Two broken hearts in one day, I'm so mean

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Fellow come in this morning with a trimmer, pull rope assembly shot, head cap and spool worn away. Tells me to go ahead and put a new pull rope assembly on, replace the cap and spool and load it with string. 15 minutes later he comes back to get it and its ready to go. The bill was for one pull rope assembly, one head cap, one spool. Charged no labor nor for the string fill up. 2pm I get a call from this man's freind telling me that Donny is upset with me so bad he's thinking of going elsewhere. I said why is he upset. Apparently he felt the price for the parts were too high though he loved the no labor and free string fill up. I call Donny and leave him a message to call me, we gots to talk. Since I charged him no labor I think he's wanting free parts as well. He's yet to call me back, I can't wait.

Case number two. Man pinches his new 250 in a tree and pulls and prys and snaps the handle at the bottom. He pried so hard he bent the bar as well. He wants Stihl to pay for it. I tell him I doult they will cover that but I would call on his behalf and ask. I did just that and Stihl said no, he broke it, not us, I agreed 100%. Replaced the handle. Bill was for the handle, no labor since I felt bad for the guy and it only took a few minutes. He comes in at 5pm to get his saw. I tell him the bad news, its his baby. He hemms and hauls and I finally had to tell him listen, you pried on that saw so hard you not only snapped the handle you also bent the bar. He stands there and won't leave. I say listen, you only paid for what you broke, I didn't charge you a penny to put it on, be happy. Handle bar was list price, 60.05. He goes well will you drop the price on the handle to 40.00. I said hell no, ya got all ya gonna get. What a day. River I wish you had been with me today so I could prove the ole saying of the customer is always right is a bunch of BS..
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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
...ya can't fix stupid.:D

You handled 'em well Tom.


Not yet I haven't. I'm gonna call Donny again in the morning if he doesn't return my call to him. I'm gonna ask him if he does lawns for free and if so I want mine done within 15 minutes. The yuppie I didn't mind too bad but the pro guy, he's under my crawl now, he's gots to payyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 3, 2006
Its in the water Tom!!! I was working on a deck today, 2x6 joist and planks, but a 2x4 ledger board with 16pennies holding it to the sill plate. It moved, I was shocked!!! "Can you just pull it back to the house and make it work? I have a wedding in a couple weeks and need it to look nice!"
I told him I would try and pull it back, but I was putting in a new ledger board and lagging it into the house. Replaced the board and hooked up the come along my gandpa built. 5/16 steel cable, three foot handle, weighs about 120 pounds, you get the idea.
Ran a 5 inch 3/8" lag through the chain into the ledger, into the sill plate and get to cranking. He comes out "You get it to move yet?" I said about an inch but she wont want to budge! "Well crank on that thing a bit more, she'll move!!" He stands there and I start again, next thing I know the sill plate is comming out!!!!! I bet I moved that house a good 1/4"!!!!!!
Its in the water I tell ya!!!!:bang:
buzz sawyer
Mar 7, 2006
Not yet I haven't. I'm gonna call Donny again in the morning if he doesn't return my call to him. I'm gonna ask him if he does lawns for free and if so I want mine done within 15 minutes. The yuppie I didn't mind too bad but the pro guy, he's under my crawl now, he's gots to payyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Ya done the best ya could Champ. Just be sure to make a Fedral case if the lawn grows back too soon.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 7, 2007
Ontario Canada
Well thats too bad. You tried to help those guys out and they spit in your face. From what I understand there are not to many other places around in your area with your knowlege and knowhow either, go figure well at least you can sleep well at night knowing you gave them free labour and fixed them up quickly. I think people are too caught up in the hustle and bustle nowadays to lend a hand, help somone stranded or recognize when someone does them a favor anymore. It reminds me of last winter I was helping an older couple with a truck that was stuck in a snowbank and I swear 15 trucks passed by and would not stop. I had a small car no rope no shovel and I still stopped. I think it has to do a lot with your upbringing. If nothing else you have my respect for doing the right thing.


