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Finished up my walnut yesterday,

there is not only one tear in my beer... there is enough to have over flowed it! guys around here would literally fist fight over harvesting that tree. sad, but true. even pallet grade walnut is going for $1.00 a BF minimum. i've even been selling the crotches and "end trim" to an Amish guy for more than i would ever think to get out of it. Just met with a bolt mill operator that has agreed to start buying anything i have from 3" dia to 10" dia. = less work cleaning up:rock:
Rigged 2 large Cottonwoods today. Been topped about 25 years previous at 50ft and had since sprouted big awkward 50ft heads with bad unions. I had two relatively inexperienced guys running the lines down below, gusting winds and lots of other noise from machines on the site....so communication was a challenge in its self.

Saving grace was having the trees so close together meant I could rig both off the one tree....and knowing how to route a line to maximize the strength of an otherwise suspect rigging point is absolutley imperative.

As uncomfortable as that first 5 hours was getting the tops out, I would've been a total wreck watching anyone else up there.

Being a climber you're often burdened by seeing lots of mistakes and bad planning down below, but on bad trees and circumstances like today it all seems much, much worse.
Rigged 2 large Cottonwoods today. Been topped about 25 years previous at 50ft and had since sprouted big awkward 50ft heads with bad unions. I had two relatively inexperienced guys running the lines down below, gusting winds and lots of other noise from machines on the site....so communication was a challenge in its self.

Saving grace was having the trees so close together meant I could rig both off the one tree....and knowing how to route a line to maximize the strength of an otherwise suspect rigging point is absolutley imperative.

As uncomfortable as that first 5 hours was getting the tops out, I would've been a total wreck watching anyone else up there.

Being a climber you're often burdened by seeing lots of mistakes and bad planning down below, but on bad trees and circumstances like today it all seems much, much worse.

Sounds like a standard rickety ol' Cottonwood for me, crap weather, noise, inexperience on the ground end, yup another day at the office, lol.

I want to start running the ground again, just like when I was a kid. It was awesome fun racing to get everything out of the way before the next piece was on it's way, just to prove I could stay with the Ol' Man. Just me, a saw, some rope, trunk wraps, gloves smoking, skiing across the ground, occasionally airborn, ahh the days.........

I try to send my groundman up on the occasional removal and he always try's to make excuses, "oh, but your faster", he says. I told him I always will be, but that doesn't mean he can rob me of my fun on the ground. About 2 minutes of that jazz and I'm ready to gear up and get back into the tree, just too painful to watch no matter what end you're on.
there is not only one tear in my beer... there is enough to have over flowed it! guys around here would literally fist fight over harvesting that tree. sad, but true. even pallet grade walnut is going for $1.00 a BF minimum. i've even been selling the crotches and "end trim" to an Amish guy for more than i would ever think to get out of it. Just met with a bolt mill operator that has agreed to start buying anything i have from 3" dia to 10" dia. = less work cleaning up:rock:

I tried every saw mill, my amish connections included, within driving distance and nobody wanted it because it was a city tree. I tried to market it last year for my client which led to a couple hours’ worth of conversation with a cabinet maker and he's all stocked up and says it's kind of out of style for what he does and then he gave me a list of what he is looking for. Surprised me. He seemed to think it was worth just as much in firewood at this point. I gave my client the info I had collected with a bid and wished him luck. This year he came back around just wanting it gone, so I split the wood between his brother and my friend and let it roll. Come to find out, just about what you see on the ground, perhaps a couple more chucks was all that was any good for lumber, quite a bit of the log was ate up, and the rest of course was firewood. Always pains me, but what can you do? I've got to move on to the next job and turn and burn em before winter sets in.
Finished up my walnut yesterday, managed to preserve the catalpa. That's me and my trusty stock 365 with a 30" semi skip. Works nicely. Buzzed the stump this afternoon after an extensive meeting with our new property manager and showing the new place to my dad. Here's the overview on the new place.

We're stoked as finding a place that can house a family of six and a small budding tree service is a tall order these days. The place is perfect for us and only a couple of miles out of town.

You ought to try and buy that place, looks perfect.
You ought to try and buy that place, looks perfect.

That has been discussed, the owners won't sell, but who knows, I've seen farm ground and farmstead busted up in auctions before after grandma passes on. If given the chance, I'll take a buffer zone and the field between the farmstead and the road for to start a tree farm and orchard. This will facilitate our operations for now, as time passes on, good Lord willing, we'll buy this or something like it.
Actually, it's just radio, but I will consider TV if I ever get to that point and can service a larger market. As it stands I'm about the same distance from champaign urbana and bloomington normal, and the local radio does reach both. The programing is dreadful, easy listening, (why do they call it that when i can't stand to listen to it?) but alot of people around here listen because they are always on about my wife being "on the radio." Old folks mostly, but that's where the majority of the property money is around here. I've gotten some work from it, but a lot of folks say they hear the commercials. They just did put a new multi-color, computer controlled sign out front on the main strip, so that doesn't hurt either.

