Propane Downsizing, escaping from the dealer

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For sure, subhuman propane is THE worst company out there. I worked for a small family owned propane company as a delivery driver 20 some years ago and even then subhuman was charging their customers at least a dollar more per gallon than all the other propane co's.
Thanks :)

For the explanation on how hot water heater exchanger works........that makes sense to me now. We get people asking how our system works, and I could not come up with a nice simple explanation.

Yes we have a mixer valve on hot water tank :)

Yes on Suburban always being pricey for their gas. We were always treated well by the drivers and service techs. Everything was fine, till we said ....... *we need to downsize*.........

I thought about a lock for the propane tank but thought I was being a bit paranoid.........guess I better put that on my to do list :)
lady, it aint paranoid no more--its the time we live in now----!!!! if worse comes to worse---a couple of 100 lb tanks would keep you going quite a while---and as said, a small cart with pneumatic tires would move the tanks easy---but--use the gas in the large tank first--fight em !!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is a valve or regulator that you can hook up to the 2 tanks that will use the one till its empty and then switch to the full one... just have to remember to keep checking the tanks every so often to so they both don't end up empty.
what a bunch of BS!

the best solution is what most have posted.... your propane is paid for... I'd keep the tank until it's all used up.

in the meanwhile keep an eye out on Craigslist.

used 500 gal propane tanks comes up all the time. there's two right now on the Tulsa Craigslist. prices will veri... I've seen em for $150-$400
I would just cal them and tell them that you will call them when its time to fill.. and if they balk at it or try to take the tank they will be sued for theft of propane... is there anyway you can make it inaccessible so they couldn't get to it? and I think I would reconsider going on the news... I would do it. Also you may want to talk to another supplier maybe try to find a small local company... they may put in a smaller tank and move the gas for you just for the publicity... especially if they are hungry for customers... cause good publicity for them means more customers. just a thought
Yup these propane people think there god. When I switched suppliers, they said same thing, pump out fee, pick up tank fee. I laughed, ran tank bone dry, removed gas line, and drug with tractor to property line. Called them and said there you go! Go ahead and bill, check will be in mail. :censored: Em

I love this post, that's how I'll do it too. I haven't had to throw them out yet cause I buy once a year when it's cheaper and don't use much, but they are on my hit list. When it goes down you can bet they'll find their empty tank at the end of my driveway.
We have been a customer of this propane dealer for 18 yrs, using approximtely 500 gallons a yr for heat & cookstove. Recently, we put in a outside wood boiler furnace to be our main source of heat. Talked to the dealer, 3 times in person and several times on the phone this summer. Trying to fiqure out the best course of action. They want to downsize our tank because now it will be only for cookstove, and a backup heat source. Which we understand. The problem is that we have about 400 gallons in the tank and it's paid for. If they downsize us, they will take our propane back to their business place, bring one or two 100 gallon tanks here, and charge us the going rate which the last quote I got from them less than 2 wks ago, was $ 3.82 a gallon. We paid last season under contract, $ 2.45 a gallon. They would refund us the price we paid $ 2.45 times 400 gallons. I asked them if we could buy the tank we have and they said NO. They never sell tanks. Other dealers don't want to touch someone else's tank. I was hoping they would set 2 smaller tanks, and pump our propane over into them. Then take the balance back to their business, and refund us. If they take 200 gallons back, they would have that to resell, and would be making a profit on that. Bottom line, it's their tank and they control the situation. Currently they put us on delivery once a year. But we will have to make a decision in March to downsize then because we won't be able to use enough to keep the 500 gallon tank here. Our tank is above ground.

Any one else been through this kind of situation, and how did you handle it ?

I had a similiar situation when my dealer of about 7 years sent me a $75 minimum usage fee. I told him that I'd pay it but it would be the last time. I looked all over the place for a used tank to buy and couldn't find one. I looked past the obvious which was to buy the one sitting right in my yard. I asked the dealer what he had to have for it. The thing cost me $800 but now I have my own tank and can shop around for the little bit of propane I use per year. There are a couple of headaches though. I guess every so often (I don't know how often that is) you have to get your regulator and tank certified. I have yet to do this (been 2 years now).
UPDATE...... Feb 2009

I said I would bring this back up when March came around to update where we are with the propane company.

I'm one who does not like surprises. So I go visit the propane company this morning and spent about 45 minutes there. I came home with a copy of the paper of what we talked about, that is dated and the name of the office guy that I spoke with. He kept the original for their files.
So I think I got it all explained to the hubby after he got home from work.

We need to downsize. They would set a tank called a 420 size which holds 100 pounds. The total they are wanting the first year is $ 349.00, if we end up using less than 50 gallons per yr.
If we use more than 50 gallons, then we would pay the prevailing fee per gallon for the gas and we would get back the tank rental fee for this first year which is $ 77.76 of the $ 349 amount they would want up front. Service fee to set up the new tank is approx $ 80 of the $ 349 number

He told me they would credit us for the propane they remove from the 500 gallon tank here which is roughly 65 % full at this time.
I told him NO..... we want a refund which he finally did agree too.
And if we agree to the new terms, there would be no service fee to pump out what is in the current tank.

Because we left the pilot light on, on our propane furnace, it has been using propane. He told me the pilot light all by itself, uses 50 gallons of propane a year. Our cook stove uses maybe 20 gallons.

His concern is that we keep a decent size propane tank so we have backup in case our wood furnace ever runs into problems....for example needs a part or something in the cold weather.

