Simonized saws.

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Glad to see yours arrived, mine should be here any day. I better call the local PO to see if the post mistresses is holding
It sure sounds like you like it, my parrot picked your saw to be in the top five, it's got to be a winner!
In the hay fields this week, I've have the wife keep an eye out for it.

Run it yet?:blob2:
Just left a message on Doug's phone. I just picked up the saw from the post office. It has been sitting there for 2 weeks and no phone call!!!. They told me they smelled gas so held it there. Jackasses. Now Canada Post is on rotating strikes!! I guess I can try UPS but it cost me $78 just for brokerage before they released it to me over a month ago. Saw runs fantastic, just seems scared of flying. Doug had a problem getting it here as well. Bit of a gong-show. Every other saw has come and gone with no hitches at all.
Just left a message on Doug's phone. I just picked up the saw from the post office. It has been sitting there for 2 weeks and no phone call!!!. They told me they smelled gas so held it there. Jackasses. Now Canada Post is on rotating strikes!! I guess I can try UPS but it cost me $78 just for brokerage before they released it to me over a month ago. Saw runs fantastic, just seems scared of flying. Doug had a problem getting it here as well. Bit of a gong-show. Every other saw has come and gone with no hitches at all.

So, will indiansprings get his saw? Is this the one your talkin about?
Yes, Doug sent me a 460. I told him I will do it for free if he pays parts and shipping. It is done, runs like a champ. Not doing him any good in my shop though. I am waiting for a call from him to see how we can get it there.
Yes, Doug sent me a 460. I told him I will do it for free if he pays parts and shipping. It is done, runs like a champ. Not doing him any good in my shop though. I am waiting for a call from him to see how we can get it there.

Holy Cow. That sux about the post office. I would think the least they could have done was call you. Thats not good man. Thats just bad business outta the Post office. IMO.
He got a major run-around trying to send it too. When it finally got here, the guy said he needed $75.60 CAD to release it to me. UPS.
Simonized saws do rip!!

I see there are a few skeptics out there, I hope I can help a bit, first off, I'm a newbie to the site, what a great place for info!
I have been using Walker saws for what seems ever, they run good, cut fast and take a beating, they do not go down easy.
Now however I have some of Simon's saws, holy crap, they pull like mad.
I really do feel he has good saw building knowledge, they are well above anything Walkers put out. Having said that, Walkerized saws are another great choice, I don't think, you will go wrong with either.
For all the people needing vid prof, I will take some video next week at work while falling for all to enjoy, you will see the Walkerized and the Simonized side by side!!
I see there are a few skeptics out there, I hope I can help a bit, first off, I'm a newbie to the site, what a great place for info!
I have been using Walker saws for what seems ever, they run good, cut fast and take a beating, they do not go down easy.
Now however I have some of Simon's saws, holy crap, they pull like mad.
I really do feel he has good saw building knowledge, they are well above anything Walkers put out. Having said that, Walkerized saws are another great choice, I don't think, you will go wrong with either.
For all the people needing vid prof, I will take some video next week at work while falling for all to enjoy, you will see the Walkerized and the Simonized side by side!!

Awesome. Good to have a local faller on here. I'm down in Victoria. Can't wait to see some vids.
Sounds good. I like falling videos. I bet you're probably cutting 3-4' or bigger too.
Awesome. Good to have a local faller on here. I'm down in Victoria. Can't wait to see some vids.

I will be in Victoria this time next week!!!!! Look out!!! Better have some of that good Canadian homebrew beer good and cold!!!! Ehhhh?

Anyone sending me saws from USA PLEASE put "repair and return" on declaration. Save tons of money and headaches. Thanks guys.

Yeah I only had the problem shipping my 365/372 to Canada,, did not get Return repair on the declaration paper,,, put it on the shipping label,,, cost me 80.00+ must get it on the declaration paperwork

where the form ask for what it is,,,,, just say machinery parts, value @ 100.00

Had no problem coming home,,, I drained the tank, pulled the fuel line off the carb inlet tube blew the fuel out if the fueline/filter with the filter out of the tank,,, let it air dry for acouple of days before I shipped,,, wrapped it good, double bagged no fuel smell problems

I have a simonized saw,,, it does have a lot of torque,,, Pulls a 32" bar with semi skip chain very well in wood over 30"
its not quite broken in yet,,, but its getting there!!!!
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Simonized saws

Yes I'll be posting some rather large trees, using both builder's saws, as said before, they are both wonderful saws, but, there is something just unique in the way Simon's pulls, not just up top in the revs, all through the range of RPM's, people, don't be so tough on Simon, he is a builder of wicked saws, and as he says, you CAN GO ELSEWHERE, but why?
Just a small note as well, if these saws work up here in BC, they will perform like mad for you wherever you are, as I'm sure you all know, our trees here tend to be on the large side, rather great proving grounds for a falling saw I'd say!!
I and the rest of our crew are sold!!
I will be in Victoria this time next week!!!!! Look out!!! Better have some of that good Canadian homebrew beer good and cold!!!! Ehhhh?

I hate to disapoint, but I'm all out of my homebrew beer! PM me your dates here, and we'll see if we can have a lilttle visit or something.

I and the rest of our crew are sold!!

Until you run one of my saws!!!!! LOL. ;)
I'm responding way late to this, but wasn't Smokey the guy who got caught running a 7/8 scale replica of a stock car? Now if that isn't creative cheating I don't know what is. It would have about 80% of the aerodynamic drag of the real thing.

Dunno mate, others would have better knowledge on the man than me. I remember his engines being torn down for scrutiny due to their efficiency on the track.

I could be wrong, correct me if I am, it was some time ago.
The saw not being here is no fault of Simon's, it got hung up in the postal service, Simon was kind enough to let me know about it. When the saw gets here I'll put up the video's as promised. Simon has done everything he was supposed to, I had told him I wasn't in any big hurry away, it's typically our slowest time of the year due to farming obligations. The charges have nothing to do with customs but after calling UPS and raising hell because I clearly labeled it repair and return, UPS told me it was their international transfer fee, that anything going UPS standard ground will get popped for the fee. I told them the US Postal service as pathetic as it may be will be handling the next saw I ship. I don't think anyone has anything to worry about performance wise after Simon's saw performance at the Tenn. saw off. I'm sure it will be performing better than the saw was before mods. The video's will tell the story. I betting on Simon. He is straight as a arrow as far as I'm concerned, no one should have no concerns about sending him work, he is a class act all the way. I think that he more than proved this by porting a saw for free to enter in TLandrum's work saw contest, and doing this saw for free to squelch the doubting Thomas's. How many guys are going to do that to demonstrate the quality of their work? Not very damn many!