Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Farmer friend called just before dark yesterday, said she had a tree across her drive and power out. I asked if there were any down wires around, she said no. Got there and she was picking up little limbs tossing them in the woods. I knew a power line ran through the woods and couldn't find it. Then looked under the tree, a 24" dead Oak, and there it was, a 7 strand bare copper line. I yelled at her to get in her car and back way up. If they turned the power on and energized the line, it would energize the tree, and as wet as it was, probably everything we were standing on. Lucky only 4 limbs as big as my thigh were across the drive. I tied a 3/4 inch bull line around the top, cut the top off, and put the truck in 4 low then pulled it a 1/4 mile up the drive. Her drive is over a mile long. She wanted to pick up all the little twigs. I was back in my truck and wouldn't get back out. Called her on her cell and told her we could clean up the sticks one day next week, get the heck away from that line. She just couldn't understand how a bare copper wire bigger than my thumb, 40-50 feet away was dangerous.

Another friend just called and said he has a big Cherry down in his yard. Soon as I get some coffee in me I'll b e out the door.
Local fire chief said “they haven’t even told us when the fire house will have power again, i’d Get more gas for your generator”. In the daylight I can see trees with lines down everywhere.... if they didn’t have the power lines wrapped in them I’d cut my own trail, it took me a extra hour to get home last night. Those power lines scare me away.....
Matt, see post above. When I was still climbing I took a course in Aerial Rescue, I heard they now call it Aerial Recovery, because they don't want you going up until you are sure the lines are not energized. I don't know a lot about power lines, but I know when you start getting into bare stranded cable, it has a little more "POP" than an electric fence. I'm sure it would have been interesting seeing me back up at 20 MPH in 4 low, pulling a third of a tree with me, Joe.
Yeah, wet conditions with electric wires on the ground is enough for me to say, “I’ll let the pro’s handle this one”.

Meanwhile the kids and wife watch Disney movies while the twin cylinder Briggs humms away. About to start filling 5gallon buckets for the neighbors so they can flush their toilets...
Well we are warming up today and the snow is melting fast. London had maybe 3" and as usual, it ground to a halt. Cars, trains everything, we are so bad in snow. Tbf it costs less to sit out a day or 3 every 3-5 years then to prepare better I guess but it's embarrassing. I however, as one of the few that fits winter tyres, was absolutely fine. The 2 ickle stoves coped fine too, gas boiler doing nothing despite minus 4C temps. I am now getting well through the dry wood.... About 8.5 cube burnt (1 or more by my parents), I'm into the last cube now.
all you scroungers here on the right coast better start watchin C/L and facebook marketplace/yard sale for wood.should be lots of free wood poppin up shortly. Here's my first load . Valuable black walnut firewood.:rolleyes: we even made some BW mulch. left a 26 foot log to see if i can find anyone interested. if not. more valuable firewood.20180303_104755.jpg 20180303_111357.jpg 20180303_113835 (1).jpg
I've never seen any Black Birch down this way (actually, never seen one at all). We still have a few White Birch, pretty much all infested with the Bronze Borer, and some type of Swamp Birch, a little more gray than white. Cherry smells great when you cut it, and the saw dust will come out pink to red, Joe.

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