She got her start in the quads as a dj on 98.9, which was a pop hits station at the time. Then she got a nice morning show gig in champaign and that's when we met. Then she went to a station in mattoon, then back to the quads for a job that they gave her when I was sitting there and then we moved just in time to listen to the gal they really hired (who sounded dreadful) a week before she was supposed to start. We settled in for the year and had our first daughter. Then she worked a station in pekin where she was reporting on 9/11, while I was rolling back from a morning run to dubuque. We then came back here where she came home to have and raise our kids. That's the short of it.

She started last year real small helping this local station and now she's got her own office and works too much for too little, but we are building an in home studio and she's going to start freelancing. She's networking and making a lot of radio friends and revisiting old ones from the champaign market. So words getting out that way through some back channels that will benefit both of us.

She is excellent at marketing, promotions and creating commercials. If you want one, let me know. She's going to help us drum up an arbor day event here in town next year. She goes to all the city council meetings for the local station, but her presence and the knowledge of our company has already had an effect on the current tree policy. The local "tree cutter" has had a hourly contract ($100+/hr) sewn up forever and he drags his feet, no chipper. Some of his "connections" tried to get it reconfirmed by hard writing his business name into the policy and it hit the fan. Half the alderman referred to her and our business as a potential competitor. She was just there to report the events and found herself in the middle..lol. So now it's up for bid to anyone and the policy reads "tree service." We are going to be working with some of those council members about reinstituting the tree committee and revising further. I don't care if I get the work or not, just want a pro. Ever since then I have a visit from the ole boy a block or so away about noon. I almost never notice, but the ground crew does. It's a long story, but he's his own worse competition, everyone's tired of his nonsense, his prices are as bad as his personality. They are getting better though, he underbid himself by thousands as the only bidder on the last batch. Sad, but every bit poetic.

So I guess to say "just radio," is an understatement, she's practically a secret weapon, sometimes I have to throttle her back. For instance, I don't know if Paula Sands still brings Jeffrey Leving over from Chicago onto her show, but my wife got that started out of thin air (it ran for a couple years after anyway) when we were up there while we were in the middle of building a custody case for my son. I got my book signed, had dinner in Bettendorf with him and his assistant, and had an awesome in depth discussion on father's rights in general. I couldn't discuss my case as I had council, but what a moral boost. We were thinking of switching to Jeffery's office. He is perhaps best known for his work in the early stages of the Elian Gonzalez federal case. It was cheaper to just read his book and use his game plan. :laugh: It worked, thank God.

In any event, she'll even put on the ppe, drag brush, chip, and rake with the best of them, so she's not afraid to get it done at the job site either.

Recently, I'm getting ransacked with internet company's calling to put me on their multi-site programs for "x" amount. No, I'm good, thanks. Having free listing everywhere is working for now, I get a little business from it too, but word of mouth is still king, especially when your wife makes a living at it. ;)

I remember her!, stager was my next door neighbor! Broadcasted a station on our street, big continuous loop of his favorite music. Ask her if she remembers his neighbor who always had big bon fires! We would have separate party's, but they would merge by the end of the night. He had a full scale bar in his basement, diamond plate, black leather and red paint, sound board and BIG speakers!
Closed on the Com. property I was buying on Mon. Yesterday we did a rudimentary survey. Property covered in honeysuckle and ch. elm. Has a paintball/quad track running through it. Already blocked that off and may have to kill a couple of nbor's pits that could become a problem. lBut....

It is huge, great location, we love it and all the clearing will be a labor of love. One acre is a lot o' land for in city and we gonna buy the adjoining 2/3 acre lot in a month or two. My overall game plan is coming to fruition. When I get old (I mean real old), I can sell the biz with clients and it is on a property (w/ future 2 bay building). Learned from moving from NJ, you can't sell schit if you trying to sell your biz and it ain't on a property. Competition is gonna feel, hey, they gonna get those customers anyway once you gone. That is the way I have felt when offered a competitor's biz when they were throwing in the towell.
That has been discussed, the owners won't sell, but who knows, I've seen farm ground and farmstead busted up in auctions before after grandma passes on. If given the chance, I'll take a buffer zone and the field between the farmstead and the road for to start a tree farm and orchard. This will facilitate our operations for now, as time passes on, good Lord willing, we'll buy this or something like it.

I am looking to start a little nursery too.

