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I came across a tree im not familiar with. It was a tree that reminded me of a cottonwood or a popular and it had these fruit like things with seeds in them that smelled like dog crap. The tree was about 50'. Does some one know what it is?

I found it, it is a ginkgo tree.
The new regular phone books (not the useless YB that probably just gets thrown away) got delivered last weekend. It looks like a ton of guys bailed completely, or downsized their adds this year. My two modest adds (same add, first and last in tree service listing) literally jump out at you! You can't look up tree service in that book and not read my add. I think I actually got lucky this year. It seems to be working already. Pretty cool!

Estimate thirty..

Lets see it.
Its wet because I just picked it up from the detail shop. As you can see, it has its own porty attachment point and a 1 point hitch, comes with a heavy duty attachment lanyard. The last pic is of the optional clean up tool, makes short work of the 1/2 mile yards, up hill, both ways. Videos coming soon of how I use this absolutely, perfect piece of equipment. I have ordered a saw head from a feller buncher to mount on the front. Then I will be able to remove DANGEROUS trees with it. My skid loader was stuck yesterday, high centered in waist deep slop, no problem, just hooked up the winch to the back of it and pulled it out with the biener, man this thing is beast. Waiting for the new mounting plate so I can hook my dump trailer to it. That will make jobs easier as I wont have to hall my blower/vac anymore. I yeah I forgot about that, also comes with a optional blower/vac combo. I will get it mounted up and get more pics. One last thing, it has so much power that I have been taking it to the drag races. 10.24 in the 1/4 with a .0000009 light. WASUUUUUP

I wanna make the 3rd pic my company christmas card that shadow is ####ing hilarious I mean where do you come with that ####
Today was a freebie we took the white oak the crooked ### swamp maple and the little gum for free for someone who lost everything in the house during Irene , I mean water up to the top of the windows , and with 3 kids and no insurance for floods this guy has hit the bottom so AS FORREST GUMP would say "I cut that grass for free " and he wasn't even there had no idea that it was gonna happen and no idea who did so he should be truly surprised View attachment 203892View attachment 203893 http://www.arboristsite.com/attachm...re-climbing/203892-winslow-20111022-00068-jpg
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Today was a freebie we took the white oak the crooked ### swamp maple and the little gum for free for someone who lost everything in the house during Irene , I mean water up to the top of the windows , and with 3 kids and no insurance for floods this guy has hit the bottom so AS FORREST GUMP would say "I cut that grass for free " and he wasn't even there had no idea that it was gonna happen and no idea who did so he should be truly surprised View attachment 203892View attachment 203893

That was nice of ya! is that a stick saw up there with you?

I'm missing that same hose cover, gotta be careful not to cut those lines.
Lets see it.

I be the green one. book is soaking wet because they delivered them to the whole neighborhood but me. I finally grabbed one somebody obviously didn't want. This is the one that really pops out, the other is almost just as good though. Might actually be worth it this year.

My theory is get the ####ers to give me as much ink as I can get for my money!

I came across a tree im not familiar with. It was a tree that reminded me of a cottonwood or a popular and it had these fruit like things with seeds in them that smelled like dog crap. The tree was about 50'. Does some one know what it is?

Gingko (male)
i guess i should put for the reccord, i didn't take it out of his pay, i did threaten it a bunch, i was PO'ed and still am. loosing his job was payment enough. i guess my whole point in it was to make him realize the severity of what happened... since last year he has been after me to give him more responsability and aside from some minor things he hadnt prooved to me why he couldnt hold his own. so we were about finished with a 20,000BF job a few miles down the road, and in an effort to let him show he could handle it and knock out a small job for a good customer i let him at it. he had been there when i quoted the job so he knew what it entailed and i felt comfortable with it. what got me fired up is the fact that since it happened he blew it off as no big deal, he didnt even bother to call it in when it happened, my truck driver did. he was given all the proper tools for the job and didn't even bother using them. taking an extra five minutes to get the wedges out of the truck was too much to ask. heck i wouldnt have even cared if he would have even had the driver push the tree with the loader. but instead he went all cowboy on it and didnt even seem to care. i dont want some one on my crew that could care less about avoidable damages.

the whole thing as to why grabbed him up by the collar is that he came storming into my office when i asked to see him and argued for 45 minutes about it and then proceeded to tell me the only reason i cared about loosing money is because of my "****ing gold digging b**ch of a wife" (who does our book work, and was in the other room at the time, and the same person that always bought christmas and birthday gifts for his daughter) at that point it wasnt business, it was personal.

maybe i am outa line, i dunno.... but too many lines were crossed

Sounds like you got a handle on it now....settled down a bit and thought it over.....I know it sucks....I have some guys who say they are sorry and others with the attitude...'well...what you going to do now that I have screwed things up for you.....and...can I get my paycheck early..by the way'......

I have been trying to tie earnings for my guys to performance for years but it seems like the screw ups cost a hell of a lot more than the little gains you get here and there.

Just keep after it.
LLC & carry insurance............Yeah!! you train your employees? after what we all saw I dont know that I would admit to that if I were you?

I can understand wanting to ring someones neck for stupidity......agree with you there, However in todays world that can be very expensive!! So you have fired people.............how nice! If I worked for you that tree wouldnt have landed where it did & to boot I doubt you could afford me?


imho....if you are in business you are responsible for the actions of all your employees. If they make you money, do you share all the profits with them? I have good employees and bad employees and I carry the insurance to cover all mistakes. I can say I have made the most mistakes on all my jobs. So why would I expect others not to make any mistakes.

I am sure you can analyze this as much as you want but at the end of the day, what are you going to do to prevent or reduce the chance of it happening again?
Pic 1 just a removal. pic 2 a lightning struck pine, cut the top as high as we could. Lightning opened it up bad. o - me in pic 1 and my climber in pic 2. Not bad for some Lawn guys a .
Deadwooded and trimmed 9 Red Oaks today and took 1 down. Finnished up some jobs involving 3 consecutive lake properties. The end result was beautiful as you looked across the yards from one end to the other. Used the Wraptor quite a bit and even used some vertical speed lining taking down a large White Pine and taking large leads off a Red Oak on the lakeside. Picked up some stumps for later too.

I set up my New Tribe Pro Gear II saddle and ran it on it's maiden voyage. It's a very nice product and I would recomend it as an all around work saddle for anyone. At a little over $250 I think it is an excellent value as well.

I was happy, clients were happy, and I got home early enough to see my girls and go bowhunting, it was a great day.
today I finally ordered a set of AMERICAN style spikes for my geckos europe can keep those goofy things... went to mess with the height adjustment for the pad to see if they felt any better a notch up or down and noticed the screws for the pad are allen drive and the ones for the spikes are torx just cant make things easy anymore can they. cant wait for them to arive:biggrinbounce2: so I can spike trim my oak and drag the brush with my lawn tractor :msp_scared: I dont have a lawn vac though can I use my windtunnel???
Did some running first thing this morning, then took out a small red maple tree for the neighbor of a client who has been very accomodating this past year. After that pruned a kousa dogwood for another client. Last job of the day was removing a DEAD 40' white pine, and pruning 2 red oaks plus 1 chestnut oak. Overall not a bad day... finished with some nice filet mignon.