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Its in the water Tom!!! I was working on a deck today, 2x6 joist and planks, but a 2x4 ledger board with 16pennies holding it to the sill plate. It moved, I was shocked!!! "Can you just pull it back to the house and make it work? I have a wedding in a couple weeks and need it to look nice!"
I told him I would try and pull it back, but I was putting in a new ledger board and lagging it into the house. Replaced the board and hooked up the come along my gandpa built. 5/16 steel cable, three foot handle, weighs about 120 pounds, you get the idea.
Ran a 5 inch 3/8" lag through the chain into the ledger, into the sill plate and get to cranking. He comes out "You get it to move yet?" I said about an inch but she wont want to budge! "Well crank on that thing a bit more, she'll move!!" He stands there and I start again, next thing I know the sill plate is comming out!!!!! I bet I moved that house a good 1/4"!!!!!!
Its in the water I tell ya!!!!:bang:

I think your right Brother Andrew, I really do. What really ticked me off was the pro guy, not the yuppie saw user. He never complained to me when he got the bill for his parts but he goes and tells his buddy he's ticked. Then his buddy calls me and lets me know Donny is really upset with you. I got fired up and trust me when I get fired up I don't care if your GWB or the Queen of England, I'm firing back. His buddy goes now I know you treated Donny more than fair but you have to understand you have to treat him with kid gloves. I said is that right. He then tells me now don't tell Donny I told you, I said ok. I hung up and 5 seconds later Donny's cell was ringing but he wouldn't answer my call. I left him a message in a tone that would make a pit bull run. Man that really ticked me off, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Ya done the best ya could Champ. Just be sure to make a Fedral case if the lawn grows back too soon.

Good post there, thankya. I needed to vent tonite and I'm probly making a azz out of myslef but those two guys today really had me wanting to put the gloves on. Ok, I'll simmer down now. Thanks for the funny post, appreciate it.
buzz sawyer
Mar 7, 2006
I think your right Brother Andrew, I really do. What really ticked me off was the pro guy, not the yuppie saw user. He never complained to me when he got the bill for his parts but he goes and tells his buddy he's ticked. Then his buddy calls me and lets me know Donny is really upset with you. I got fired up and trust me when I get fired up I don't care if your GWB or the Queen of England, I'm firing back. His buddy goes now I know you treated Donny more than fair but you have to understand you have to treat him with kid gloves. I said is that right. He then tells me now don't tell Donny I told you, I said ok. I hung up and 5 seconds later Donny's cell was ringing but he wouldn't answer my call. I left him a message in a tone that would make a pit bull run. Man that really ticked me off, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Maybe Donny's just trying to stir things up? I've had that happen too often at work.


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
They must be getting tired of getting ripped off by a legit chain saw shop!

Maybe you could do it on the side and save them some bucks, LOL.

Tree as usual your so full schit it runs out your ears. I bet the uppie runs a saw better than you but the both of you cry about the same. Why do has beens like you hang around here when you have nothing to add to the site?? Wink!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 3, 2006
I feel for ya brother Tom, I really do!!! Seems the more you try and help folks out nowadays, the more they expect from you!!

Dan, that would be a decent idea, but my rates have gone up!! $35hr to wrench on anything, $45hr plus for dirt/concrete work, $65hr if it needs machinery and $20hr plus to do handyman work. $25hr plus for consoltations! Don't like em, find them cheaper, and wait a LOT right now!


ArboristSite Operative
Jul 2, 2003
Pulaski, Wisconsin
Sounds just like the majority of customers I deal with on a daily basis. Everyone wants something for nothing, or they say it still under warranty. So you rummage through all the warranty forms for a few hours only to find the equipment is out of warranty for 2-3 years. Call the customer to notify them the warranty is out. Then they're pissed, then they start chiseling on the parts prices. You just about have to sell your soul, give away your parts, and services just to please the customer. The customer still pisses and moans. Then if the customer breaks the piece of equipment you just fixed for next to nothing, then it's always your fault. Then the customer comes back to grind an axe with you.

Dealing with the public can be a real pain.


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