Problems from prolonged exposure to loud noises

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From working on the flight deck of a US Navy aircraft carrier, to all the speed metal concerts, to all the time on a saw. I'm practically deaf.



Forgot about all the open header drag race passes too...

The tinnitus is worse some days... I have to sleep with some kimd of background noise (i.e. radio) or the low drone I hear when it's quiet will drive me insame...


Say again?

My hearing is luckily fine despite years of shooting some pretty loud centrefires, competition sporting clays in some pretty tight confines (particularly when ported shotguns became all the rage when girly men couldn't handle recoil anymore :) ), extremely loud competition car audio, and of course chainsaws, especially modified ones.

Apart from car audio I'm very careful with my hearing now, I still like loud music though and unlike the vast majority here it's that dreaded doof doof stuff :D

My best mate who's my age isn't so lucky. He was in the Aussie SAS in Afghaniland and one of the guys on the back of the Land Rover he was driving arced up on some Taliban directly above his head at short notice with a .50BMG. Now he has permanent hearing damage but this was also attributed to a lot of time in Blackhawk choppers.
My wife says I have selective hearing....guess that's what 33 years of marriage will do to you.
They do all kinds of cool things in Thailand. The ping pong ball trick is a good one.

Indeed that is cool but also far more expensive than getting your eardrums sucked out with a rusty coathanger and Hoover.
The Ping Pong balls are at least 10c each but the ladies are employed for far less...
My hearing has been shot for a while...loud music..concerts and a dose of a disease called otosclerosis. I've had 5 ear surgeries in the past 10 years. Worked for a while and then symptoms came back.
I'm 36 and have two hearing aids. Talk about feeling like an old fart...(no pun intended).
Cost me roughly 4 grand for them. The good news my insurance company paid for them. I couldn't believe it! Paid for the full amount. You never know until you try.
Myth or reality ?

have you heard this one ?
if you keep your mouth a bit open you are reducing the risks of ear damage when in an heavy noises area ?
i work on generators for a living, with that being said the other day i was working a Detroit 671 i think 1800 RPM's ear plugs and ear muffs, it made my chest hurt

what i've herd about keeping your mouth open is for when your dealing with things that go boom and your close enough that blowing your eardrums out is a possibly
It isn't just loud noise that will get ya, steady, sustained noise will do it also. I didnt' realize how bad my hearing had gotten until I found I couldn't hear my wife's alarm clock. It was a high pitched "beep". Got a windup - that only lasted a year. Now I have an electronic with voume cranked to the max. All my high frequency hearing is gone.

I won't even start up a lawnmower anymore without the muffs on. I have two pair of them, one in the PU so I am sure they will be there when the saws will be running, one on the rider mower and also used when any other power equipment is started.

I haven't checked but I heard tht my 21 years wearing a headset monitoring the russians can get me some compensation. Been meaning to check into that.

Harry K