which one for first project saw?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 11, 2005
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i was given 2 homeys today, an XL12 and a SUPER WIZ 55. i haven't looked at them real good yet...will do that this weekend. but at a quick glance the superwiz looks pretty good..better than the XL12.
for a first time project saw, which do u recomend i go with? where is good place to look for parts?(PM me on that one). and where can i find drawings, part drawings, schematics?
i have a bead blaster, milling machine, and lathe so i may be able to make some parts if needed.
i know alot of members dislike the homeys, but hey, i am doing this for fun, not to hear the homelite jokes.
any good info on either saw hence your reccomendation is greatly appreciated. both bars are oxidized, but not too bad, they should clean up nicely with the bead blaster.....the chains actually have some good life left in them, both saws do turn over(not fire, i haven't tried that yet) though the recoil spring on the XL12 is not working.

Vman said:
i was given 2 homeys today, an XL12 and a SUPER WIZ 55. i haven't looked at them real good yet...will do that this weekend. but at a quick glance the superwiz looks pretty good..better than the XL12.
for a first time project saw, which do u recomend i go with? where is good place to look for parts?(PM me on that one). and where can i find drawings, part drawings, schematics?
i have a bead blaster, milling machine, and lathe so i may be able to make some parts if needed.
i know alot of members dislike the homeys, but hey, i am doing this for fun, not to hear the homelite jokes.
any good info on either saw hence your reccomendation is greatly appreciated. both bars are oxidized, but not too bad, they should clean up nicely with the bead blaster.....the chains actually have some good life left in them, both saws do turn over(not fire, i haven't tried that yet) though the recoil spring on the XL12 is not working.

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I'd start with the XL12, since parts are MUCH easier to find for that unit. try finding parts for ANY Wiz saw, and you'll be looking for awhile to find em.
Simonizer said:
Vman said:
i said i was not looking for jokes,
with that said, all i have to say is....

I'm sure it will provide similar excitement and "hands-on your hips" reward of unclogging a plugged sink at your mother-in-laws trailer. Fly at 'er buddy.

What is your story?? You seem to have a hostile attitude towards any saws that aren't modern and brand-new.

Chris B.
cbfarmall said:
Simonizer said:
What is your story?? You seem to have a hostile attitude towards any saws that aren't modern and brand-new.

Chris B.
Not hostile, just condescending and sympathetic. I am mostly joking and harrassing. If someone has a saw worth repairing I will take it seriously and solve their problem one way or another. Cheers.
Vman said:
FYI, my mother-in-law lives in a very nice home, the downstairs is made into a hospital type setting as she is bed-ridden, is constantly on O2, weighs 79 lbs due to COPD and complications.....she is not in a long-term-care facility because my family and my wife's family all work together to make her ending life as good as it can be because we here have something called family integrity, unlike you who would most likely throw your parents to the dogs at old age.
you make the saying so true that it only takes one a$$hole to ruin a site.
i am done at this site and will not be missed caused i am just a tinkerer and home-owner cutter, i do not have that big head swelling knowledge that you have.......so i have no remorse in saying
I was only joking buddy, sheesh. My dad was Vice-President of MacMillan Bloedel, they will not be in any financial hardship, ever. Now I feel bad. I'll tell you what, I will send you every part I have at the shop for your XL-12, pre-paid postage. Give me an address and lighten up a little.
Just curious Simonizer... Whats MacMillan Blowdel? and please, if you care for your parents, the issue isn't if they have all the money they'll need for retirement.... the issue is that one day, we're all gonna be worm food and dirt. I won't start in about religion, but being a VP or having a ME degree won't help much when you're 6 feet under.

Simon sayes....I'm wonderful !!! :dizzy: I say...pipe down !!!

Vman, I finished an xl-12 for fun a few months ago. It was super easy to work on and was fun in the process. I really get a hoot out of running this saw. The sound alone is worth your time to fix it up. The xl-12 is so different than the saws of modern design, just remember to oil when cutting I compare it to driving a standard vs an automatic.
Let us know how it comes out.
lesorubcheek said:
Just curious Simonizer... Whats MacMillan Blowdel? and please, if you care for your parents, the issue isn't if they have all the money they'll need for retirement.... the issue is that one day, we're all gonna be worm food and dirt. I won't start in about religion, but being a VP or having a ME degree won't help much when you're 6 feet under.

