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froze last two days, could see Mt. Baker and Mt. Rainier at almost the same time today, within a few feet anyway... For those not from around here that is nearly impossible... between the clouds, mountains, trees and fog you lucky to see one let alone both, and both at the same time requires the planets to be in alignment, three toes to be crossed, and a sloth to be driving. Or you could be somewhere near Marysville on the odd clear day...
Yup! Our early June rains here are going to
be a make or break things for this summer.
First Tick found Fri 13th a most 2 months
early & the Yellow Jackets a bit active today.
You dam yoopers are always tryin to out-do us cheeseheads, what with yer double logs loads and extra cold temps! Whats the temp in the cab of yer processor guna be when you get there in the morn? Hmmm?
The snow is melting off the roof and I have to plug in the outdoor freezer and the skidder started with just 3 shots of ether and the poop castle in the outhouse is receding. Saw flies buzzing around in the sun today.
All good signs of spring I guess.
You dam yoopers are always tryin to out-do us cheeseheads, what with yer double logs loads and extra cold temps! Whats the temp in the cab of yer processor guna be when you get there in the morn? Hmmm?

I find myself short of cheesehead insults right now, but I'll trade temps if you want? And timber by the looks of it. On the other hand I'll be out of the wind today, and our saw hand will be at home around his wood stove. This processor doesn't warm the cab that well, probably 40 in the cab when I get there.

Stay warm bitz, took me two tanks in the 385 to warm my fingers on the coldest day I sawed. -34 and breezy.
been a great summer so far well least for me in my part of OZ no blistering days just the more bearable mid 30 C ies that's about your 90F a tad humid so plenty of rain & paddock grass still green, no storms let we ignore the one that smashed my local hood it was a micro burst tornado like 5 by 1 clicks smashed hundreds of trees. Still last summer we suffered heatwave after heatwave so very happy the rest of OZ well i wouldn't know see free cyclones are off the north coasts about to land tonite but that predictable each year.
This morning it is 18, tonight -1. In the southland, that is cold. Yeah, yeah I know -- its plenty colder other places, but...that's why I live here :D