Sooner you can get a property the better. Good time to buy when no one else is for obvious reasons. Good luck.
I tried every saw mill, my amish connections included, within driving distance and nobody wanted it because it was a city tree. I tried to market it last year for my client which led to a couple hours’ worth of conversation with a cabinet maker and he's all stocked up and says it's kind of out of style for what he does and then he gave me a list of what he is looking for. Surprised me. He seemed to think it was worth just as much in firewood at this point. I gave my client the info I had collected with a bid and wished him luck. This year he came back around just wanting it gone, so I split the wood between his brother and my friend and let it roll. Come to find out, just about what you see on the ground, perhaps a couple more chucks was all that was any good for lumber, quite a bit of the log was ate up, and the rest of course was firewood. Always pains me, but what can you do? I've got to move on to the next job and turn and burn em before winter sets in.

wow, there must be an abundance of walnut over there! if you have some Amish connections are you in the Arthur area? i occationally sell some timber to a couple fellas down there, i could pass on the info if it would help ya any.
cant blame ya for wanting to get r done and over with tho, can't make any money sittin around stairing at it!
Oak Removal

View attachment 201678View attachment 201678

Pretty straight forward dead oak removal recently. In the woods so the home owner wanted it just dropped. I was up the tree, had it limbed, the top cut out and back on the ground in about 20 minutes. Dropped the spar exactly where I wanted it also. Dropping those big spars in the middle of the woods can be a little tricky with all tView attachment 201679View attachment 201680he trees around but it keeps you sharp.
wow, there must be an abundance of walnut over there! if you have some Amish connections are you in the Arthur area? i occationally sell some timber to a couple fellas down there, i could pass on the info if it would help ya any.
cant blame ya for wanting to get r done and over with tho, can't make any money sittin around stairing at it!

That, and no real logging, this part of Illinois is especially flat and barren. I get to Aurthur from time to time and have dealt with Paul Miller. There are a couple of others I think, but I haven't done business with them yet, just stopped in years ago. any info would be great.

I'm just to busy these days to consider it an option, now that I have a place that I can stock pile, the game may change a bit.
Closed on the Com. property I was buying on Mon. Yesterday we did a rudimentary survey. Property covered in honeysuckle and ch. elm. Has a paintball/quad track running through it. Already blocked that off and may have to kill a couple of nbor's pits that could become a problem. lBut....

It is huge, great location, we love it and all the clearing will be a labor of love. One acre is a lot o' land for in city and we gonna buy the adjoining 2/3 acre lot in a month or two. My overall game plan is coming to fruition. When I get old (I mean real old), I can sell the biz with clients and it is on a property (w/ future 2 bay building). Learned from moving from NJ, you can't sell schit if you trying to sell your biz and it ain't on a property. Competition is gonna feel, hey, they gonna get those customers anyway once you gone. That is the way I have felt when offered a competitor's biz when they were throwing in the towell.

We have 1.5 in a semi rural area, a corner bar on one side, 5 acre property to the east, and the north is a gradeschool (Diane loves to sit and listen to the screaming kids running around the playground). trying to control the buckthorn without clearcutting is a bit of a pain. I got a forestry mower for the worst part a few years ago (was using it on another job) and I have a lot of oak and cherry saplings sprouting up. I've also left some no-mow areas in front, near an old bur oak and have over a dozen ankle high sprouts. Sure does take a long time for them compared to Norway maple and buckthorn :laugh:

Off to school I go, lab and lectures from 11-3:15 and 5-6:45
I remember her!, stager was my next door neighbor! Broadcasted a station on our street, big continuous loop of his favorite music. Ask her if she remembers his neighbor who always had big bon fires! We would have separate party's, but they would merge by the end of the night. He had a full scale bar in his basement, diamond plate, black leather and red paint, sound board and BIG speakers!

Cool, she talked to him a couple of days ago and she mentioned you and he said, "right on, tell him I said hello." She doesn't recall that place, but sort of remembers the fact of it, though she was never there. She ran into him at a y2k party up there and a couple of time when we lived up there the following year. Who knows, we hit a few parties up there in 2000, but I have no recollection either. For what that's worth, right? lol. They've mostly been in contact through phone and emails since college and early radio days. Recently, she caught up with him on facebook. I think he's helping her make contacts for her free lancing that is taken off. She recently did a bit for a father's rights group for the chicago market, and the program director wants more. This new place has the perfect sized room in the addtition for a studio.
Birch tree off of roof

Got a call in the mourning from HO, needing his birch tree removed from fence and neighbors roof....got lots of rain and wind last night here in nor cal, which = $$$

Got it down with out damaging fence...pat on back...lol

That, and no real logging, this part of Illinois is especially flat and barren. I get to Aurthur from time to time and have dealt with Paul Miller. There are a couple of others I think, but I haven't done business with them yet, just stopped in years ago. any info would be great.

I'm just to busy these days to consider it an option, now that I have a place that I can stock pile, the game may change a bit.

haven't done anything with anyone down there since last Dec. i'll look up all their info and PM you with it, i think i have contacts for four buyers down that way. I dont know exactly where your at but i have a contact for a buyer i've sold to in the past in Beardstown also
High 80s go away summer its deer season:(
Btw if you happened to be in Ar crusin down scenic hwy 7 though our mountains and seen a guy sitting in a tree in his underware your not crazy:) I was trying to stay cool:monkey:
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