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Advertises that he's an ISA member and TCIA to boot, but spikes everything, even the ladder trees... not to mention that he's always cheaper... by a LOT. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Its becoming "common place" for this. We have a few that do the same thing, new ISA CA's that talk the talk, then run from the walk. Take these little local classes put on by Vermeer about proper tree work and safety, then go spike a prune or top a tree, got video of one of them, pathetic, thinking about dropping it in the mail to the ISA. Email that is.
They want me to go to the classes, but I would run my mouth and they don't want that, so in respect for them, I stay away. But how I would love to call them out in front of everybody. Most of the classes are on safety, then one of the company's that go didn't even have any safety glasses and had only 1 Hard hat on site, no chaps. A kid that used to work for me, worked for them for one day, told them that they where a joke and bailed. I trained him up and now he expects all of them to be the same as us, he is learning now, first hand, what the diff is between real pro's and pro hack's with a CA.

The computer testing is a double edged sword, I tried taking the test for years, and every single time I would schedule the test, set up the trip to Champaign,ILL, something would happen that made me miss the test,storms or funerals, ISA made a little money off me this way! But I couldn't make,so it was on me and another opp would pass by. Then I get called back to Corps, get home and they have the local testing outfits, COOL, but it also made it easy for the hacker to become a test book junkie Arb, study that book and take it till they pass. They get the CA and instead of stepping up to the way of the Jedi, they go right back to the darkside, using that CA to get he work, but then doing bad work, smearing the CA program. Hell, we have one that bids trees against me that cant tell a oak from a maple, called a ginko a boxelder! Its funny listening to them talk to each other, u can tell right away that all they read was the test book, ask them something hard and they have the deer in the headlights look. Not to mention the mass classes that go on, the ones where they get a bunch of guys in a room, go ever the whole test, over and over,before the test, then test them right then and there, got Q? raise your hand, teacher will give ya the answer, lame.
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here are a couple I allready had.


I sunk a couple in the ground around my garden today to get the sun shade up. I have other projects that I could use them for. They are easy to work with, very light, easy to peel. I treated the parts that are in the ground.

Cool, its like arts and crafts, only treeguy style!! :laugh:
Its becoming "common place" for this. We have a few that do the same thing, new ISA CA's that talk the talk, then run from the walk. Take these little local classes put on by Vermeer about proper tree work and safety, then go spike a prune or top a tree, got video of one of them, pathetic, thinking about dropping it in the mail to the ISA. Email that is.
They want me to go to the classes, but I would run my mouth and they don't want that, so in respect for them, I stay away. But how I would love to call them out in front of everybody. Most of the classes are on safety, then one of the company's that go didn't even have any safety glasses and had only 1 Hard hat on site, no chaps. A kid that used to work for me, worked for them for one day, told them that they where a joke and bailed. I trained him up and now he expects all of them to be the same as us, he is learning now, first hand, what the diff is between real pro's and pro hack's with a CA.

The computer testing is a double edged sword, I tried taking the test for years, and every single time I would schedule the test, set up the trip to Champaign,ILL, something would happen that made me miss the test,storms or funerals, ISA made a little money off me this way! But I couldn't make,so it was on me and another opp would pass by. Then I get called back to Corps, get home and they have the local testing outfits, COOL, but it also made it easy for the hacker to become a test book junkie Arb, study that book and take it till they pass. They get the CA and instead of stepping up to the way of the Jedi, they go right back to the darkside, using that CA to get he work, but then doing bad work, smearing the CA program. Hell, we have one that bids trees against me that cant tell a oak from a maple, called a ginko a boxelder! Its funny listening to them talk to each other, u can tell right away that all they read was the test book, ask them something hard and they have the deer in the headlights look. Not to mention the mass classes that go on, the ones where they get a bunch of guys in a room, go ever the whole test, over and over,before the test, then test them right then and there, got Q? raise your hand, teacher will give ya the answer, lame.

