What Wildlife Do You See, While in the Woods?

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No need for me to go to the woods, as I live out here. White tail deer, pretty much daily. Saw a 4 point velvet buck on my property yesterday. Elk come through here on occasion. Not what I want to see here on my property though. They do a lot of damage in a hurry. Nor do I want to see the neighbor's cows who venture over here on occasion. But then I get to go see the neighbor's hot wife, so maybe that is not so bad a thing. I have cottontail rabbits here, and my cat hunts and eats them, along with moles, voles, rats, mice, and shrews. He is a huge 26 pound cat though. I see tons of birds and bats. The bats roost in the eves on the west side of my house. My brother saw a black bear crossing the road here not a quarter mile from my place. We have lots of coyotes here, but the neighbors all have lots of dogs so they are buffered out of my place. I shoot coyotes on site here. Cougars are a rarity here, but I see them now and then out in the (more remote) woods. Then there are lots of foxes, squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, raccoons, and possums. My cat trees any raccoons that venture near here.
As for your questions about wild turkeys Gypo, there are not many here but there were tons of them where I lived in Southern Oregon. They would cruise through not 20 feet from the house. I could have blasted them from the couch if I wanted to. No need to chase or hide waiting for them in cammo gear and all the stuff I see on TV. Just open the window and shoot. As for roaming, the toms usually hang out in groups separate from the hens. They would roam through our property and sleep in the trees. The only time I have seen turkeys fly (other than when being shot at) is when they fly into tree branches to roost at night.

Funny story. My ex raised peacocks. They drove me nuts, they are so loud. So the ex let me shoot most of them one year and we kept two males and two females. The males were father and son, the father being named Junior. So the son was Junior Jr. Anyway, one day a group of tom turkeys came through the property and Junior Jr. decides to tag along with the toms. That was the last I saw of Junior Jr. until a year later, when I was up cutting wood a mile from the house. I heard some turkeys gobbling, and looked up, and lo, there was Junior Jr. with the flock of toms that had apparently adopted him. Peacocks fly about as much as turkeys do, and they also roost in trees, or in barn rafters. That was the last time I saw Junior Jr. but he seemed to be happy enough roaming as a turkey.
I want to hear a bit more about the hot next door neighbour. Does she appear to like the lumberjack kinda dude?
If so, let me know, I'll be there faster than a stump jumped Doug Fir.

Get in line, son. Get in line. She is blonde with deep blue eyes. Nice boobs, a natural rack. Hot looking, but juuuuust a tad over weight. Maybe 38 or so. I do not know if she likes lumberjacks. Her husband runs a diesel rig shop in town. I see her come and go in her Jeep all the time. Soft top, older CJ model with a roll bar. Looks hot coming and going. I got a nice note from her the other day saying that she missed me, and she left me a dozen fresh eggs. She is the very best #1 neighbor that I have here. They are about a mile from me, but I can see their house from my front porch. There is another gal down the road that introduced herself to me a year ago. She is an older cougar, in her late 40s, drives an Audi. She said she was going to invite me to one of her parties, but that never happened. *shrug*
Get in line, son. Get in line. She is blonde with deep blue eyes. Nice boobs, a natural rack. Hot looking, but juuuuust a tad over weight. Maybe 38 or so. I do not know if she likes lumberjacks. Her husband runs a diesel rig shop in town. I see her come and go in her Jeep all the time. Soft top, older CJ model with a roll bar. Looks hot coming and going. I got a nice note from her the other day saying that she missed me, and she left me a dozen fresh eggs. She is the very best #1 neighbor that I have here. They are about a mile from me, but I can see their house from my front porch. There is another gal down the road that introduced herself to me a year ago. She is an older cougar, in her late 40s, drives an Audi. She said she was going to invite me to one of her parties, but that never happened. *shrug*
I like the way you describe those two women. Give them my love and tell them they are welcome up here in the Yukon anytime.
I had a bear drop by and ask for a beer,

The wolves have done a number on our deer so we don't see as many as we used to. Frequently we see foxes, rabbits, and grouse. There is a den in the hillside near my hunting cabin that I suspect belongs to a badger. The wolves inspect it regularly as I am assuming they hope to come across him when he is above ground and cut him off from the den.... There will be wolf tracks over the fresh dirt in front of the den quite often.
I have a farm in front of my house and another directly behind so all the usual
animals stroll past. Really nice while having a meal and seeing wildlife stroll by.
Ducks and geese aplenty too.

Turkey story...I'm on the couch one spring morning and I hear, thump/thump/thump
goes on a bit and I can't figure what this noise is. Well I have a walkout basement with
a glass door and don't you know a male is pecking at his own reflection! The reflection
wasn't backing down and he was pissed. Got a good laugh out of it and wasn't surprised
when it happened again.

Also included picture of Rocket who comes and eats the bird suet nightly.
It's gotten to the point I make dinner for him too. Is a raccoon deductible as a dependent?

Edit: 8:15pm Rocket is a she and just showed up with 4 babies! No wonder she was
eating like a lion recently. Photos when I snap some in good light.


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I'm the only wildlife in the woods when i go.:laugh: everything else is afraid of sasquatch.:( other than that one damn squirrel throwing chestnut burrs at me that time.if i could of found a rock i'd eat his little ass with some chestnut dressing.:barbecue: