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So i found out today that a job i was told i had, was done by another tree service last week. I know the ladys neighbor, and he told me that this cut throat tree service was there last week. My bid was $3800. Had to remove 2 pines that were 30' tall, 2 norway spruces that were 65" tall and a pretty big silver maple that was spread out all over her and the neighbors yards. Seven stumps needed to be ground, including the maples that had ruts above ground out to about 18' diameter. Found out this other tree service did it for $1200. I almost fell over when i heard the number. The lady never called me. I called her today, saying i would be there next week, and she called me back and said her husbands friend did it. But what she dont know is that i know who did it. WTF is wrong with people. NCtree knows who i am talking about. From what i hear, daddy gave the guy money to start a busines. There website says they have been in business since 1990, and they have a 30 ton crane, 3 bucket trucks, 5 chip trucks, dump truck, 2 pickup trucks, 4 skid loaders, petibone, and 6 chippers. Everything looks brand new. I dont know how they do it, with charging next to nothing. I really feel like calling them up and #####ing them out about low balling everyone.

Had a run in with them a few years back, and they did a ground 2 48" stumps that had metal fence posts in them for $60 each.

Yeah something not right there! Lowballers! They might have all that stuff, but do they live in it? No way you can make money doing jobs for that cheap!
We mostly service Western Fairfax County area, Stafford is a ways away, I think that area got hit too, not really sure.

Still no phone service, I hope people keep trying to call, couldn't get anybody to work today. I don't blame them, Id' rather not but it's still gonna be hot as #### the next few days.
Going to do a co-dom Maple that split at the base being held up by a Birch tomorrow, should be interesting.

Go to your books and call your existing client base to make sure they are OK and tell them your phones are down and you are trying to serve your existing customers first. That's what I did in a storm situation 4 or 5 years ago when my business line was down for the first 9 days after the storm. I was so busy taking care of my previous clients that I subbed out most of the new ones. I even subbed out some of my existing clients to a few guys from this site who came down to lend a hand.
THIS HEAT SUCKS! 98 today, with a heat index of inferno. I always take a bit of time around the 4th, getting the place ready for the big fireworks show. After noon, I go inside and hide! Heard that a local tree service had a guy go down hard from heat exhaustion, not sure the details. We lost a young girl here about 5 years ago that worked for the chick that does my shirts, they mow aswell. They sent her out with a full water jug, when they found her, they checked the jug, she had not drank anything. Be careful out their fellas, suck that water and make sure your peeps do too! Me, I am hiding from it and wimping out! Till after 5th anyway! Then back to making arm oatmeal (oatmeal= sweat and sawdust) gotta keep the skin conditioned!
THIS HEAT SUCKS! 98 today, with a heat index of inferno. I always take a bit of time around the 4th, getting the place ready for the big fireworks show. After noon, I go inside and hide! Heard that a local tree service had a guy go down hard from heat exhaustion, not sure the details. We lost a young girl here about 5 years ago that worked for the chick that does my shirts, they mow aswell. They sent her out with a full water jug, when they found her, they checked the jug, she had not drank anything. Be careful out their fellas, suck that water and make sure your peeps do too! Me, I am hiding from it and wimping out! Till after 5th anyway! Then back to making arm oatmeal (oatmeal= sweat and sawdust) gotta keep the skin conditioned!

Yeah I know I grinded stumps all day long yesterday, no shade. We are doing 15 Red pines and 18 stumps at one job this morning, and hoping to get to another one just a short drive from that after we finish up there. Got the cooler stocked full of water and gatorade. All the pines are under 12" x 40-50' in height, so we should be able to put them thru the chipper pretty quick!
Go to your books and call your existing client base to make sure they are OK and tell them your phones are down and you are trying to serve your existing customers first. That's what I did in a storm situation 4 or 5 years ago when my business line was down for the first 9 days after the storm. I was so busy taking care of my previous clients that I subbed out most of the new ones. I even subbed out some of my existing clients to a few guys from this site who came down to lend a hand.

