Let's see your tomatoes

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today's tomato harvest...
Thought I would check out the new camera with a little update on the maters and the peppers. they are starting to go over the cages now. I decided to plant a squash plant between the pepper plants, but I don't it is going to have enough room in that little space.


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Little late but tomato trellis trick concrete wire with the big holes bend it into a round and wire that together drive wooden stakes around that and I've never had my tomato plants go down it comes 5 ft high just cut it with a torch or grinder you have to fight them but they last indefinate
been cooking with my sweet 100 cherries. omg, so tasty! good in garden, awesome in pan and heated with some spices oil and butter... great some with yard eggs!
I been enjoying a new to me variety called husky cheery for a month. Next year I going to plant much more of those lol. My cucumbers are producing way more than we can eat and my neighbors like me lol :cheers:
I been enjoying a new to me variety called husky cheery for a month. Next year I going to plant much more of those lol. My cucumbers are producing way more than we can eat and my neighbors like me lol :cheers:

I can relate to most of that! ;) but my one... single... sweet 100's cherries are producing so much... I wish I could have planted just 1//2 of a plant!! lol iukwim ~

oops, that's right, u don't!! :)

I can relate to most of that! ;) but my one... single... sweet 100's cherries are producing so much... I wish I could have planted just 1//2 of a plant!! lol iukwim ~

oops, that's right, u don't!! :)

Lol yes cherries are prolific but then they are so good lol I eat em like candy :cheers:I did 100s last year they too were great these huskys have a tad more sweetness here on muh farm lol
Lol yes cherries are prolific but then they are so good lol I eat em like candy :cheers:I did 100s last year they too were great these huskys have a tad more sweetness here on muh farm lol

good to know... I 'pop' them too from garden... :popcorn2: (popping sweet 100's) round, warm, sweet, ripe, rosey... but I do think they run away with it... once into the fry pan with some olive oil and butta'.... man, they sure are good. pure Italy all the way... and no terrorist threatened travels to worry about... :D
ropen, What diameter did you make those cages?
2 feet takes about 6 feet of concrete wire each. I use my klien linemans pliers and custom cut to where it gives a wrap wire and cut the bottom to where it has stab wire protruding from the bottom if I'm making sense? A roll of wire makes I think it was 16 cages its best to cost share with neighbors
2 feet takes about 6 feet of concrete wire each. I use my klien linemans pliers and custom cut to where it gives a wrap wire and cut the bottom to where it has stab wire protruding from the bottom if I'm making sense? A roll of wire makes I think it was 16 cages its best to cost share with neighbors

Thanks, makes perfect sense.
Not really many news.
This is a terrible year for tomatoes, peppers and Solanaceae here due to the weather: late blight is literally making life miserable for everybody from homeowners to professional growers here.
To this it must be added I had to spend three weeks in hospital and then in rehab due to a health problem and my potager was left to my brother, self-proclaimed owner of a "brown thumb".
In short I don't expect much, if anything from tomatoes and peppers.
Zucchini and Summer squashes are doing quite well however and tomatilloes seem to have been spared most of their cousins' problems so far.
Not really many news.
This is a terrible year for tomatoes, peppers and Solanaceae here due to the weather: late blight is literally making life miserable for everybody from homeowners to professional growers here.
To this it must be added I had to spend three weeks in hospital and then in rehab due to a health problem and my potager was left to my brother, self-proclaimed owner of a "brown thumb".
In short I don't expect much, if anything from tomatoes and peppers.
Zucchini and Summer squashes are doing quite well however and tomatilloes seem to have been spared most of their cousins' problems so far.

brown thumb! we read u loud and clear... ;)