This Sucks!!

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David Wayne

ArboristSite Operative
. AS Supporting Member.
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Central Ohio
Two of my sons & I had the day off Wed. We thought it would be a good day
to go work on the neighbors fence row. Went to load these up &----

This is empty shelf is what we saw!!!

Some lowlife decided to help themself to my saws.
2-Dolmar 7900
1-Sachs dolmar 120SI
1-Huskey 266 with a new P&J
1-Huskey 136
My insurance should cover them but the 120SI really makes me mad. It was my dads saw & I seldom used it, though it is a strong runner.It would never be for sale or loan & cant be replaced. The thief didn't take the gas, oil,tool kit, or chaps. I hope the S.O.B. cuts their leg off
Damn that makes me sick! I hope you can catch a clue of who may have done this and give a little pay back!
That sucks...maybe a drug user, they'll hock anything of value. Probably someone that's been over there before too...scary.:mad:
Things like this really, really :censored: me off. :mad:

I hope you find out who was in there and get your saws back, especially the 120SI.
Man... Sorry for your loss. It's like losing a family!!!! Check ebay frequently and the local pawn shops. Craigslist too!!!

Thems were some nice saws too!!!:chainsawguy:
Keep in eye on craigslist and not just your city check all the surrounding ones too. If they are going to sell them they might try a different area.
Amazing, sorry to hear it. Especially the one that was your Dad's. Keep on the look out and spread the word incase anyone is offered any saws for sale. Not to many people own that many saws.
Our house and connected barn are pretty close to the road. I often keep my saws at the front of the barn and they're visible from the road if I leave the sliding barndoor open.

Thanks for the cautionary tale to remind us that saws have a strange proclivity to grow legs and walk off.

What ever dirtbag did this to you must have a set of grapes as big as bowling balls. Douche.
Man hate to here that. Hope there's some way you can find them. I hate thief's, their the lowest form of scum in the world. Good luck and hope the insurance company does you right. :givebeer::givebeer::givebeer:
It'll prolly be someone that knows you or your kids, maybe even been to the place before, scum sucking dirtbags, theft is on the rise here like crazy, mostly meth heads looking for a way to score.
as said--craigslist,ebay,pawn shops esp--get to the local pawn shops--and let them know--they be happy to turn em in--got serial no's of all of them???--tell the cops all pertinent info--get the word out quick--people will watch for them--as most dont like low life scum--:mad::mad:
That just sucks, I'd be pissed too. Do you keep your garage locked up? I live in a town where my neighbors dont even lock their doors & some keep their car keys laying on the drivers seat but I still lock my house, garage and shed. No, it wont stop a dedicated theif but maybe I'll hear them during a forced entry. A shot from my SD-9 should make them drop their prybar and run like a scared schoolgirl. As others have said, keep an eye out, you may find them.
I especially hope that you get your dad's saw back. If you do catch these dirt bags I hope you prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

I hate thieves.
People think I am nuts but a bouncing betty would solve alot of problems with unauthorized taking of one's tools. I live on a long driveway and an easy target for some scumbag but have a sign at my gate that states "If you can read this your in range" so far no problems, keeps them guessing if I am home.

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