Wow, you described someone I use to work with to a T!!!! Ok he didn't really work, he sat on his crack berry all day! Can't even climb either!:msp_thumbdn: Runs a blog on his website about this that and the other thing he says he can do.....but can't! Oh well, that's how we get a good laugh each morning !!!
Might I know who your speaking of Devon? Heat is supposed to break Sunday, here anyway. Done a little crane work this morning. Nothin too exciting. Wish I was in a region where all the ash were being removed. Hate em!
Getting behind, so freakin hot out and humid, went to take my trash out at 7am, soaked. Got so much work to do, but cannot justify going out and not rocking it. When I am home , I look out the window and think "you should be out working" I go outside, then I say "your a fool, take your aas back in the house" I can deal with 90's but 99-100 with 80% humidity, f-dat. I feel guilty not working, then when I go out I feel stupid for putting my self and the boys at risk. 80's on Monday. I wonder if I would look like a hillbilly by mounting a air conditioner on the side of my chipper box...................duck tape should work

Anybody see that special on NatGeo about climbing the redwoods? Was pretty cool. Dude found a tree that is 375ft tall.
Getting behind, so freakin hot out and humid, went to take my trash out at 7am, soaked. Got so much work to do, but cannot justify going out and not rocking it. When I am home , I look out the window and think "you should be out working" I go outside, then I say "your a fool, take your aas back in the house" I can deal with 90's but 99-100 with 80% humidity, f-dat. I feel guilty not working, then when I go out I feel stupid for putting my self and the boys at risk. 80's on Monday. I wonder if I would look like a hillbilly by mounting a air conditioner on the side of my chipper box...................duck tape should work

Anybody see that special on NatGeo about climbing the redwoods? Was pretty cool. Dude found a tree that is 375ft tall.

I watched it for the second time. It is pretty cool. There's a book on the same subject called The Tall Trees by Richard Preston. I've got it on MP3 and have listened to it a couple times. It tells the story without getting to "eco-sappy".
Took a 40 ft. willow limb off a guy's garage this morning. Luckily it was only 18" at the butt there was some hinge still left at the tree so I put a block and tackle on the butt in case it decided to move and worked my way back from the tip. Small hole in the shingles and some crushed ridge vent. Guy got pretty lucky. Zero air movement and high humidity. I was sweat soaked down to my knees. I told him I'd be back to take the rest of the tree down tomorrow. It's supposed to be 99 degrees but dry. Some fun.
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Still working "the storm". Heat index 105+. Tomorrow 100 with expected heat index of 110. Not fun.

We're just doing piddly stuff right now. Debating on working Saturday, calling for a high of 104, that's without the heat index!:msp_w00t:
Nothing that's an emergency to make it worth it, I don't think.
Good job today. Lots of trimming and deadwooding. Nothing big and heavy. Pretty girl working the gardens, too.

Looong stinky drive to get there, but she's a good repeat client. She asks a lot, but never complains about the work or the price. Rich as Croesus, but she never tips.

And she's got a monster elm that may have caught a Dutch cold. We took out a few very small dead sections. If that sucker goes, it's a $2K tree, easy. Maybe next year.
And she's got a monster elm that may have caught a Dutch cold. We took out a few very small dead sections. If that sucker goes, it's a $2K tree, easy. Maybe next year.
2K? thats it must be a real monster :msp_unsure:
if it has dutch and you made cuts on that thing its gonna be stone dead in a month. the forester for one of our villages just follows us around marking the american elms we pull big busted limbs out of for removal he doesn't even wait to see how they do and 90% of the time they are dead by the time we get to them. town has thousands of elms and DED is all over...