I believe at this point we are going to buy our own smaller tank, and regulater, and just use it for the cookstove. And we will end up shutting the gas off to the propane furnace.

He called me back later today because he said he talked to the driver and because of all the snow we have in the area where the tank is, they probably won't try to move the existing tank till most of the snow goes away. Which does not hurt my feelings any.

I guess he thought he could buffalo me into thinking his way.... I had a answer for everything he came up with. When I mentioned we had bought a log of logs, he asked me what my hubby's time was worth per hour to do all the work cutting it up, etc. I told him that hubby liked cutting wood, and that was not a factor in the cost of our year wood supply. Then he asked about the hot water heater......what made that work.....and I told him, WOOD. He was nice about the whole thing. I wonder how nice he will be when I tell him our final decision......
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better check to see what the 'prevailing rate' is.. most companies have diffrent scales for what people use... the last bill I got I was paying $1.18 now a neighbor is paying $3.99 and there are even higher rates out there. besides I wouldn't let them touch the 500 tank till summer.. they want to deal they can wait. might also be a good time to shop around for a new supplier.
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I've been expecting to hear from my propane company for awhile now. The last time I talked to them was when I paid for 200 gallons in February 2006. I fired up my OWB that fall with 26% left in it. When I looked last week I was at 17%. I was thinking about calling them to see what my options are since I can afford to pay for some gas at the moment, but after reading this maybe I'll set that money aside and wait till it runs out or they call me. I wonder which will come first?
Just buy a couple 100# cylinders from HD or wherever and have them filled at the local campground or hardware store that refills tanks. The newer tanks aren't very heavy when full. You won't have to deal with the propane company at all, or you could just call around when it's time to fill your tanks since you own them.
As well as buying your own tanks...they can be purchased/filled at most welding supply places. That is the route I will utimately take. right now, i'm using standard 20# tanks, just swap them at Wally World of LP...get a 10% discount, wife works there.
I'm pretty sure we are going to buy our own smaller tank, then a second one for a backup filled up ready to go so when the first tank runs out, we can do a switch. We have a TSC store nearby which has tanks for about $ 125 each. Not sure of size though but bigger than what goes under the propane grill.
Then I think this size tank could be transported on back on the pickup truck and go to another farm store where they have a outside tank they fill from where we have bought propane for our small tanks in the past. I still have to double check what size propane tanks when filled, can be legally transported on the road.
Then when we get home with a filled tank and truck backed into driveway, then it would be less than 10' from where it would need to be put in place. We actually have a concrete pad right next to the house which was the start of a sidewalk. That is where the new smaller propane tank would be placed on.
I just wish the propane company was not so greedy. After 18 plus years with them, we were thinking of staying with them. After yesterday though, I see they have not changed any.
One question I still have and having a hard time believing the office propane guy...he tells me we would need to have a minimum certain size propane tank in place or it would not have enough pressure in the system to run the inside propane furnace if we needed it to in case of a problem with the OWB.
I went thru the same thing with the big tank when we were building our house. I took the loader and picked up the tank after it was empty and set it aside. After many calls to come and get the tank out of our yard, the last call I told them if it was not gone that day I was going to sit it out by the road and put a free sign on it and send them a bill for rental space for the past year. It was gone the same day. If you think that you may at some point need a backup source of heat look into those ventless heaters that are mounted on the wall. They work good when the power goes out also.
This is the first time reading through this. I live over in Cazenovia and had a similar problem with Suburban propane. I also have a 500lb tank I am trying to get rid of. It has been an eye sore sense I bought the house ten years ago. I had them stop delivery. When it got down to 2% I was going to have them take it away – small enough quantity not to fight about. Imagine my surprise when I did my weekly inspection to find the tank full – no delivery slip. They could not understand why I did not want it. A little p… match started over how much was delivered till I sent over a PDF of my weekly readings (the nerdy eng. in me). A very long story short they pumped it out down to my recorded level.

Call Central Square Propane. During my mess they had refurbish 100lb tanks for $75. They are the largest that can be transported. They will answer all your questions – good people. I plan on buying four and rotating two at a time. Channel 9 also post local fuel costs.

The best of luck to you.
We have been a customer of this propane dealer for 18 yrs, using approximtely 500 gallons a yr for heat & cookstove. Recently, we put in a outside wood boiler furnace to be our main source of heat. Talked to the dealer, 3 times in person and several times on the phone this summer. Trying to fiqure out the best course of action. They want to downsize our tank because now it will be only for cookstove, and a backup heat source. Which we understand. The problem is that we have about 400 gallons in the tank and it's paid for. If they downsize us, they will take our propane back to their business place, bring one or two 100 gallon tanks here, and charge us the going rate which the last quote I got from them less than 2 wks ago, was $ 3.82 a gallon. We paid last season under contract, $ 2.45 a gallon. They would refund us the price we paid $ 2.45 times 400 gallons. I asked them if we could buy the tank we have and they said NO. They never sell tanks. Other dealers don't want to touch someone else's tank. I was hoping they would set 2 smaller tanks, and pump our propane over into them. Then take the balance back to their business, and refund us. If they take 200 gallons back, they would have that to resell, and would be making a profit on that. Bottom line, it's their tank and they control the situation. Currently they put us on delivery once a year. But we will have to make a decision in March to downsize then because we won't be able to use enough to keep the 500 gallon tank here. Our tank is above ground.

Any one else been through this kind of situation, and how did you handle it ?

Find a different dealer.Oh....use what you have 1st.
Keep it till it's empty, they can't just come and take it as long as you pay the lease fee. Threaten contacting the state attorney general if they try to force you