Got service back last night finally. I was driving to the ones that live in areas with bigger trees and checking. Just sent out a mailer to my list today.
I just went up on Pine Dr to an old clients house, he had moved and I met the new owners. There is a good ammount of small black pine up there planted by Work Projects. A lot of them are dying and I usually charge to remove them but this stand of trees i got my sights on contains a good amount of easy pickin pole timber so I am gonna do it fer free.

No joke! I know, sounds weird right? Well I will spend a day up there dropping titty bitty sticks and have a crapload of awesome timbers. I am even gonna clean up. No stump work. I'm psyched!
Im still on vacation and back from kings canyon, sequoia natoinal park.
Tree's were unbelievable, biggest in the world which was general sherman at 7000ft. elevation, and 3rd biggest as well, general grant tree.

If any of you get out to CA, its a must see....

heres General Sherman


Lightning strike

Views of kings canyon

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Been working "the storm" the past four days and it sucks. No power at the house, heat index 100+ and people are acting crazy. As far storms go, this one is in the top five. We had winds as high as 74mph which laid waste to vast areas. On the plus side, the most damage is in the higher income areas. The hacks are descending like locust to feed on the unfortunate.
Got service back last night finally. I was driving to the ones that live in areas with bigger trees and checking. Just sent out a mailer to my list today.

Was thinking about all you guys I have been reading, for many year's that live back there, and watching the new's. Hope you all are good and looking forward to the new thread's and post's from this.
Jeff :heart:
Im still on vacation and back from kings canyon, sequoia natoinal park.
Tree's were unbelievable, biggest in the world which was general sherman at 7000ft. elevation, and 3rd biggest as well, general grant tree.

If any of you get out to CA, its a must see....

heres General Sherman


Lightning strike

Views of kings canyon


I drove out to see the General in '03, I had car trouble out and back but it was still a worthwhile trip.
Big day for me. After a casual start to the morning we pruned 3 branches off of a black oak for one of my clients (did 2 with the handsaw) then did some reduction pruning on 2 cedars. Went with the groundie for lunch at a deli of his choosing, ran into a client who told me to stop by for money for something I did for them over the winter... long story. Dropped the chipper and spare gear at my satelite yard in preparation for later in the week, then did some shopping for materials and picked up a half a bushel of clams for tomorrow afternoon. Biggest to do was when I went to my bank... saw the local flashy hacker going into the hardware store... I swear if I was a fighter I would beat the snot out of him. Advertises that he's an ISA member and TCIA to boot, but spikes everything, even the ladder trees... not to mention that he's always cheaper... by a LOT. Makes me sick to my stomach.
the area directly surrounding our shop got slammed hard by a storm this sunday at about 2pm, by 10am monday morning we were turning new customers away we instantly became booked 2 months out with storm work, and we are about 2 weeks out on estimates, WTF!!! this one old folks subdivision filled with nothing but 100+year old oaks, hickorys, and walnuts had virtually every tree either completely wiped out or lost huge limbs on the houses we went in Monday morning for one job and have 20 work orders already from there and we still have 100+ trees to do for one of our DED contracts and we will continue to get more from them until about october
Yeah, I am psyched for you. Nice deal.
Jeff :msp_smile:

here are a couple I allready had.


I sunk a couple in the ground around my garden today to get the sun shade up. I have other projects that I could use them for. They are easy to work with, very light, easy to peel. I treated the parts that are in the ground.
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All you guys out there doing storm work. Keep safe and make some good money!

I can't wait for this week to be done and over with. Been going crazy trying to get caught up on work and get the house ready for the floor refinishing guy as well as get all the #### together for our wedding Saturday. It will be worth it in the end when I'm sitting on a dock on Seneca lake with Laura and a beer come Sunday but right now I think I'm about to go insane. Just a few more days...

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