Posting pics

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http:// 4th truck load, resize.JPG (201.8 KB)

I had just figured out how to post pics on there and then they changed everything. I don't know if this will show up right or not? I'm having the problem when i get the file into the "manage Attatchments" and then when i used to right click it said "copy shortcut" now it won't let me click that anymore. I have to highlight it and then click just "copy". i don't know if it's gonna work or not
I cannot get it to work either. I had just learned how to post pics and now they change it again. This has always been the hardest forum to post pics on out of all I go to. Most you just attach the pic and it automatically shows it in the post. You dont have to embed it just comes up as a pic in the post.

OK, I'm still not doing something correctly here. I even went back and right clicked my pic, then "copy shortcut", pasted it in the URL box, and still no picture?

What step am I missing?......Cliff

View attachment 166474

If you right click on the box with the little red X and then click properties you’ll see that there are two "http://". Just hit backspace before you paste the pic address in the URL box and you should be good.
Mac B. and Sprintcar try this, it's the old improved way.:confused:

If you go to setting at the top of the page and click on it, then go to general setting on the left..Click on that then turn Enhanced Attachment Uploading off...That will get it back the old uploader that lets you copy the short cut...
I don't get it. Some guys say they have to preview the post to get the url of the pic then copy and paste it.

I went back to the old uploader also and it will not post the pic in the post. The only thing i see different is when you paste the url it does not pop my security blocker up anymore.

Guess that will have to work? I can't get to post the picture, so it shows up with out having to click the link?....any suggestions?

Gonna try another one

Guess that will have to work? I can't get to post the picture, so it shows up with out having to click the link?....any suggestions?

Gonna try another one[/IMG[/QUOTE]

Looks like you're missing one of these "]" after IMG. Might have missed it when you copied. Try editing your post and add the ].