One thing I'd like to point out...

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You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

You should be pointing this out somewhere else, I mean come on now, this is for those of us who use wood for heat. Seems like you are just looking for trouble.
So your alternative is for everyone to convert to wood burning? Great idea! lol

Figure it out. :hmm3grin2orange:

My bad, I thought that by pointing out where gas has failed before that wood was more reliable and therefore better. So what was the point of you bringing that up exactly? Just to show that wood is more reliable? Taking a plane is generally more reliable than taking a car, but sometimes things go wrong and people get hurt, should we strip transportation right back to horses? Your point was weak.

It is your bad.

I simply asked you to point out where anyone claimed what you wrote in your post above.

alternative is for everyone to convert to wood burning?

In some parts of the country wood is more reliable. In some parts NG is more reliable. LPG in others.

YOU are the one claiming superiority of one over the other.

You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.
It is to bad that I just wasted my time reading this thread. If he or she dosn't like what we do to heat our homes , why do they need to join and stir
the pot. I vote to BAN this guy. Unless he starts posting more responsibly.

I like it when other people don't want to burn wood. It just increases the chances of me getting more wood.

It'd be great if everyone in my area felt like Fossil does. :biggrinbounce2::biggrinbounce2::biggrinbounce2:
Hey, I was thinkin of switching back to oil don't know why everyone is giving this guy such a hard time...Obama is going to give it to us free soon isn't he?
Why would someone sign up on a wood burning discussion board, and then with his first post, tell us that we're a bunch of stupid hippies for burning wood?

I hope a moderator bans this guy. He should go find a Fossil Fuel discussion board and vent his spleen there.
Why would someone sign up on a wood burning discussion board, and then with his first post, tell us that we're a bunch of stupid hippies for burning wood?

I hope a moderator bans this guy. He should go find a Fossil Fuel discussion board and vent his spleen there.

Dont worry...the mods on the job.

And far he hasnt really done anything wrong.

Maybe a little off his rocker. Maybe bored and looking for something to do....who knows.
Dont worry...the mods on the job.

And far he hasnt really done anything wrong.

Maybe a little off his rocker. Maybe bored and looking for something to do....who knows.

Good point Casey. I just looked up his profile, says he doesn't have any friends yet ?????:greenchainsaw:
give me a little more time.

You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

i am working on a stove that burns will save a lot of trees and there is virtually no ash afterwards.
You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

“We all are now enthralled by a great conflict for the emancipation of fossil fuel degenerators from the thralldom of an elitist caste which has thrown its shadows upon untold generations, and is now plunging the world into a tumult of the world’s woodchucks.”

The other 5%

“We all are now enthralled by a great conflict for the emancipation of fossil fuel degenerators from the thralldom of an elitist caste which has thrown its shadows upon untold generations, and is now plunging the world into a tumult of the world’s woodchucks.”

The other 5%


Side not: Don't be shy .....look up any words that you don't know.

I had to. :hmm3grin2orange:

And by the way this thread :sucks:
it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

You know I tried that once, froze my ass off cost me a fortune doing it and didn't sleep that well either.

So I went to burning wood now I sweat my ass off all year round, costs very little, paid the stove and saws off in 2 years but I still don't sleep that well. But that worked in my favor because I can feed the stove when I can't sleep. To me I am much more efieceint now:)