The Official Woodchuker81 70cc Saw Thread

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Hmm. This spring i was cutting a huge pine tree up w/ my ms390 w/ the 24", and my friend was running his ms290 w/ 20" bar. Both saws relatively new and stock, and i outcut him by a consistently faster rate. You could definately hear the 4-5 cc difference between them as they ran.

There's no replacement for displacement buddy. :) :cheers:
Everybody knows there is only one 70cc saw worth havin....


Most reliable 70cc I've found.......and I've tried 'em all.

View attachment 193245
Who's verandah posts are ya cuttin up Chuck? :)

That was a GTG we had at BloodOnTheIce's shop back in January - Although I think it was January. Pretty sure that was before my dad was diagnosed, there's no way I woulda been there after we found out about that in the beginning of February.....

Jack had some basswood on his property. He dropped the trees and had them milled up for that GTG in particular. That was a great NYCSM gathering for sure. :)
wait a minute, your saws still in a box. :wink2::wink2: slow oz post:msp_angry:

Haha true, I might just make it a mantle piece saw - its almost to pretty to use :D

Have you given the 460 a run after porting?
No, more like this . . .


once I break it in and learn to square file.
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