What great day down under

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Mar 20, 2009
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Victoria Australia
What a great day down under

A 21/2 hour drive to Reedy Creek to family fire affected 40 arces of dead woods and rock.
I had to mow all this.

Unblock this.

Cant quite figure how to remove this.

Need about 10m3 to fill this over flow wash out caused by the pipes blockin from fire debris washin down stream.
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i reckon a teaspoon of cement to harden the :censored:up and a box of cold cans to wash it down once ya finish it eh:cheers:
My little Green field aussie built mower just chews n spews wattle sucker to pinky size easy.

Then the site foreman says all good lets plink a few cans.

Walk to find some bunnies only finds snakes hmmm so loose interest in that.
Home listening to the grand final footy. Go Saints but ends in a draw hell we gotta go though all that again next Saturday free so up I,ll go again.
Home listening to the grand final footy. Go Saints but ends in a draw hell we gotta go though all that again next Saturday free so up I,ll go again.

But the title of the thread was "what great day down under"?

A draw in the Grand Final is not a great day :( Awesome game though! I very rarely watch AFL anymore as the games have gotten too controlled and boring but today's game was brilliant, except for the draw at the end :censored:

Nice pictures too in this thread mate :cheers:
I to am no big sport fan but yer right it was a great nail chewing game with a no result end.
The replay next weeks gonna cause some big knock on issues as planned events are now on hold. For soccer they just have a shoot out kick off, this leaves me cold. Don't know what US NFL does with a draw. Down here right or wrong we stop a nation n get 100.000 fans to come back next week. Go Saints.


I reckon gonna just leave that tree in the dam be a pita to sort and kinda makes a feature dont it.
Thanks for the pics from your area, by snakes that could mean very bad in your part of the sticks. Do people in the country have their own anti serum for the king brown,tiger snake and other not so friendly critters?
Yeah the further you get away from a hospital the more likely you are to probably get bitten and die from snake bite so I always tend to be more cautious the further I am from help. I'm certainly not what I'd say "frightened" of snakes but I am far more wary of them than any other Australian animal/insect/reptile etc.
and its getting too bloody hard to find a mate willing to suck out the poison these days. nailed a 4ft brown outside my house last monday so i been busy all weekend cleaning up my yard. its been a long winter here and they are all skinny and mean
We have several venomous here but nothing quite as deadly but it is still a dern wonder I ain't been bitten. I have cheated it sooooooooooo many times lol. I can't imagine being there, an outdoorsman is my life but there; I would definitely be prepared with my own anti venom.
I am frequently miles from hospitals here and that would not change if I lived there but my first aid kit would lol.
We have several venomous here but nothing quite as deadly but it is still a dern wonder I ain't been bitten. I have cheated it sooooooooooo many times lol. I can't imagine being there, an outdoorsman is my life but there; I would definitely be prepared with my own anti venom.
I am frequently miles from hospitals here and that would not change if I lived there but my first aid kit would lol.

I doubt very much you'd be able to get your own anti venom. On an outback station 100's of miles from help you "might" have a chance of getting some to put in your refigerator but it's not something easily bought.
I doubt very much you'd be able to get your own anti venom. On an outback station 100's of miles from help you "might" have a chance of getting some to put in your refigerator but it's not something easily bought.

Then ole rope milk em and make some:monkey:
Guns an snakes. Tut tut now you know joe blakes are protected critters a slipping shovel accident is the preferred CSI memo.

This weekend I had an gun in hand and was ready but she was sittin on a rock so ricochet was a fear and I have no quarrel with snakes as long as we have good understanding distance. Years back rifle in hand me old 10/22 visitor slides up, I could not hit it for quids fast narrow and hard to hit.
Guns an snakes. Tut tut now you know joe blakes are protected critters a slipping shovel accident is the preferred CSI memo.

Yeah but I always feel that my life is under threat?


I actually tolerate snakes out in the wide blue yonder no problems but anywhere near the house and they're stuffed :chainsaw: