The Descriptive Process

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One misty morning, cutting timber, I met by change a tame fox. The animal came right out of the bush and approached without any hesitation - just like a friendly dog, except no wagging it's tail and ears high. I've heard stories of fearless fox, but never seen one before, nor have I ever known anyone in person who has. The fox's fur was clean, it wasn't obviously starved and it wasn't limping, a sound healthy animal, just very friendly. It seemed to me the fox wanted to have a pat. I didn't touch it however, I have no rabies vaccination. It hovered around my feet until I had to banish it. It came back though, and I had to throw a stick at it before it cleared out.

I've been asking local people about the tame fox, but nobody knows anything about it. It's hard to believe that none has ran across it, because it was so overly attracted to a human. I had no camera with me, no pics. I was alone too Of course, afterwards I realized now I do have a camera on my new cell phone, but it didn't come to me at the time. I know what I saw, and it's just that makes me wonder. I'm getting a bit confused what I should be thinking about the case. If it only had been a pink elephant playing "The Saints", this would've been an easy call: Another flipped out logger. But a tame fox?

Seriously guys.
I had a fox living in or near my yard for a couple of years. It got used to me to the point where it wouldn't run off as long as I gave it a few feet of room and didn't make any sudden movements. I haven't seen it in a couple of years. Also, I've had many days where a crow or raven followed me around all day, chattering and making a racket, even when I ended up far from where I first saw it, so it wasn't protecting a nest. I think the critters just like messing with us sometimes.
My Dad used to go up to Alaska and fish...there were silver foxes up there that would hang out all the time with the fishermen.

A weird fox experience happened one morning at the sawmill I worked at.

Me and my tail man would always get to work and hour er so early everyday. Down in the far end of the log yard there was a couple of cull bundles with johnson grass all grown around them. We heard a chatter and looked down that direction right as a white cat jumped up on to the bundle. The cat looked all around at the ground and then jumped back off into the tall grass. Right behind the cat (3) grey foxes jumped up onto the bundle. Then all at once they jumped off in the direction the cat went.

Now I don't know if you all know that there is a split between Red foxes and Grey foxes...Reds are in the Canine family while oddly enough Grey's are in the Feline family. With that being said...wonder what the foxes were chasing the cat for??? Food or lovin'? Definitely odd to say the least.

Fennec desert foxes are widely sold as pets...they are pretty neat animals. When I was into exotics really heavy, I always wanted some.
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My old man ate lunch with a coyote one day back In the 70's. He ran the 'Cow Camp' -- a 2,000 acre section of a larger ranch. He was out riding fence and had stopped to eat lunch. He was sitting on an old Larch log. He was chowing down when he looked over, and here comes a yote right down the log at him. The yote stopped a couple feet away and sat down. Dad gave him some sammich and some other vittles. When they were done eating they went their separate ways. Critters act different out in the sticks. Most don't know enough to fear humans.
Looks like the site actually works again.

Anybody else getting ####ed by the shutdown? What a ####ing sh!t show. All us saws jammed in our one state sale, then it's layoff time. Awesome.

Should be damn near snowed out of our fed sales by the time our "representatives" in D.C. get their #### together.

Hope you all are well - Sam
Looks like the site actually works again.

Anybody else getting ####ed by the shutdown? What a ####ing sh!t show. All us saws jammed in our one state sale, then it's layoff time. Awesome.

Should be damn near snowed out of our fed sales by the time our "representatives" in D.C. get their #### together.

Hope you all are well - Sam

I heard about it yesterday. Pretty sucky. There was a helicopter logging here and they had to shut down. In fact, I think they moved in another helicopter to ramp things up on Monday, just in time for the shut down. Snow will hit, and then it is a wait until owl season is over--July.

The bough cutting contracts were also shut off. There was a lot of activity around the mushroom buyers tents so those people are picking and probably will continue to pick after their permits expire.
That's kind of the bummer here too....The mill brought in three more yarders to try and wrap things before the snow flies and then they get shut down. Lot of money down the can.
Looks like the site actually works again.

Anybody else getting ####ed by the shutdown? What a ####ing sh!t show. All us saws jammed in our one state sale, then it's layoff time. Awesome.

