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well, just so ya know, I dont have alot of love for it myself, however, if anybody has any marketing education, you will know about branding, and that is what I'm doing, economy is a word used everyday, extremely easy to remember, so when they are trying to remember some off the wall name, they will not forget mine.
And those who know me, know good and well, that I am not cheap!
I am not in the business to have a cool name, I'm in it to win it.
It all boils down to business, and I get a lot of it, already out 4 weeks
So there ya go, that's why I have a generic name.
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Lol Or your gonna pay tree service:)

Here, I could use " No-convict tree service" that will REALLY seperate me from the rest!
I do backgrounds on my guys now, did them on my competitors as well, HOLY SCUM TURD, we gots us some duzys!
Home invasion, GTA, Theft,Bank Robbery, Rape, Drugs, Drugs and more Drugs, Wife beaters, Kid beaters. Seems like they have a career day at the halfway house and they coach them to go into trees
Here, I could use " No-convict tree service" that will REALLY seperate me from the rest!
I do backgrounds on my guys now, did them on my competitors as well, HOLY SCUM TURD, we gots us some duzys!
Home invasion, GTA, Theft,Bank Robbery, Rape, Drugs, Drugs and more Drugs, Wife beaters, Kid beaters. Seems like they have a career day at the halfway house and they coach them to go into trees

In Nova Scotia, there is a town called Economy, which we passed through going to a Scout jamboree 10 yrs ago. One of my fellow leaders, who was a Fire Captain, had to have his picture taken in front of the Economy Fire Dept Hall 1 (the only one).

Went to attach it only to remember that the picture was taken on film. Found it on Google maps though

Hauled mulch this morning for one client, went to another client's house to get things started for the year. Their attack rat gave me some laughs today. Looked at a willow tree that a buddy referred me to... see what happens there, the neighbors may also want a willow down. Could bang out both from 1 setup with a 50 ton crane in no time. I was unknowingly entered in a charity auction, the people who won called me up so I looked at that today, nothing crazy.. an hour with 2 guys. Worst part though is I can't get up there with my chipper. Gonna have to either bring the little trailer, or just jam the crap into my truck. Chipped some brush for a few friends, and dropped the chips for a client who also had a hanger to pick out of a maple tree which I got with the throw ball. He had me look at a red maple... nice easy crane job, or I could climb and rig it easy enough. Rather crane it out though, because to climb and rig would mean that the groundies will have to lift the logs and brush up maybe 6' to get over this stone wall.
well, just so ya know, I dont have alot of love for it myself, however, if anybody has any marketing education, you will know about branding, and that is what I'm doing, economy is a word used everyday, extremely easy to remember, so when they are trying to remember some off the wall name, they will not forget mine.
And those who know me, know good and well, that I am not cheap!
I am not in the business to have a cool name, I'm in it to win it.
It all boils down to business, and I get a lot of it, already out 4 weeks
So there ya go, that's why I have a generic name.

Its sounds that you feel the stigma yourself. Its also sounds like you are actually lying now about your company name. I mean the name says ECONOMY but you say your not cheap? Well where is the economy in that?:msp_biggrin:
Yes, I know marketing ploys having ample experiance with that sort of drudgery. You might not know this but methods like that work by manipulating a persons fears. It has been known to work great and is extremely popular.
I think I know how you feel. Its one of those things that sorta bothers you when you see it yourself. I think we all have been programmed to think a little lowly of name like that. I mean not just us tree guys.
I really was trying to see if economy really was a good word to desribe something that is seemingly supposed to inspire extreme confidence. That is what I told the guy from AFFORDABLE TREE when I met him. And I did actually just meet a gentleman who had a big ISA sticker on his door and this is what he asked me: What kind of tree is this?

I had been through that many times before and was tired of answering the same dam question so I told him that I didn't know that is was an ash and left it at that.
And I sure wasn't looking to tear you down, its just when they say " what's in a name?" I think "A LOT !" Then I realize its just obscure psychology and everybody is bull####ting everybody .
I took down an Autum Blaze Maple and a plum (ground stumps as well) and then off to the auction! Bought my new chip truck! 99 International 4700 16ft bed 96k miles. T444e. I wanted a DT466 but for what I paid cant complain. Truck was owned by a local big time contruction co that is well known for maintence being like religion. Im gonna chop the bed and do what Arborpro did with the ramp for the mini.(eventually)
Been getting a bunch of calls lately for spray work, only problem is my sprayer needs a new engine and pump :msp_unsure: Last fall I gave away the small engine that was powering the worn Kappa 40 I had on there with the intention of upgrading to a Kappa 75 over the winter... then the work died and so did my plans.
Did 30 stumps today... Threw a belt and bought one 2 inches short to replace it... Thank God I had my Oklahoma farm boy working with me to make it work... Then had to run down a short in the dam thing... Anyway, we got finished and picked up 2 more jobs along the way. :)
Did 30 stumps today... Threw a belt and bought one 2 inches short to replace it... Thank God I had my Oklahoma farm boy working with me to make it work... Then had to run down a short in the dam thing... Anyway, we got finished and picked up 2 more jobs along the way. :)

gotta have a farm boy lol:)
Find da boy an up-town girl to wear him down a bit:)

Great minds think alike! The farm chick that takes my wood called me this morning wanting me to come help her fix her tractor... He overheard the conversation and said he could fix it... I said hmm... :)

I tried to fix one of my other guys up with her so she wouldn't be calling me all the time to help her but that didn't work out. Maybe this will be a love connection. I got to brush hog till around noon tomorrow and then I'm taking him up there to work on her tractor... :D
Great minds think alike! The farm chick that takes my wood called me this morning wanting me to come help her fix her tractor... He overheard the conversation and said he could fix it... I said hmm... :)

I tried to fix one of my other guys up with her so she wouldn't be calling me all the time to help her but that didn't work out. Maybe this will be a love connection. I got to brush hog till around noon tomorrow and then I'm taking him up there to work on her tractor... :D

Lol that should do it he can make her breakfast then lol:cheers:
In Nova Scotia, there is a town called Economy, which we passed through going to a Scout jamboree 10 yrs ago. One of my fellow leaders, who was a Fire Captain, had to have his picture taken in front of the Economy Fire Dept Hall 1 (the only one).

Went to attach it only to remember that the picture was taken on film. Found it on Google maps though

Economy nova scotia - Google Maps

Wow, they must have an economy pumper in there as well! Very small hall!
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Well I'm knackered

Well I'm knackered, me poor old backs aching.
I just turned nasty a pile of logs into fire wood, twas flippin sugar gum ya mall will just bounce on this stuff green or dry. All had to be crosscut noodles galore. Its getting on autumn winter soon twas time to get me pile of wood in order.
Their attack rat gave me some laughs today

I closed the gate to a fenced in area on an estimate once and a Scottie attacked me with bare teeth. I booted him back a couple of times and he tore a hole in my leather boots. Next time he was going for the leg so I stepped back and punted him about 15 feet. He bounced off the 6' wood fence and when he landed he was in another full bore charge with full teeth out.

I stepped outta the fence and said thru the gate "I give up ole boy" :hmm3grin2orange:

Looked at a willow tree that a buddy referred me to... see what had a hanger to pick out of a maple tree which I got with the throw ball.

Anybody tried or seen those new round red Sherrill throw balls yet, they not supposed to be out til May?