pulled a monster oak off a town house today, pulled a pretty good ash off the next building down the road then finished the day off with pulling "limbs" off of another half dozen town houses, the smallest limb was like 16". you know your in for a hellava time when the work order says "remove the huge ass oak tree from the rear of building, bring sledge hammer" best part of the whole deal, grass, flower beds and fences are fair game for trucks. you need a truck though the fence start swinging flowerbed, bushes, ornamental tree in the way drive right over it :chainsawguy:
Work right now sucks its hot , today we did a split white pine maybe 30" by 9am I was covered in wood chips and sap , I just drank alot of water and muscled through but it just seems like as cold as the house is I am still warm and a bit uncomfy :dizzy:
I watched it for the second time. It is pretty cool. There's a book on the same subject called The Tall Trees by Richard Preston. I've got it on MP3 and have listened to it a couple times. It tells the story without getting to "eco-sappy".
Took a 40 ft. willow limb off a guy's garage this morning. Luckily it was only 18" at the butt there was some hinge still left at the tree so I put a block and tackle on the butt in case it decided to move and worked my way back from the tip. Small hole in the shingles and some crushed ridge vent. Guy got pretty lucky. Zero air movement and high humidity. I was sweat soaked down to my knees. I told him I'd be back to take the rest of the tree down tomorrow. It's supposed to be 99 degrees but dry. Some fun.

I read that book sitting on the toilet LOl didn't care much for all the personal drama in there lives, I did however enjoy the sketches and maps he made while he was in the trees , I have a customer that lives in California and also owns properties here and he read loved it and sent it to me........ my friend just headed out to Portland and hes doing a roadtrip with his wive and kid down to see some of them and some crazy place in the woods where theres all kinda weird radio signals or static kinda stuff ,he was explaining it to me but I was totally zoning envisioning him his wife and son all sitting on a log wearing tin foil hats .....
If you got to much work, I could come down for a couple days with a crew and truck/chipper if you needed. Just saying.

Thanks for the offer. We're getting to the point where all the nasty stuff is done. Its just working in this heat thats killing us. The older I get, the less I seem to tolerate the heat. I drink plenty of water, eat lots of fresh fruit, take frequent breaks and smoke like a chimney. I can't figure it out.
2K? thats it must be a real monster :msp_unsure:

Big enough compared to what we usually do. Maybe 40 to 48", and at about 20' it breaks out into about ten sections all shooting up to a good 90' at least. Right beside the paved driveway with cut stone at the border, and right in the middle of the gardens that stretch alongside the driveway. No wires nearby, and it's not close to the house, but lots of roping to avoid killing her precious petunias, lots of firewood to buck up, and lots of chipping. We figure two big days.

if it has dutch and you made cuts on that thing its gonna be stone dead in a month. the forester for one of our villages just follows us around marking the american elms we pull big busted limbs out of for removal he doesn't even wait to see how they do and 90% of the time they are dead by the time we get to them. town has thousands of elms and DED is all over...

I can't say it will be a month, but it does happen fast. She's hoping to milk as much time out of the tree as possible.

I remember back in the 70s in Montreal, the city crew came to our house and cut down all the elms. They cut thousands down. No one had a choice in the matter.

pulled a monster oak off a town house today, pulled a pretty good ash off the next building down the road then finished the day off with pulling "limbs" off of another half dozen town houses, the smallest limb was like 16". you know your in for a hellava time when the work order says "remove the huge ass oak tree from the rear of building, bring sledge hammer" best part of the whole deal, grass, flower beds and fences are fair game for trucks. you need a truck though the fence start swinging flowerbed, bushes, ornamental tree in the way drive right over it :chainsawguy:

Sounds like serious fun. :rock:
That storm sure ran a muck about 20 miles south of me I went in this neighborhood yesterday and ......forget about just clearing the lines and flipping a switch these poor people didn't have poles anymore they were snapped off at the ground the pole taps were all smashed open on the street and oil everywhere , I mean there areas down there where the power guys need to clean up all the mess and start from scratch ...And Forget the trees ... There were tops blown 100ft down the road , I talked to this old lady who said it sounded like a steam locomotive was in her living room when the storm hit I just laughed and said TOOT TOOT and she said fellow I ain't kidding

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