Good post.

It is easy to forget, but true.
lesorubcheek said:
Just curious Simonizer... Whats MacMillan Blowdel?


Macmillan Bloedel was the biggest coastal Britsh Columbia forestry company until it was bought by Weyerhaeuser. Weyerhaeuser has just this year decided to get out of the coastal BC industry and sold all of M&B's old operations to Brascan (an investment firm out of Toronto), which is setting it up under some new name.
Thats right. Lottsa decent kind respectful people on Vancouver Island.
I was born and raised in Port Alberni (the ditch..lol).
A number of very good Mac men out there. One of the best is actually in Campbell River, BC and has his own shop called Little engine repairs.
Hell of a nice guy and certainly more typical of most Vancouver Islanders.
Never mind Simonizer, A simple minded idiot. If it's not brand new, it's junk. You will be happy with both but the XL-12 will be easier to find parts for.
Vman said:
i was given 2 homeys today, an XL12 and a SUPER WIZ 55. i haven't looked at them real good yet...will do that this weekend. but at a quick glance the superwiz looks pretty good..better than the XL12.
for a first time project saw, which do u recomend i go with? where is good place to look for parts?(PM me on that one). and where can i find drawings, part drawings, schematics?
i have a bead blaster, milling machine, and lathe so i may be able to make some parts if needed.
i know alot of members dislike the homeys, but hey, i am doing this for fun, not to hear the homelite jokes.
any good info on either saw hence your reccomendation is greatly appreciated. both bars are oxidized, but not too bad, they should clean up nicely with the bead blaster.....the chains actually have some good life left in them, both saws do turn over(not fire, i haven't tried that yet) though the recoil spring on the XL12 is not working.

p38lightning said:
Never mind Simonizer, A simple minded idiot.

I think this remark and the general negative attitude toward Simon are uncalled for. Simon is sometimes brash, and he is playful in a sarcastic way, just like quite a few others on this site. He has however offered some good knowledge/experience based info here.

I think alot of you guys should grow up and get a "set", or perhaps Oprah has a touchy feely chainsaw forum more suited to your sensibilities?

Now that being said....I wouldn`t want to see Vman leave either. He normally hangs with anyone here from what I`ve seen, but I think he was having a bad moment and overreacted to Simon`s reply.

On second thought, p38s statement wasn`t all wrong. If you don`t like Simon ignore what he says, or better yet just put him on your ignore list and you won`t even be aware of his presence. Why not, are you afraid that you might miss something good?

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Xl-12 would be far easier as mentioned earlier, they are a handy saw to have around. Nice for them odd jobs, like cutting highline poles & rail ties. When you get one fixed up I have found them easier to start then most new saws, my father is 67 and he can start one without much fuss, give him a new one and he can make it look pretty miserable to start.
now, i appreciate all the info i got from PM's from the main topic of this post, the secondary topic was not my intention, though it did happen, it was not the intention of this thread.
i do have 2 "modern/new" stihls and a few other good saws, the old homeys are just for a fun project, not for doing my cutting work, like a restoration project....maybe i should have made that clear at the beginning of this thread and all this would not have happened.
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I'm not a touchy feely guy and I hate Oprah's show but your opinion I do respect a great deal. I just don't like someone brow beating another persons saws. Maybe he was being sarcastic but his history here, at least what I've seen, is of a condesending nature. We are all here to learn from each other and also encourage each other. We can all joke around but you don't tell people to junk there saws because of the name on them, that is why you have my respect whether we agree or not. Simon is not on my ignore list because he's a smart guy and alot can be learned from him, at the same time, his harsh tone with people at times earns him a bit of negativity. Do you hear that crap from Bill G? No. There is your difference. I would think Bill knows as much about this industry as any of us but we don't have to put up with the " throw it in the dumpster because I don't like it" crap. Sarcasam is hard to detect on a message board, in the future maybe Simon can make that a bit more clear and save us all the trouble of going thru post like this.
You certainly have my respect Russ and I am not directing anything towards you. Your post have helped me learn. None of us will never know it all.
God bless,

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