Saw Cases

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 6, 2001
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I am looking for a case that will fit a 372XP. Does anyone have suggestions about where to find one?

Short of that, how do you transport a larger saw inside a vehicle so as not to get the mess on the carpet? I am fully aware that the bar oil and chips add to the character of the vehicle, but my wife isn't happy about the mess when we get groceries on the weekends, and I am concerned about the dogs when they ride out into the woods with me (of course, never outside the truck when I am cutting).
I dont know how accomplished a woodworker you are but I make my own cases out of 1/2" or 3/4" plywood. If you have a pickup I throw the saw in the lockable tool box in the bed.

Do you have some dimensions for your cases?

Hello, Husqvarna offers a case for the 372? check with your local dealer. I think it fits up to a 20" bar. Good Luck, any problems I can get you one. Jonathan
Hi CM, The closest thing I have to a saw case is a sheif and a old blanket! I had to take the wifes car to work today cuz she was hauling hay in my truck. I just wrap it in a blanket to keep it from scratching and when in my truck it sets in the back and my dog guards it, no takers yet although a couple of fingers were found the other day :D
I think the 372 is the larget saw Husky makes a case for. Probably for a 20" bar. As far as dimensions for a home made one it can be whatever you want. Usually I make a wall to go along the bar so you can make a stg space for bar oil and the like. Kind of heavy so you wouldnt want to carry it three miles but AWESOME for putting on an ATV!
my husky dealer said the biggest bar the big husky case will hold is 20". im pretty sure that this is not like the case for the small saws, (ie the scabbard sticking out but a whole boxlike thing that encases the whole lot - so i guess im out of luck with my 24"..:(
Hrmm, Neither looks like the one I have. From the looks of them they have changed their style. Proved me wrong there. Yeah the one you thought I was talking about looks similar.
lowes has a lg black case ,that i think will handle your saw
if the bars not to long. i have one but use it for a cover for
my trickle charger ,so i can leave it anywhere. think it was about 18 bucks
No luck, guys. The two piece hinged case is too short to close with the brake lever locked or unlocked. The three piece case is MUCH too short. By too short, I mean from top to bottom, not length. Maybe my dealer has either the old or the new style, but we can't tell which. Any more information, as I go on the search?

You did not mention how fancy or pretensious you are in your area, but around here, and old tire thrown in the back of the pickup holds saws from running around just fine.

I do believe in covering a saw as much as possible just to keep dust and crap from getting all over it. If the saw is going to spend a lot of time being drug around the countryside, I'd recommend some manner of home-made box. Any of the plastic saw cases, usually sold for $20 or so, will have a rather short outside life due to the plastic hinges. Not a bad idea to have a padlock also, since nothing gets legs quite like a chainsaw.

If you make your own case/box, make it so it also will hold the gas and oil, the file and handle along with a spare file, and the bar wrench. This then makes a handy storage kit with everything in one place.

Walt Galer
CMBetz, for me a typical chainsaw case takes up too much room. I use what I call a saw caddy. Its a basic platform with a seating area for one or more saws. I have currently made two that hold two saws each. I am about to make a third that will hold three saws. I'll get my hands on a digital carmera and send you a photo. With these you simply use a bar cover.
Thanks, Gary. I look forward to seeing your design. If you could include some reference mark to judge dimensions, I would really appreciate it. Is this a removable item, or permanently or semi-permanently mounted (See below).

Walt, I have considered the old tire, but as my truck is, indeed, one of those fancy and pretentious SUV's, it is not practical. My wife already hates the ubiquitous partridge gun, box of shells, deer-shining light, waders, swampers, tool box, etc. that aggravate my darling bride when we travel together, and a tire is only going to increase the problem.

I like the idea of a plywood case, as our friend in Saginaw already mentioned, and Walt confirmed, the practicality. Does anyone have some plans already drawn out, or do I have to fly solo on this one? I would be willing to exchange a set of plans for a pigeon loft I built to keep a few birds for dog training.
Hi There, I went down stairs and grabed the 372 and a Stihl carrying case. It fits in there perfectly. The bar scabbord also accomidates a bar wrench, file and handle, and torx wrench etc.
although it only fits a 20" bar.
Hi Christian, of course it doesnt !@$#&* close! I just take duct tape and wrap it all around back and forth and duct tape all the cutters and the dogs so it doesnt rip the upolstary in my truck.
Just kidding, yes it closes. It is just my opinion, but I think it is only sissies and casual users that use plastic chainsaw cases, except for saw collections, hot saw users who dont want any ogglers and shipping a saw or carting one around on an ATV.
Sorry about the pontification, but I picked up that word just last week.