Should be damn near snowed out of our fed sales by the time our "representatives" in D.C. get their #### together.

Hope you all are well - Sam

bummer. thank goodness for private land. got to take some around the out buildings at the commune in the morn.
I'm curious as to how long until the mills are starving for wood and up the price on domestic sales?

Have to wait and see I guess. From all accounts its not doing so bad out here for timber prices anyway, but with the feds shutting down it does leave a not so small hole to fill.
I'm curious as to how long until the mills are starving for wood and up the price on domestic sales?

Have to wait and see I guess. From all accounts its not doing so bad out here for timber prices anyway, but with the feds shutting down it does leave a not so small hole to fill.

It won't make much difference where I am. We take very little timber from government sales any more. Some of the thinning sales produce a few saw logs but they're generally low quality, get culled heavily, and they feed the chipper with what's left. Most of the FS sales are bug kill or burn salvage but not nearly enough of either one to count on as a dependable source.

We've had a long season this year and most of the mill decks are high-stacked and running out of room.
I'm curious as to how long until the mills are starving for wood and up the price on domestic sales?

Have to wait and see I guess. From all accounts its not doing so bad out here for timber prices anyway, but with the feds shutting down it does leave a not so small hole to fill.

I am wondering the same about boughs. I have some cedar trees, but I have no idea what the buyers want. If I see the Boughs Wanted sign up, I'll stop.
The problem right now is domestic lumber prices are low and the domestic mills have to compete with the export market for the smaller private wood. Larger wood from state and federal ground is competed with the plywood and pole guys. Domestic mills are still in a rough spot but with B.C. backing off their annual cut due to the beetle kill wood being too far degraded the prices should come up within the next few years.

As far as descriptions go; sever abdominal pain and a trip to the ER resulted in losing my appendix last night. Feeling better and now have three holes in my midsection healing up. Pretty bad timing with all the crap I had/have for school this week but I have a nice big extension on my test that's tomorrow so I'm kind of free for the rest of the week. Hoping I can make it to one class tomorrow that I have to rely on other people for notes in. Otherwise Thurs I may make it but Friday no classes and start of Thanksgiving break.

The problem right now is domestic lumber prices are low and the domestic mills have to compete with the export market for the smaller private wood. Larger wood from state and federal ground is competed with the plywood and pole guys. Domestic mills are still in a rough spot but with B.C. backing off their annual cut due to the beetle kill wood being too far degraded the prices should come up within the next few years.

As far as descriptions go; sever abdominal pain and a trip to the ER resulted in losing my appendix last night. Feeling better and now have three holes in my midsection healing up. Pretty bad timing with all the crap I had/have for school this week but I have a nice big extension on my test that's tomorrow so I'm kind of free for the rest of the week. Hoping I can make it to one class tomorrow that I have to rely on other people for notes in. Otherwise Thurs I may make it but Friday no classes and start of Thanksgiving break.


Be nice to the nurses...they're the ones who run the place. Get well, get after it.
As far as descriptions go; sever abdominal pain and a trip to the ER resulted in losing my appendix last night. Feeling better and now have three holes in my midsection healing up. Pretty bad timing with all the crap I had/have for school this week but I have a nice big extension on my test that's tomorrow so I'm kind of free for the rest of the week. Hoping I can make it to one class tomorrow that I have to rely on other people for notes in. Otherwise Thurs I may make it but Friday no classes and start of Thanksgiving break.


Be glad. A guy I worked with had this appendix story. He was working for the Forest Service as a fire lookout. He tried to get the day off so he could watch the World Series on TV, but they sent him up to work. He got abdominal pains and called to get taken in to the doctor. The Fire guy sent up the roughest riding truck they had, because he thought the guy was faking. He wasn't and had an appendectomy, after a painful ride in. I guess the fire guy was extremely apologetic.
Now I don't know if you all know that there is a split between Red foxes and Grey foxes...Reds are in the Canine family while oddly enough Grey's are in the Feline family. .

No, they are both in the same order and family, just different genus and species. that was too weird a comment to not look up for myself.

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