a 10-20 year ROI.

Sorry for the rant but montana is a producer of these products and when the news feeds us our daily BS everyone points the finger at the farmer.

Now for the real lazy people. there is just no excuse if you have the tools time, and money not to get er done. with all our machines and computers its almost impossible to find anyone to do real work and for that I'm blessed to have found good people like those here on AS. :rock:
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Well I can absolutely say that these 3 farmers fall under the category of plant 2 months, spray, and then harvest for 2. Not by any means calling farmers lazy as I am one myself. Its just amazing how these 3 have done NOTHING but sit on their back sides since the 15th of November, I know all 3 well and can guarantee this is what they are doing. The main reason they think I can cut them wood is because I have a lot of logs at my place and they don't. I don't normally sell wood anymore and haven't for 3 years but these 3 people (not all people, especially farmers) are LAZY. By the way I do have some pigs and cows, and a garden, and chickens so hanniedog I do raise most of my own food, thank you very much. I also cut my own firewood, the point I am trying to make is I was not too lazy to gather up the logs and now they want to benefit from it. Our local landfill had approximately 3 35ft flatbed loads of logs the county hauled in after some tree removal. Free for the taking and they loaded you with their loader, NOBODY took advantage of it except for me. I took my saw there and cut into manageable pieces and they loaded. My point is if you have new saws, are not crippled, or too dumb to use your saw, and have cut all your own wood up till now get off your butt and go out and do it don't expect it for little of nothing. All 3 of them have given me the excuse thats its been too cold, and they really don't want to pay me much, they think it should be a good neighbor thing. Sorry!! No $$$$ no wood.

And just how does _paying_ you do do something result in their benefiting from your labors? It is _you_ who is getting the benefit, it is costing them money they could have saved.

Given enough money I would not call anyone lazy just because they prefer to buy something vice doing it themselves. I am 76, called an electrician yesterday to run a few circuites and mount a light in my garage. Am _I_ lazy for doing that?

Harry K