Red Oak Anyone.

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Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Across the bridge.
My neighbor across the street wanted me to cut a tree up that blew over in his woods. He told me where it was and i went over there and found it. Nice oak about 24 inches across. I took another way out of the woods and found four huge oaks blew over. Then just while ago i went over there to take some pics and found five more blowed over on the other side of the original four that you couldn't see untill i walked around them. These are all monster oaks. The pics don't tell how big they are and it's growed up in there quite a bit. A few snags to deal with too. A couple of them 40 inch or better. My batteries run out before i could get pics of all them but you can get the idea. Just have to figure out how to get the truck back in there. I will probably sell some of it as i have no way of storing that much of it. But what fun it's gonna be cutting those big trunks up, I can't wait. Even as hot as it is and as bad as the mosquitos are. I have a huge grin on my face. I have 27 pics to load so it's gonna take some time.






More coming
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If I could get a crack at cutting those oaks up I do believe that it would make me forget all of my troubles. :D

That score is even better than it first seemed. :cheers:
That is a big tree! I think there maybe some poison ivy vines growing on it, be careful and have fun. :chainsawguy:
So how hard is it going to be to get it all out? Is it 30 cords worth?
Believe i can get the truck right to it. Gonna take several loads though. There is 30 cords on the ground easy.

If I could get a crack at cutting those oaks up I do believe that it would make me forget all of my troubles. :D

That score is even better than it first seemed. :cheers:
Yeah i didn't see them other five trees and their bigger than the first four. Didn't get pics of them cause of batteries.

looks like some had some bad centers... that had to be some heavy winds....
A couple of them are hollow at the base but solid the rest of the tree.


That looks like Christmas morning to a bunch of chainsaw nuts!

What a great place for a GTG
It would be kinda rough, It's kinda thick in there and poison ivey is everywhere.

That is a big tree! I think there maybe some poison ivy vines growing on it, be careful and have fun. :chainsawguy:
Yep it's all over. I'll be broke out for a long time when i start cutting.