Feel Lucky
Good question, very thought provoking in fact.
Simple answer. What else will he take from whomever, until he is willing to kill for it?
Not this guy's first theft, and won't be his last. Until he is seriously dissuaded from doing so. Be it from a Marine Corps style ass kicking or death.
The law does NOT dissuade people as fast or as long as a hard core ass kicking does.
Could I live after taking a mans life? Depends on the situation. But I DO know I would rather be the one above the ground.
Want to borrow something? Just ask. Stealing it, may be fatal.
I think the hard core whoopin idea is best and likely the path I would take but then comes suit for doctor bills and prolly assault charges. I have had my ass kicked into my shoulder blades for being young dumb and with someone else s woman. What did I do? I learned and went on with my life even came across the man later and apologized, why? Cause I was in the wrong I deserved what I got and was a bit more careful of where I laid down afterward. Azz whoopins do work on a boy or mans actions but they have to be good enough to have them laid up a few days